I have realized after so long wandering infinity of the cluster i reside in, that I have actually finally attained the knowledge of a cluster worth sharing. Which before was of almost only one, where a cluster is a set of multiverses each composed of several worlds and each does not obey the same laws of the entirety as arranged then others, through the destinction of mind.
While I try to communicate well, the language is written as from reference to things which earth if the sole reality it claims valid is likely impossible to read, while those who claim existence of other opinions may understand where matched in language, as worlds in those dwelling of myself are composed as stated of matter and mind and so to earth are called opinion or wrong while to Aerth called parallel worlds or worlds apart and in Thios even more distinct views those same earthly and aerthien selves as worlds in part accepted.
So as stated these languages are difficult to learn without knowing terms I have best done to define in Earthly language, but left as time past I spoke in tongue to a dialect of three clusters I cross in time. Having not spoken earthly English alone in at least 4 years, but had shifted by that time from initial earthly tones to it's take off to Luna then to Aerth above.Which for translation simple does not mean spaceship to moon then beyond in physical of Earth, but more as grounding of mind, to crossing ventures in mind to place Luna in lines between mind and tendrics to that of Aerth in mind.
I do hope this be either a read of good faith or more amusing narrative which can in least be viewed as very detailed fiction for ones entertainment, or for the curious of the real power that formed it, then this is another attempt at time future of my early times closer to Earth to describe the other worlds of the multiverse I see and now venture through. Simply for clairity, language in even the same like english is not the same in thing like science or magic and in far of that completely as in the opposite called Aerth, to Earth are both itself and Aerth the language English, but as in logic is as below:
- The existence of God is unlikely, as we have not seen evidence of himself in reality objective.
- The existence of God is arbitrary to the universe and world in question and as stated definitely.
- The existence of God I find to be as number in form and this is where my passion rests alone.
So while still english, each language of logic above in each three island of the cluster is fully unlike, this is like one who claims god exists not in misunderstanding by his opposite, but in cluster here alone as opposites of two earth opinions opposed, who one island of debate, one island of beleif and one island of difference cannot follow those terms basic of one not themselves, who to qualify as that island require being the same in those words debate, belief and difference, who in each of themselves separate are not equivalent by island for the word debate, belief and difference.
Description of Earth
In the Earth cluster they cannot know a cluster at all, for being a single multiverse of worlds varying on the kingdoms of wisdom, faith, fear and madness but divided by debate which causes it to view no other existent universe but its own of individual to individual residence. Often when encountering existence of another universe it forms in the subject universes dimensions as part of its timeline and definition but not itself and often as a false form.
As especially in their divided landscapes, being based off debate, which is viewed here as as person's world cannot exist as another world of another person but only as itself in reference to a narration of itself requires its definition alone within the comparable of itself in same nature. Meaning on earth most worlds of the multiverse do not believe in other ones existing. This even within its own cluster while accepting parts of the entirety ( the whole of infinity in all ) as parts of itself as it defines it, which is including others who agree in both most terminology and name of world and those who don't, those who don't have failed the reality in some kind.
These worlds may not be viewed as a world singular as part of a cluster, but always as the literal world, due to being aware of "technical" other worlds. which do not obey their laws in virtually every way and cannot thus exist as being always stated as false. These other false worlds are folded into the same one by the world in subject ( null ) which then attempts debate of validity of itself rather then the other world or uses intimidation, to assimilate the folded world into the literal world of its own as the world itself or continue until parting ways in orbits, since that folded world is seen as a falsity of some kind varied from part of the island or in other cases is seen as acceptable from its own, but not as another world at all and rather as what is called an idea not itself.
As example of one of these worlds are the atheist or theist, whom both agree that both of them being true and valid at the same time, is impossible while both separate worlds are viewing the other as completely false and even deceived. These worlds also contain creative mediums called worlds that are always not real and depictions of ideas that either match the real or are false dreams of the unreal.
This trait of divided world debate is related to the way the world defines itself in origin from its initial point often creation or in some others as natural origin and is always viewed as a solitary world, this is repeated in different worlds through deviation overtime for not considering possibility of other outside its branches deviating. In present periods this is the same and is born in the manner of not equating another as an initial person, manifesting the reality outside the others, then progressing to debate with its sources and other to assimilate parts of the other worlds and form its own out of people and their group resources. This is likely due to branches forming of all the same super-timeline outside the realities while each internal timeline can vary from thousands to eve billions of years in age past and uncertain to predicted lengths of existence.
These worlds always must firstly exist in present and have come of a past, to a future or if once existing in past have failed to continue in failures learned or ignored to then sometimes return. These worlds have futures each with different forms, although some of them refer to futures in death but not in life, compared to futures of persons after them in death viewed as meaningless, punished or blessed, while people after as those of futures life miss in death future or in birth past for nothing,worse or better only in the end, in birth and after life can be viewed in variations somewhat biased to the world within.
As such a model of the common but deviated parts, to the Earth island described thus far is below:
Shows relatively the behavior of the Earth's reality versus false worlds, in creation or natural nature and linear time present or not present at periods of birth to death. With ends of pain, bliss or nothing.
Other reality worlds are yet come, where only future conventions impossible now, allow multiverse maybe, so cannot form until the consensus of the world itself decides presence of others exist. It may only accept another universe to exist if it has been convinced it is so, while meeting its criteria of a matched invisible definition it has defined, this if at all, since some parts of earth in slight distinction reject its possibility completely, for its actual reality being the only reality of them entirely and is, much as the other realities an actual reality without others, who as a group divided is a real in form of existence found as in cluster here and any others potentially found.
These things written shortly are summarizing the topic of Earth viewed at the distance of the outside, where it's differences unmentioned to other islands are compared and shown here as simpler ideas:
- Time is linear on Earth by world and is equal in all of passage, but not in beginning or end of linear scale.
