This contains almost 400 chems and we will use it with the following cardinals of the decourt:
- Time Horror
- Inversion
- Regression
- Devolution
- Rearrange
- Digestion
- Yonder
- Malevolent
- Spacemare
- Dog Deman
- Rise
- Revolution
- Split
- Consumption
- Leftover
- Corruption
These we will use once with each of the ideas chosen from those chems above, which vary already from light to darkness. This is to show a larger diversity of hell in existence and to have fun exploring it too.
Bravery -> Timehorror = Stare
When I was 16 I thought that I lived in hell and could only brave reality by starring at it, this was my only answer at the time, because I forgot you could fix stuff. So I stared at hell for a very long time and eventually I ended up liking it like I did before but had forgotten.
This act is one that slowly corrupts you and as the hell stories show, at first I'm sad then I'm in glee.
Magic -> Inversion = Curse
Curses are often done as a way of self defence or as a method of getting back at someone, now while I don't curse people, I do sometimes curse them in time because I like when they want to be cursed more then when they don't. So I mean, I curse a future version of them that wants to be cursed.
This is my alternative to not cursing people, because sometimes your just bored and feel like doing it.
Innocence -> Regression = Oblivion
I call this one silence sometimes, but its really the complete cessation of thoughts and even in this case the acknowledgement of any kind of sense to reality, such that while remaining still, one simply is but a peice of oblivion and sits there silently without awareness while perceiving that.
It can be relaxing to do so while also essentially emulating not yet knowing or yet existing.
Primitives -> Devolved <- Skyechs
Primitive skyechs are essentially just clouds which one thinks are great buildings in the sky that layer and shrink sometimes falling to the earth. This while seemingly useless is neat in that it leaves you isolated from a world that is more advanced then yours for being harmless and able to fly.
As such one can look at the sky in longing of the place one can never reach.
Dog Deman -> Digestion -> Dogbit
If you digested a dog deman you'd get a dogbit, a being that lives in acid and rearranges universes.
Wall -> Yonder = Outplaces
Their are places which Dog Demans cannot go, which are hard to reach in opening portals or even just phentals which hang there and are impervious to entry in other ways then art alone, at least at this time. These can sometimes be beautiful, but other times they are frightful.
The one below, turned my lamp into the thing after it:
These spaces are the farlands and the outplace which are far harder to reach, torments of all of caven for being hells not reachable.
Dog Deman Language -> Malevolent = Gibra Lavor of Language
The Gibra is a Lavor who speaks and who communicates but these things are nothing more then gibberish we think means things, which often make sense to each other, but are still as howls and cackles of animals to anything else. If you listen closely you can hear or senselessness.
This is fun for when you want to regress back to an animal and live as a cavebeing.
Future -> Spacemare = Helltime
Similar to the period called history, their is another history which hides beneath the first and is known as the helltime, it progresses the same but it is spotted as a problem for most, to the Dog Demans and other denizens of Caven it is but a sign of the rot and shifting of the Athagek, who brings more pains in the progress of time.
It is best used to view history as one of pain and spot its transformations as they come and go.
Vanishings -> Dog Deman = The gone ones
The Dog demans are unique for liking hell and exploring it often, they can after a time extensive be so far gone that they have become a gone one, who is no more like a man in any form and has rather shrivelled to completion into a monster, albeit one that is tame and able to act in life without harming another, all while there in the mind.
This is the one who has gone too far and is lost adrift a space of horrors beyond any's knowledge.
Entry -> Rise = Hellgates
One must be able to bring things up when building hells which come from other places and at this time their entry is quite limited for good reason and also hard to open completely, but the gates to hell can be made through the processes of normal portal opening, which is beyond even the Gateway of Prosporo.
It is here that things grow far more potent in their effects however, and only times ahead can save you.
Technos -> Revolve <- Branches
This is the work of Technos crossed yet again with a work of the dog demans, who measure the misfortunes of the future to forsee its many pains to come and with it bring them down through technos in simple or advanced form to better create the world in safer measures.
This is both heroic and good, for forewarning times ahead and dangerous for building it closer.
Hellprimitives | split = Primitive Hell
Better done in videogames, this is building a primitive landscape unlike that of earth to begin surviving on which has its own limitations which forbid it from being as easy as earth and thus one where things could easily go wrong. Even more interesting with virtual reality.
Best done when one can build up technologically within the Primitive Hell and grow.
Sound -> Consumption = Soundfood
Food is known to have an effect on the brain, for example eating tuna increases dopamine and thus the incentive chemical of the brain. Music listened to also has an effect on the brain because it makes us think and feel certain things. This forms neuron connections and thus due to repetition become common pathways which help produce chemicals in the brain and thus different reactions to the world.
This if well understood beyond myself could easily help cure depression or other for forming new pathways of thought.
Science -> Leftover = Discoverence
Sometimes inventions are made by accident and when we remove the natures of study from an object like we don't do with science, we are left with a medium of experimentation with objects to create things by making them fit randomly. This allows for potential sudden discovery of technology unseen.
One simply takes object and arranges them randomly while trying to find a use for the randomly arranged objects.
Time -> Corruption = Time oddity
What if while the primitives were working to figure out how to paint, their was a sudden change in time which sent them into modernity and they were fearful of the people there and attacked then without morals stole and devistated the area. This is a plot device which can have strange effect.
For more examples of corruption in general, look into the yonder text which contains many such things.
This concludes our gander into the many potential discoveries made using the Cardinals of the decourt, which can be arranged as above in many ways and further can help create new ideas both of heaven and hell. This is simply based on ones desires to make it bliss or pain and all of these can be left to new orders which discover yet more then what is here.
I leave you with an image of the Dogbit man, yet another species in my knowledges:
It sits in the cosmic vacuum and overlooks the dreamers while completely still. It does not care for much more then the digestion of these worlds into the Acidence and can only leave those worlds it understands not unharmed. As this is the key to that other race called simply the Umbra.
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