
Pharath and the tale of humanity

Pharath was informed by Hilisa that while the state of Caven was not a place of concern, it did have one small issue which was that it contained a story of the Dog Demans and one that provided many keys to the world of Hell, which while non harmful did create the question of whether Pharath could do a similar feat with the good and heaven. So he tried right here.

He wrote firstly that humanity was vital to all people, he stated that this action of being a man and not something other then a man is what provided humankind a path that was not one of hell, but rather one of bliss and beauty which he hoped to show through the use of a story, which would not take the same pattern as that of the dog deman and rather would begin today, in sanctuary.

He wrote down the actions which were considered those of people called Humans and he stated clearly that these must be followed to be called a man or women.

  • One does not harm another unless they are attacked
  • One does not steal from another even when desperate
  • One does not create lies in any form beyond protection
  • One does not treat others as though they are less then
These were he thought best added to the idea that one does not touch in harm a person or their belongings without permission, such that no person should harm another if they are ever to be human.

This he called the four rules beneath the truth of good acts, which were never those that harmed another and never those which did so in flesh, although Pharath would accept that a person is without right if unable to offend someone verabally. This he felt just for better communication.

He then built four great works which would be the works of mankind and those of Sanctuary who did not meet the ends of violence or harm, unless they so felt need to follow both rules of Caven and Sanctuary.

This he wrote and described in seperate parts:

The first work

One must most certainly live in accordance with helping the other, they do not ignore the other who is in need and for this they should hear and listen to the pleas of other people and attempt in the best of their ability to help another heard when called.

 This within limit only to danger of the other, where they threaten for aid. Even then, they should be helped and this is that first cure, which the work is based. One must provide here the works of which one can better help another.

We then live to live with others who may be of need and we seek to show in our best ability how one can then become able in their desires when no other option but another in aid is met and helped. We work to bring about the dreams of others and ourselves.

The second work

Those who are impoverished starving and unable to live comfortably should be the highest of priority to aid but not force change, these people require only the rescource by which they can escape and let to choose the right way to that improvement.

One helps and even donates to the poor, who are in need if one is able and it is clear they are in need. Alas these works require that the person be able to give some of themselves away to allow for another to have a little more of themselves.

We share and we exchange both our wealth and our knowledge such that those who are in need can better live and those who are in desperation be given hope in those actions which are yet met, often miscommunicated but still problem that is yet solved by our work.

The third work

We must speak the truth of the entirety, such that we are not ignorant of the parts we ignore while realizing they may not be meant for ourselves, we remain vigilant to not fall to the arts of old ways which set out to end the way of other.

We speak out against death, whose price is itself and who in avoidance are we given greater parts of the full reality which contains expressively the nature which we ordain in the full of others unlike ourselves. We respect the truth of another.

We seek in both debate and discussion a manner by which the person who is given and heard, is learned from even if they do not learn from us and provide in our best ability kindness in discussion which while divergent is always part of itself.

The fourth work
We are all equal and those who think otherwise are surely as equal to ourselves this rise is that attack against us, which when we forsee must be dealt in protection of the state of those things as they are and best seen as being of the nature of equal in difference.

We do not view hound above rabbit, rather we know rabbit has still existed and will continue even when wolf has consumed one, this we thrive to retain as any who call for their own superiority is given the same response as equal, not more or less then us.

We spend the days calling those who are like us in being unlike us and praise in solitude not ourselves but the world which in its many branches provides the method of being both better in our common difference, but also in the branches which think otherwise, where we respect with defense.

These are given each a unique symbol that we use to represent the works, which we propose as the response to the things we should not do, and we provide a method by which these are recognized in their depiction such that they are not forgotten.

These we know well and these we practice in work for the betterment of humanity and these we do while working on the Raoth and the Solute, of which the key is always working within the rules of one or many and these we do with good and not violence.

These we do with the other means of things which are best described as the works which are for pleasure and pass time, which we do for fun and which we do for knowledge. These come in two forms each as of known and one asundered concept of both.

These I list below, thinks Pharath who writes down the activities he can consider to be good and not as those of the Dogs. This we write so that they become the options of diversment with which the works of one and another are formed, when not performing the first four works.

These are their simplicity below:

  • Heroic narratives, those stories played or told which are of heros and defeat of evil who is.
  • Puzzle works, those puzzles of mind or physics which when worked on lead to fun and insight.
  • Magical works, those works of spirit which when properly done teach novel moral and action.
  • Scientific feild, those studies of the nature which is certainly one of beauty and awe, grown.
These are then practiced below, as form of each and these are made to show what fun is found in some but not all of Heaven, as first we shall show these other wonders, which show the world of good to be one of powers too:
  • Beauty, seen and felt this sight is amoung the most of the world and the part best kept in place.
  • Adventure, that walk in the park or that quest across seas, the adventure is one of vast value.
  • Philosophy, that work to know the unknowable within the rules of the way we think in time.
  • Art, that work of creating our own beauty, which in practice is relaxation and fundamental.
These are all to be shown in works, and these are all to be given their form by the power of meaning, which divides into plentity and which is given method of comfort and of things like those listed below. These are but examples, their are more meanings in works past and forth.
  • Aid
  • Protection
  • Comfort
  • Lesson
  • Illumination
  • Overcoming
  • Beauty
  • Restraint
These when in our works to be divised below, are using the meanings in the order listed here, these will be those works which are examples of heaven and the better side of life without pain, with heros and victory.