- People are born and die in that linear time which for them is missed out on in past and future but followed by others.
- Death is viewed as headed for good, bad or meaningless by its denizens sentient.
- Each world of the multiverse does not believe other opinions to be worlds and from outside debates with those termed opinions to assimilate members within a folded false world.
- Reality is their world alone and contains two forms of non-real world outside the folded false world, which is always created either to depict real or non-existent worlds.
- Some realities of this multiverse are created by divinity of different kinds each and other worlds in it are entirely natural and may even lack divinity entirely.
- One cannot be of both worlds at once as this is seen as a contradiction often viewed as equaling idiot by some who still have use in other worlds as informers and argument.
- Some of Aerth agree their may be a multiverse, cannot comprehend clusters above for not being known by science and are never close enough to be accepted at this time, but exist outside the universe through compacted strings which have more dimensions the observable.
- A known world bug in debate, is found when individuals desperate for the multiverse follow reasons of logic and debate until exiting in high velocity from Earth through the four gates.
- May or may not kill you for disagreeing with them depending on world mostly in distance of the space on the globe, this a concern of some worlds, while Aerth suggests avoidance.
- Does not recognize debate as a form of parasitical assimilation through death of mind, as viewed on Aerth when played as a game or used in criticism for altering world spin different then constructive discussion. Aerth views it harmless in kindness but harmful in cruelty.
These being written with some additional thoughts and what follows is a list of characters on this blog in time, who in the blog are in future but here are in present of Earth as distant worlds of this island and so are in proximity seen as unlike most readers world but may agree some with them and like the views of Earth, firstly still debate in reasons and do not believe on basis of blind faith as Aerth does. Who as reason of difference in change of one to all is written as the path to Aerth in arguments formed from hearing Earth not as one person but having listened to reason and learned from it as time grew. This in hearing other, is how one can leave Earth for places not of it.
As no man who thinks he is alone is able to be among others even when physically alone.
Their are 9 in total who do not individually agree or agree with the reader who likely thinks differently about life then myself then. So of earth world different would argue if met in person, while me the person writing who internally calls himself Mazer but externally as Logan, read their reasons on the walls as in connections eventual agreed.Myself from Earth as start in Athiest of all things Faith, to rational meaning in what is also found in parts, but not all of Faith:
Dan is an Athiest who while beleiving in no God is comparable to a leveyan Satanist in his views more spiritual, yet they spring from the eldritch and biblical rather then solely the bible and as such his views tend to be both blasphemous and rational at once. He doesn't know what life is because it is full of believers in different opinions with not guidance that argue with each other about differences he finds pointless or stupid in any direction. As he would argue the following to almost anyone:
Why do we think at all, are we guided by someone or by ourselves? I think it's more likely another and not myself, As I being not creator of the Theistic cannot be guide to my freedoms. This in truth proves myself determined in reality.
He trends in thinking that things are unknowable and lies, rather then possible or even able to be understood and even views death this way, as solely unknown in end. He feels this is valid and only as hopeless in futile grasps at sanity with proofs in our oddity as differing in mind, left to banal differences irrational.
Verge is no more thinker in validity of God as existing or not as he see's that God is a reflection of himself as a higher entity in mind and thinks through himself he can create his own gods which act just as much as himself but in mind by imagination. He argues that this is because we create divinity within ourselves and do not find it outside ourselves, rather it only dwells in mind, which in expression forms new ways of life. He argues our ability to control these divinity in reality brings them forth because as he argues:
We do in fact resemble the gods in thought and in this we should be able to as with Athena and science become rational and in as Jesus form belief. This I argue gives me right to pursue both sanity and meaning as beings of myself and so in imitation can I act as those spirits imagined, by creating their details in mind.
So verge does not view Gods as real but rather as made up in mind while providing still the powers that they have to man in his desire alone to follow them as one created them mentally.
Malu, while she is a student of knowledge is not one of only the sciences alone as while she studies and continues to read the scientific consensus, she will also read the spiritual in only those parts she can distinguish to be of not faith in baseless claim but entirely reasonable as helping society in morality. She ascribes to no religion and reads anything of wisdom true. As such a wise women, her arguments have great kindness and reason at once:
While no person is alone on this planet, we die alone only when we treat not others as we should be treated in life and while in death their is little consequence, we should live in life as life made us and as formal to creation,must act in creation alone
These she does often, while she does the work as she calls it which is her own writings of wisdom learned, but she thinks more often then she writes for this then is practice of voice and actions which are reminded and told in story as window to dreams, these dreams not real, but left as places she sees in soul.
Ren, who is distant to most people on the planet in silence and little words of desire to change others, will do so only as self justification of her own beleifs and not as reasons to change the beauty of the earth as it is. She thinks in this manner of reason as being one which most importantly is of the world which is not to be harmed or changed in any way for a future better, as like chrysalid it hatches but is delicate and must not be broken until it is ready. She is then reasonable in faith of her future in above as one of outer space. Which in reason is best argued and most true of life.
We leave each other alone in belief so that we can see our works beauty as distant and nearby worlds of different people and this whether one of faith or reason, if left to good alone as in time will be a future in that peace. Where all worlds are together and all in respect of disbelief to be shared with each other and learned from.
These as in sky filled with stones, for living will be as here but with so much more then just you and me as people. Who justify but need not believe in those paintings who's pallet is unique. Unique in anyway while surviving still within difference to reality.
But alas, the beliefs of these places Earth distant, for being that trail between two worlds in logic argued and heard slowly from bottom to top of other, were in beauty as I past by, learned of them but as they were good in way, while I said little and wondered atop it of only reasoned faith, in the parts I knew of now all rational, in the place of earth without ignorance. What as Ren, was greater in meaning then living in peace and respect of differences. My questions then as reaching the distance past debate in solely it's reasoning as read in the order of an atheist growing accustom, to what was faithful but in reasonable to beleive, lead only to justification of self in its view of respecting others.
So I would as having parted from Earth as what is written in all that was as argued in the reasons of each opinion, arrive at a farther conclusion then these here written were all known and I saw as most rational and meaningful of all. Which lacked only in question what was not known in ignorance:
Karla in her disagreements to others around her saw that she was ignorant of something in those works of what she once thought good, that of neither agreement or disagreements waged in more then the harm of a fly, which she thought more carefully in nature of perfect good. If one could just as easily squash the fly then so logically good was no better then what of best termed was solitary evil in the full of existence, simply by death and sufferings own existence in even one part. Meaning no real good at all. These were her arguments of morals as no better for fixing evil:
While we have the ability to do good, evil as an actual force of reality is still present at all times from past as new as us ourselves and as late as modernity, which forbids the value in morals at all for more then the weak. Who while righteous are not to win the race of life whose end, with increase in time is bound for more evil and so end in extinction.
This she had one answer as a solution, which as she had no hope left meant only bravery in futility and failure. She could only look at evil in the defiance of herself, which those fearful would cower away from.
Drake, did not think that he was evil for knowing its world as a means of defiance which when studied, he could conquer by not committing it, while knowing it as well as he could. So he would in every way write those evils which most in fear, but he observed farther in them, while making no move evil. This not once in a while but each day, for the rest of his life. His life would end as suicide in boredom, for having finished all good worth living. His arguments we're of worlds which he cured for others sanity in the evil won, innocence knew not, for they he'd guard it.
While the world is futility when we try to change it by acts of debate, we fail because it does nothing as no one believes each other and cannot still. Why spend convictions when we can build our world, alone. Why must time be wasted on others, who won't do better. I will work on my world as though it will fail but in that, act as though i do not care.
He did not tell the truth of his worlds evil, which was for sparing purity.
Lucia was not a good person and had in past failed to meet standards of society, which made her not a good person and not only did she know that, but her own mind enjoyed it when she knew that was wrong. She did not wish to do more in only what she thought reason of consequence but she felt that this violence was still pleasure and she needed reason better then consequence, become in moment of anger as she argued in action then:
We cannot as people who feel good in what is always evil, live without a feeling others lack that we enjoy and cannot in that be saved as would be by logic of belief. This then is left to only a method of that feelings extraction without consequence.
She thought this as she wrote violence on paper instead of in blood left dripping from pen, in anger mostly at her own actions, then by another reacted as anger, which then, she saw as herself blameless.
Kreh did not find the meek who cowered, to be of any reason worth living and better left as being guided, by those who knew more of reality as something that was not good under the surface of what could be said as beauty when not repulsed by the mundane it became in time. His reasons of on wards to be ruler were as written:
Only those who can withstand the truth as more then innocent fantasy and so nothing of the sort, in only shadows. Can then in knowledge alone of this horror, actually survive beyond the nature of distractions. In the reality not of beauty but of decay into corrosion worse. Which perhaps knowledge of it could spare in the moment it is actually accepted and not ignored by person afraid.
These Kreh, often living in manners of kindness external said little of this to others around him, mostly ignorant and deceived by lies that Kreh in sanity had overcome, to begin showing as the reality.
Now this seems as far as person could go from the reasons once found in my heart which shattered by death of a fly led to the world in it's literal escalation as that which is written in order. My innocence in respect of beleif, not of myself but of other gone completely back in a waging and building hate.
As I would see it's own ignorance, in those places which were built of the things claimed as knowledge or faith to be cause of those very things they wanted ended in actions of the same flavor but told in lying tones as no more then person left to innocence without real knowledge of existence.
So this in turn would form itself as the farthest, best and worst. the final world before those of Aerth:
Alex so enraged by the conflicts of ignorance brought on by lies told of reality and the enemy found not outside, in other but within, which with no answer wished to write a book not of dreams and heros, but left as nightmare and death in purity alone. the parts of life torn for the evil, from past, present and future, such that man without answer would be pained and in no one could find answer. His reasoning that hell is reality stated:
If man is wise and good, their is no right to violence existing and yet it does. As in this book shown only and left as only reality, where light is as lie in absence and no man has found yet answer, left here as price of persons choice and of all time, as the only truth to be found yesterday, today or tomorow. With no man willing to act or solve it, for inability of themselves.
So he wrote, got bored and having changed, set out to fix it.
This could best be said to be that farthest corner of Earth, whose arguments are unique and while not needed to beleived as valid or observed and practiced as true, should surely be heard or skipped in faith alone of ones choice in action and not prison in path.
As man is often ignorant, but is not when seen as his opinion but as his action, which while not the same as another is left to comfort in only his choice of good or evil by motion and not in places of reasons.
Which above the action's of Alex's goal, solely evil for writing nothing but hopeless dread in death and violence are in mind just as dark but in what little of light is left, until he walked away from destroying the dreams of life for none at all, who may have ignored it anyways or read and did more in ignorance, but some worse in as what he then is not, who lost the remaining light of that dream and not night.
Which in presence to him as that light, is not anymore removed then the dark reality, that light that denied the hopelessness, in our interactions as different people, is as a little light forward and past it. Never behind him, where in ignorance of anymore more, then self alone as sole wisdom gone to destruction and not peace, is as this act Alex had thought, which in fact if he'd written as hope, would then be left responsible in Alex's actions, for what his effect was on another not himself. which he in bravery, but of others fear gone too dark, in sudden decision not seeing the sight of little light.