The story of the God who aids

In the beginning the world was one of not horrible things, but was also not one of perfection and was left to the questions of either and left to the residence of the people who live to decide if they were of one or the other.

This was the first sign of the greatest hero, who is the one above and the one who only aids the people and who helps them in their works each day, who is named not beyond that this one being is always present and always in search of the best method to help.

This being awaits only being noted and like that first beginning where one can choose good or evil, this is that path where the one above has laid out, the one who helps himself and who helps others is helped too by the one above who in all places is one of aid.

No person is left without the choice of helping, being helped or offered not help in some form and it is truly the choice of taking the help, or leaving for the vile, that one is given the way to better. In that this God so great, offers firstly aid and not, as an aid to begin and one to end.

As those who journey to the evil, are left without aid and are often left with the places of solitude and further purposelessness. This is the one who has rejected the help from others which could have spared them and for it they receive the consequence of their actions in the goods attempt to help those the evil has effected.

This is best seen as that place, where the God of aid helps all and it is only oneself, who chooses not to take it, this aid is the offering from a God who did not create but came across a world wich needed its help and it is this God who helps each passing day.

This is the God of this work.

The Puzzle of an image

This is the work which must be tried, to see if one can solve its puzzle for solely fun. It's question is what do you see in this image that shows farther in your truth the part you still lacked, not what I say, but what you saw.

I have protected my interpretation such that one must interpret this image as though it unveils some hidden meaning seen only in your context, which is found nowhere else but in you the reader. This was formed from the automatic and ones interpretation of value is its key.

The Magical Comfort

This is that magic less known, which is built not from chance alone but built from the acts one does which when best shown in those who care brings comfort and blessing to both them and yourself. This comfort which is casted by the act of being friendly and welcoming provides the persons in the context a more relaxed place and better days to follow.

This in turn reaps a place of better lives in general and one where one is less bothered by pains, for having companionship and ability to keep contact. While their is only one weakness to this magic, this magic does not prevent those who aid not, to be helped and this still can be casted only on the self. In seeking comfort at times of life.

That Science of Lessons

The science is often taught and these lessons are often learned, but the science of lessons is not well understood by most who come to teach nor those who learn. This is because lessons are not about beleif but about knowledge and one while not necessarily meant for its world, is taught so one knows the world and where it goes.

This shows us the depth of lesson, where the science of learning is not to beleive at all, but simply know the acts of the teacher so they can be used by those willing and understood only by those who do not care for it. As in beleif is force of truth and in disbeleif is force of ignorance.

Knowing then trumps, in that we learn what is taught and choose to live with it or not.

That Beauty of Illumination

Being illuminated with an idea, which was once in shadow is amoung the most stricking of experiences for showing a form of beauty rarely seen at all. This beauty is infact not seen, nor heard or thought, nor felt or said. This beauty springs from the moment before and after when ones illumination led firstly to the path of next and lastly left behind the path of ignorance.

The Adventure of Overcoming

We rarely forsee our disasters until they stand before us, but we often miss the adventure of that thing then overcome if we give up imidiatly and leave for a place without the disaster. It is valid that we may not succeed but the adventure of trying is still the best one can have.

We overcome first in effort and trying, then in time we become strong enough to succeed.

The Hairsplittings of Beauty

In the entirety their is not one kind of beauty and many are said to see a different one, but one can see all beauty and this is vital to knowing and respecting another, because beauty shows the art and the work of that person. This beauty is themselves reflected onto the world and that beauty becomes what they are attached to, calling it ugly only hurts the person.

The picture of Restraint:

This is the restraint of my art, it failed and this shows the oddity of our limits and their uncanny difference. That difference in turn shows the way to those better practices, if one is able.

These were the works of entertainment Pharath could think of then and he felt that he was happy in that he had learned a knowledge of good from the full of these practices, which he boldly writes below:

The God of Aid, leave us to interpret the world and decide. His offering when take leads to comfort and through this we learn to know rather then beleive. In this we gain the beauty of Illumination and when faced later with trouble are able to overcome as no man sees beauty the same way. Our own restraints is what makes us fail, but knowledge of this is what frees us.

These with the four works, leads to the knowledge given out:

We reach out, we fix works for others, we hear what they say and treat them as equal.

This we work through in Solute and Raoth and these we do through the God of Aid who came across us and who shows us our power and our ability to free ourselves. These things are the epitome of Humanity. For a man or women who helps others and themselves is able to be the most noble of creatures, for being able to flee its own pains.

And so Pharath had finished writing that of another world, with its own place of being that was of man and not dog deman, who while equal had chosen the path of pain and evil, rather then that of bliss and help. Which Pharath felt could still be helped in its own aids, wich while noble in intent were still vile by the powers of good, who saw pain as what was meant for end.

This was what Pharath thought, as he set out to end the ways of the Dog Demans, by the powers of his God.

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