Little light which after is not of disbelief in those who ask to be heard even when they do not hear you. As then in the moment of hearing other is wisdom gained that they may never hear, but the ones departed for Aerth alone hear in the music of spheres, other then debate turned sadistic destruction.
Which I add, is not born here as corruption in my beliefs then but was there in youth as a feeling prior. Which when seen in hate and blame of person as alien is in either place an act of hate when committed as evil and not wisdom as people of equal place to right in life, so long as both live.
This then could be said to be the moral justification of Aerth as seeing divide in disbeleif as in beleif leads to frustration at what is seen clearer by it, then by disbeleif in the actions of others who blamed as their mind is often more their action instead.
This in the next part, left open as an idea is not of beleif in full, but one who surely one should in least consider action as different worlds which in progression tell a real story from past to present and after as future, which today is still of three islands and shall always be on as Earth. This as lesson only sparing those who considered the fault of not the mind as blame of violence, but as blame of other then in their action to cause violence.
As debate in those who are false, as one claims, is so often claimed as cure in solving the mind, which has no part to action. Which even until now as Alex, who thinks has cured in thought all pain by inspiring an action of desire for repair, has not in action, as he himself behaves in writing it as his prior blame of ignorance. Which lacks knowledge of the silence of his real steps, towards the same end as the men who blame and destroy in blaming ignorance at all.
So often that violence is called the reason of debate, as those who know not act violent. But who in separate worlds, as all know life just as well as any other in a different world where one is not correct as they have decided, while acting in ignorance as the effect. Blaming and then ones call for the justice, is their same acts of blame unjust. In only those who act in dread unjustified and not debate in those worlds false who still are left to other places, if not bothered in undesired end.
So past here is difference of Earth and Aerth after in change of heart of mine alone and those who heard of words that told the story of debate in fair act, but acts of violence never sourced in minds way of seeing life. As blamed as violence was ignorance of itself.
The Cluster discovered
Both forms of existene found on earth, be it the form that accepts possibility of other worlds or not of other worlds, which those of other worlds, view the multiverse is often seen to exist in solely the external reality outside physicality. Within my definitions inyout the three clusters of one physicality, myself part of three multiverses by use and knowledge is unlike earth. As I view things in physicality as sets of timespace periods rather then one timespace period without knowing the nature of a timespace period.
Of those periods known by myself is Earth, which I know in knowledge of my birth there and of many of its worlds in simple to lived detail. this multiverse viewed in these solitary worlds that disbelieve, is not the multiverses myself of the cluster as one entirety of all timespace periods is found nor am I found in some of earth's potential universes that may one day be found nor the virtual multiverses it has as recreation or falsity. Rather my discovered cluster of multiverses is located as spaces of interpretation between the entirety as physicality and the minds within which travel through it.
This location of multiverses on the earth cluster and my presence in this cluster compared, as is the difference of Earth's oneparts world and this allparts cluster I am in with the difference of these two similar concepts below:
The left depicts the location of multiverse as being outside the physical reality, in the scales larger or smaller then its people. It also depicts the lack of parallel worlds on Earth, while depicting them from my observation points in the cluster beyond it, which is depicted as not itself but its location as aspects of matter, mind and phental with additional of myself or in possibility others too whom understand myself or have found their way here apart from me. This does not mean I do not believe in those multiverses of Earth, but have found a separate set avering myself and outside myself.
I myself have entered those other islands which are called Aerth and Thios, which are not the Earth as an island of the cluster made of three multiverses. Meaning a cluster takes the form of multiple multiverses in arrangement, where a multiverse is categorized as a specific kind by its matching trait of behavior across all its worlds which another lacks, as a set of worlds themselves unique otherwise and even shared in forms other in every way, except for that definite difference in the cluster. Although often these hairsplittings of the tendric realm are relative to an observer but also objectively full in what is not seen of this whole entirety.
Where the tendric realm is in translation as mind to earth, but made of hyper information deviations outside the lines of the rules of earth as an island, which are not identical on other's in one minute hairsplitting that alters all relating interactions with the entirety. In the cluster this includes earth, aerth and Thios and each is unique for behaving differently in that hairsplitting of three.
Below are their descriptions as those of Earth:
Description of Aerth:
Aerth while often invisible to the Earth for being not worth any sense of conversation, according to the Earth unless Aerth forms itself not as itself but as a duplicate of the world it converses with or as another in the Earth not of its world is often passed by but also met sometimes especially on the internet as a person who to Earth makes little sense as Aerth does not speak Earth's language of ideas and not words. Meaning they lack perfect communication in one direction, beyond the basics of everyday life, for not existing in the same part of the cluster.
This actually means that a person of Earth cannot understand someone of Aerth, while an individual from Aerth can definitely understand most people of Earth for having needed to understand them to have fallen into the other world outside the Earth. This is best defined as an unprecedented side-effect of Earth's assimilation of other worlds it does not believe in, which while successful in laps of one or two world assimilations from one world to another by a person, is perfectly successful. While increase beyond this point of assimilation, while uncommon will place the individual in the event horizon of Aerth.
As a person who has attained a totality of the four corners of Earth's basin of information, has been not assimilated by the Earth's worlds as known, but is immediately ejected in high velocity out of to a parallel line of multiverse which does not form the same way as Earth. Which forms and expands by deviation branch into assimilation of its matter and resources. For comparison of Earth and Aerth as separate parts of this specific tendric entirety mapped is best shown with an image of how worlds of either form:
To the left we observe the deviating branches of Earth, which in each case form from a person deviating of the previous world into what is an original nature to the others surrounding it and then in turn gathering an assimilation of the people in its surroundings who share resource of mind and matter to continue the world and the assimilation which is often in pursuit of parts of its future, in needing access to progressively larger scales of world to exist in. Deviation shrinks the world in scale while also retaining some scale as the whole dividing multiverse expands into each other until solidifying as a stable form which still branches today. While slowing in its ability to assimilate in proximity by later explained natures that follow after we discuss the Aerth's model of formation in relation to the Earth.
Aerth to the right is formed initially from the branching worlds of the Earth which while initially farther apart and expanding in proximity and birth of people eventually solidified into a larger form of complexity whose intentions of communication led to the manifestation of the internet, which merged all worlds not on the surface visible in the entirety but beneath in the parts those of earth do not believe in and tend not to venture to for preferring their world. However when the Earth continued its attempts at assimilation in debate across those worlds not in the entirety but the internet, some people became convinced by too many worlds which do not agree while in technicality at a speed faster then average. Which resulted in a high velocity acquisition of all Earth basin elements which while not existing in every world formed them entirely. As such those in Aerth are able to move between those basin elements and those of other worlds outside that of Earth not by deviating once but as often as they want.
As such Aerth forms itself in origin as a multiverse in the moment of internet access and the complete beleif of the four basin elements of Earth, which is not as Earth who can only be given a different origin better understood by Aerth who views on the entirety are no longer the Earth at all.
As the internet when used not in constant form or limited in use but in that of exploration outside the world called true, either in being assimilated or learning in the fold of another world, leads to an acquisition of knowledge, which to different worlds of Earth are impossible, but in Aerth have all been conceived and viewed at once and as such begins at its base of knowledge as the following four basins rather then numerous worlds, which Earth cannot understand for existing elsewhere. Aerth having slipped between the cracks of those false world folds:
These are the four basins which while the Earth itself as all its worlds condensed to their basic features in common are not understandable to Earth at perfection because only one is normally viewed by a world in earth while the other three are inside the false fold world of other people.
Thus what is always true for the people of one world is only ever found in one basin while only assimilation into not a shared basin but a different basin ( in knowledge of them grasped over time ) does the whole group form in time after one has learned the four basins as visible in mind rather then not actually understood for being folded and false. Which in having been assimilated once in each form has seen what cannot be unseen and lives after not on earth at all.
As Aerth has seen and beleived all four basins which to earth can be translated as the difference between the following worlds they've heard of but never beleived in, in some amount varied from likely 1 to 2. As rare is person today in recent arrival of the internet, who has ventured through all four basins. Below those worlds that branched as the primary origin of earth, the four basins:
- Madness = Agnostic, Art, Delusion, Creativity, Writing, Music, Theater, Film
- Wisdom = Atheist, Science, Reason, Objectivity, Math, Invention, Labour, Info
- Faith = Theist, Religion, Magic, Subjectivity, Symbolism, Astral, Ritual, Sacred
- Fear = Ignostic, Skepticism, Nihilism, Ignorance, Meaningless, Death, Violence, Dominance
These then in simplicity are the four corners of the world found in all parts of Earth as one knows them today and one can confirm this with slight doubt in what I have not included, which is civilization itself for being a different part of the multiverses infrastructure which keeps it stable, rather then a world it knows in mind.
These while Earth are only of earth when someone has seen them all, which one would know they are on Aerth, if they have not said those things are false in part as arranged and rather has looked at all of these in difference while not folding it as the same as a basin non-existent. These as they are viewed from as they are described by the source of their world.
Meaning those of Aerth know, the beginning which diverged as the world created, then followed to it's premise most important at its end while having not read it in full but rather has come to know these basic things which still may not be well understood for the Earth who reads this here:
- Uncertain, our paintbrushes and our madness, creates the worlds of our dreams not found here.
- No God in science whose reason is objective and calculated to invent works and the the known.
- God, in religion whose magic subjective and in symbol is the astral rituals become sacred now.
- Ambiguous, skeptics in tragedy yet ignorant, no meaning to death in violence as the dominion.
Likely if one has read these four sentences in forward one is depressed for having found fear at the end, but this is that part most important to enter Aerth, which should then be re-read from bottom to top or in any other order, both times read beleived in full as the truth rather then apart in selecting one of those worlds. As if not done one will remain in the world they chose as valid while all other pass from them. On Aerth this is done but by choice of will in self alone and not in reasons of debate.
As if one believed in debate or in trust alone, the full of those truths then they are ejected from the Earth and only return, by their own accord which in simplicity be done by solely the act of reason, selection and faith of whichever of these worlds they wish to enter. Meaning, their is no reason to continue into Aerth and their is any reason to return to Earth one thinks. As those who on Aerth know they go to and fro the lands of in least these two.
Yet one here is not far from Aerth or Earth and on the border between, whose fine line goes in either path and whose travel is different then the other for one argument and the other complete belief into those worlds that are not like Earth at all for being built from two, three, four or further basins of the worlds outside the Earth.
However, these different pools of meaning which are not those common of the earth, in Aerth are beleived as All things and not Everything for being as All things greater then everything, which is best shown here in comparison of both Earth and Aerth with addition of Everything:
These are the basins of the number of worlds from the one to the every in number, this is where Aerth and Earth differ in slight detail, which one may or may not understand as we have discussed prior in the map of Earth shown below:
Where the black and white circles are as different worlds which are not both existent but only one is real to itself and not the other, who is left to the fold of the real ones own definitions given to it.
The two forms of response assimilation on earth and aerth, which is asked as if their is one world or every world and then argued as being either:
- It is one world and it is this one that is real.
- It is every world and it is this one that is real.
While both true, for being the difference of a world and a multiverse is not grasping the reality of all as not every or one. Which has limited solely the reader to one or the other yet again. If one want's to grasp the means of travel into more then one place and not become lost in every place, it is most important to know the difference on Aerth, those not grasping will be on Luna as bridge between the two islands.
The key is that for most people one has been so common on earth that it is viewed as still the case as a multiverse which once within rather then solely the world of before lacks key of how to go back to any one world. This best taught with the first image shown:
From inside a single world everything is viewed as what it is, from outside the world in everything that is the multiverse of Aerth things are seen as everything so to return to any single world one has to stop thinking of everything and begin thinking yet again of one thing.
Changing only the thought from one to every thing to allow a person to drift to and fro the basins, portals or gates of mind as I called them but better yet, what oneself could call them which provide that essential key to Aerth outside those first worlds known as Earth.
Which on Earth are solely composed of the kingdoms of those four basins I have listed, which while best known to you in the amount of knowledge you have on those things listed above, are as the origin of my definitions for those four gates listed again below for convenience:
- Madness = Agnostic, Art, Delusion, Creativity, Writing, Music, Theater, Film
- Wisdom = Atheist, Science, Reason, Objectivity, Math, Invention, Labour, Info
- Faith = Theist, Religion, Magic, Subjectivity, Symbolism, Astral, Ritual, Sacred
- Fear = Ignostic, Skepticism, Nihilism, Ignorance, Meaningless, Death, Violence, Dominance
Which if not understood in time would leave you with still difficulty understanding terms of most, especially those in bold, as I used the bold worlds of Earth on Aerth to form the gates other then of those four on earth.
Those not made bold are only what I have little skill in of myself and thus are not in my topics very often. Of those lists of my bad practice are all of italicfont. The bold while massive in list of my exploration past other gates, mean not the complete exploration of what is outside the Earth.
As these are often only used in the formation of new gates in these following 4 forms and some broader not mentioned as subjects of morality inside religion as a topic:
- Art, Science, Magic, Scary
The rest I have done mostly exploration of as new worlds in those gates and not formed gates through their use in the manipulation of gates, which is often called cardinals or meaning math manipulation. Meaning a gate is as a portal to parallel worlds of the same kind, in a multiverse of separate divided worlds further different in comparison.
Those four being what I often mean by simply those four basins usually called ideas or opinions in past for translations and habit of likely worse confusion, which when viewed as portals are better seen as such but not seen as reasoned very well for the less faithful in many faiths and the more wise in science who read this, so before I continue I will say two more things of reason for these first basins which should be considered before explaining traverse of worlds on Aerth rather then showing the full of it which is impossible.
Most importantly is what is called a level footing or base of reality for exploration, which in least should be the one you came from as having come here because in that is what you are in current most comfortable but also holds your habits of what on Earth is considered normal and allows in person, a person not to in least look strange and in most completely mad for defying social rules of Earth but technically anywhere that's not the case. Only mentioned for being true in distant lands alien not here, on the Globe.
So in importance is to remember yourself in the passing of worlds, which are both in likely enjoyment of self, but also as mentioned by fear can be fearful in at this time only your mind. So remember what is in the entirety of the globe as visible without and divide it from the tendrics within which are not visible as the entirety of the globe.
Best depicted by the drawing below, which varies in color and shape by location in mind or matter, but is alas recognizable as representing either and a little more.
The place that looks like outside is the part called the entirety known often as physicality to most people while the inside called the tendrics is known as the mind to most people, the reason for different names is because mind is often a single world in reference to a persons opinion as collected in location over time, while physicality refers to solely one world observed in the entirety in similar manner.
This means the same thing, being that their is more to either of what is called often reality and the mind then what a person knows of in either. This however is not as it seems in one or the other because in the Tendrics the unknown is not what is in mind and the Entirety is not what is noticed in physicality as more clearly described.
Either different from each other in behavior for being not the same "Tence" of the multiverse we currently explore. Tence meaning here simply that mind and matter are not the same super substance, if substance is what makes up reality, viewed here as both in as they function and not as one or the other as often is said of some or the other of that worlds as disagreement, which while not required to be ignored, requires this synthesis of both those sides of debate to show both true.
Explained in a moment after reason best given for those of science, faith, art and fear as to why this should be explored at all as an idea. Said late to give time to those already not curious time to leave.
- Wise person: One shouldn't view it fully true automatically as I did not initially, rather I viewed allthings as a tool to learn and devise more ideas of hypothesis for reality external to test alone.
- Faithful person: One shouldn't view it fully true either as being up to ones faith and morals, which in allthings and justification of faith helps guide one in chance, moral and power higher.
- Artistic person: One need not all parts of this for solely the work of art and craft as it provides the pallet of every workers brush in allthings, which an artist can be inspired farther to work in
- Fearful person: One who likes fear needs these tools for learning another separate tool made here which helps oneself safer, while helping too those afraid of fear for giving space between.
What should most now be noted is not literal allthings in present day of 2019 on the planet or even for lengths far longer then one lives, as so often is assumed by my writings in both work and claim which rather if one has taken some consideration or patience to here, means not currently present all things as this would mean all things in front of you immediate when surely what is in front of you is not immediate as infinity itself.
Rather this is more as tool for it's exploration far safer then one would expect from television in a sense of present day, but still then not all as being itself a rare formation in timespace. This is a tool solely for expanding mind in new realms of thought through methods of gaining proofs, spirit, insperation or more within the theory of allthings in practice.
Theory only in that as a method of what I stated past it is proven functional and stable as far as its definitions reached today in myself or other that have been shown as stated in honesty and not lie, to be.
Which means in allthings as a statement in practice would be too long considered to proove as needing to show literally all things, but no one can in any moment known conceive firstly all then show all things, while in the effort of trying to add that list up brings about new forms of idea which may be limited or infinite but still incomplete by myself as one person.
Their is no reason to confirm or deny the possibility of allthings, but it is used as a thesis of utility to inspire firstly and to explore in practice whose ground works are shown above to venture in what are in fact other worlds, which may or may not be of every kind conceived or not, but which in tools following can be in fact explored, as first in mind, then work of some kind and overtime sufficient for a larger world of reality and mind in things like before or after. the line of Earth and Aerth which here again is in those four things as the first four gates known to man for being of Earth:
We will not be headed for alien worlds nothing like Earth any time soon for those who fear leaving what man was meant for and is anytime soon,what oneself feels worth looking into here is solely in one self's choice of entry or leaving behind for other parts of itself.
On the subject of skepticism, which seems surely devastated in believing it is Allthings is actually very important to not being in the more unreal parts of allthings, as being allthings means some things are wrong or right, but not as most often seen in one world as being the complete impossibility of another idea or world, which often using in extremes tends to be inaccurate, since as morality while faithful isn't in balance of knowledge of its subject incorrect as an idea, just as much as science is valid except where it isn't in misuse or misunderstanding.
This because skepticism is oddly not as most have found it, when I myself became skeptical of skepticism itself for being while connect to another's idea or reality itself biased to it's knowledge of self over the knowledge of the one who is doubted. This means on Earth it leads to disbelief for being always impossible to one world, while one knows not the different laws of gates themselves, which having doubted is never looked into as its own gate and so folded as a false world.
Most parts listed above, both as internal to the four gates and themselves are valid in their own formation of what I often call an axiom, but this is so conflated with science that it instantly is rejected for once again not being science if it is magic and after continuing to write realized is not what I'm talking about.
So I will in this need to define a new term, which is likely just the gate between Earth as single realities divided, as oneparts, but viewed as like an axiom to Aerth divided into allpart in translation literal, but evidently with the following difference of definition between them:
- An axiom or postulate is a statement that is taken to be true, to serve as a premise or starting point for further reasoning and arguments.
- A gate is a tendric part as a source that is taken to be valid as any other, to serve as a hypothesis for one world, as matching it's source selected.
This similarity is what I failed to note as different in my previous comparison to axiom as a word which is similar but not the same in those different parts of definition, where Axiom is not outside the mind as its test at all and a gate is actually present on either side of the person in entirety and tendric space as essentially a physical feature and an idea linked to it.
As such the axiom in science of Earth would in my better understanding now, be the idea that one can test something made as a hypothesis of external reality and proove itself correct to be a theory by testing an object, through its diverse logical reasoning, that itself makes it valid as a claim in science as a world of oneparts
In what is called Science to Aerth, we don't do the reasoning of why a physical process exists first, as if already observed around us, it as being observed doing what it does already, then works irrelevant of my mind as long as it remains in that condition. If I know not its possibility of ability as an object, in direct observation as it is in the moment, then I test it before making any claims about it with solely the question of if and not why it does something.
As to confirm a hypothesis only once reasonable by me and minds other then myself, is time consuming and so a complete waist of time for science on Aerth. Meaning I never make an axiom to start a process of scientific nature and rather I make up a theory after solely knowing what it does without an explanation of my mind. Basically I cheat on the theory and not the test.
Rather after picking an observed property of reality as it is in my object encounters with it, I then build things mental as model axioms as earth does while not the same ones it uses, this built directly off the physical process that I observed first which I never have a real explanation for, as a Scientist of Earth who views their theories.
A scientists on Aerth however, concludes that the object works exactly as it did at any other moment, before or after, I changed my mind of how it works in my mind and so my mind and the nature of the world explore is based off the entirety as it is rather then the singular world it is used in more as Earth but still found in mind after its test.
This while not science of Earth, which on Earth requires theory of mind first, this is opposite on Aerth which uses physicality first instead, where Earth must first build axioms to start a hypothesis fitting rules of reality as it is already, then show things true in reasons of debate to peers, then proof physical matched accurately in perfect, by guess alone, which then is called confirmed as theory.
I can't be a Scientist because that is outside my education level for being filled to the brim with mental theory I get bored of and feel should exist as is for the literal and continuing world of Earth, which for someone of Aerth is done backwards and thus is while efficient for Allpart nature of this Island, not a compatible function of the Earth islands own set of worlds for by definition needing one possible answer.
Which while on Aerth has plenty of possible theories for the same property inside itself and outside on Earth, is firstly already known by earth at times and I have yet to build theory of Earth Sciences length and depth of power in that knowledge. So I do use properties of reality found inside it's descriptions of nature as Earth, that I can use to swiftly catch Aerth up on by knowing the way the substance works rather then knowing the theory behind it that makes it Science of Earth and not another Multiverse's theories divided across several worlds.
However I have found experiements I did with no science of Earth has explained, that cannot use the same terms of its island as Aerth, to describe in theoretics for not knowing Earth's theory as much as it's properties of physical behavior. Which much as the theoretical scientist who tests things they have thought of as student of earth Science, I myself have to learn what was found on earth already in the entirety, but not the theory. the proof shown by Earth's sciences in test is how I am able to trust myself on areas of reality which I can't test and so must by default trust as most likely knowledge of effects in reality.
This has allowed me to create separate realities within what has been shown true as a process to science far more early, which while I reject solely the axiom of mind they used, as being the only possible model of anything known on Earth exists, as this by rule of the island itself constant, which has been shown true as separate part and reality of a fully different part of the cluster.
As such, skepticism on Aerth is viewed as being compatible with the world using it, while having no effect on the one elsewhere who is not in the same formation of mind as the skeptic and on Earth has reasons of debate, which Aerth believes automatically as resource of it's goals to explore infinity. Meaning it divides in category what is impossible in three parts of a person from Earth who simply folds the impossible under a false reality.
Which while Earth of one world and Aerth of one world, cannot agree on what Earth believes is impossible and Aerth thinks is fully possible,but can agree on what Aerth already agreed on with Earth or is trying to learn for not knowing. This made convenient in discussion or debate, both to Aerth seen as education on worlds elsewhere then itself, irrelevant of the disbelief Earth has on Aerth's other worlds as in it's additional explorations.
The gates Earth shares to Aerth, that Earth calls its home as a world alone in one of the gates, Aerth can adapt to as that world of its infinity in time for the conversation in the best of its knowledge and share what it can know of the Entirety that Earth, has not seen in its world for having not noticed. Which to earth may be explained as it wants, but Aerth explained as how it is so in object alone.
This however as what Earth and Aerth Science have in common is only on Aerth shared by Magic while not at all on the worlds of Earth, which often view magic in scientific sense as always wrong for being a form of manipulation counter to the physical object as directly observed, while Aerth recognizes it is a separate form of behavior in nature of the entirety which Earth science does not recognize while in both sides of the island mentioned thus far is fully the same in use of Axiom's step in the process of creating/discovering truth in reverse manners of what is called chance versus object.
This best shown as comparison of all four subjects in discussion here:
The above four models depict earth perspective of divided mind and matter as in science ( light blue ) and magic ( orange ) where both view knowledge as starting in mind followed then in matter (red arrow ), while itself also viewing reality as being reality, from either mind or matter.
On aerth, this is not equivalent at all as a perspective of reality which views mind and matter as blended parts of different kinds, where both knowledge of magic and science are begun in themselves then mind and viewing reality not as either mind and matter in origin, but as sprung from all in origin.
So that difference described of science on either island applies to it in every way except being magic, while this is the same for magic in another way. The only difference larger is where reality is built from both mind and matter, rather then solely one or the other as on Earth.
This allows it to both access the same effects as both worlds of earth, but also in a manner that allows any reality it seeks as defined by its method of gaining knowledge of those processes physical and chance separate. Which is the debate of Earth worlds validity being more a matter of not being the other, rather then being not a real thing as a separate idea in relation to a separate substance of in my case of Aerth the entirety and not physicality as in Science of Earth.
A deeper difference is found however in Magic not practiced on Earth that may be shocking to most in general, as it does not use divinity to cast its spells at all and is comparable to harry potter of Earth in being wizards of self power and not divinely intervened power.
Which because on Aerth the divine is found as having a different role due to power increasing quickly is not left to effects solely of magic or science and rather of the gate of the worlds themselves. As divinity on Aerth is creator or amoung functions of the world and not just the magic in many of its divided kinds in varied case from as follows in simplicity, for Aerth and Earth divine relationships among its men and women:
This first image shows divinity as it is viewed within my understanding of the earthly occult world and its magic alone, where in its right hand path or theistic in general divinity is real and elsewhere and prayer and invocation causes communication which goes above from self and returns below from divinity in spiritual reality. However their are those who use divinity as only symbol of mind to manifest chance events as well but are more often as atheistic cults of the occult on the left hand.
Both of those are pictured above on the left, while on the right is Aerth and it's occult of spirits who while not as advanced does not function only in magic as form of effect and is not rise and descend of communication but rather varied level of connected communication through initial subject meaning as representation of the divinity or divinities, then moved into farther methods technological of each worlds methods not necessarily identical.
As a magic world would speak to a spirit perhaps with cards while a scientific may detect them within chance on a higher manifesting level of coding instead. All of the divine models are however only broad strokes which in the subtle differences and larger form the difference of the many enitities of spirit or other, communicated most often by the occult on Earth, but differently on Aerth. As in that difference yet again of approach to truth is a world of laws and in turn an island of laws not matched to the other.
Which of the four mentioned gates shared by both Aerth and Earth are most equivalent in the Madness gate, specifically art and delusion, for both being viewed as in methods identical at face value since artist paints with brush and a delusion isn't reality/entirety.
Delusions in either world is a mental instability related to body as illness best cured in Earth for having far better medication, or in Aerths case exists also an entirely separate emulation of delusion, used in adventures less visible to the Entirety but always viewed as Delusion to Earth. Which defined differently in name are called effectively Relusions as opposite to Delusions.
Firstly I will show difference of art in either Island then swiftly Delusions for having mentioned them and assure the reader they are not the same thing and one needs hospitalization for its symptoms while the other is not a Delusion for being under the individuals control as being simply a period of time where a fallacy of mind is held in will, but as viewed on Earth.
which if not recognized and occurring with other symptoms such as real grandiosity or terror is a Delusion. Divided in very important way, not yet described here including Delusions being automatic and Relusions in control of person.
Art differs in being viewed as a creation on Earth, versus a skill of exploration as layers of what is called style on Aerth. These differing in how exactly one forms their style of depiction of image , which on Earth is naturally formed and often of one kind as expressed by the artist. As viewed on Aerth in best example of myself, in different blogs as it's changes in time, is not identical in all cases as a style and rather shifts and evolves by semi-habit or will of specific as not style this or that or in constant motion best shown below with three pictures of Scarlet drawn consecutively in a day.
As part of our quick Art tangent, in subject style as art then work general:
If one has not noticed it is rare for my art to be perfection and often I enjoy the slight and deviating imperfection which my mother often comments on as improvement needed. This also being that my art is still evolving as a form of mostly 2D art, for never having been taught to draw in the 3rd dimension without it breaking its definitions into higher Dimensions past 3 as forbidden, like below:
Mostly a joke of my art that deviates as intended, from those worlds like earth and fail to match it ever, in either cartoon or other form of depictions built around that initial style, which in topic is what I mean as collecting different features of modification to a style which appear and vanish in time as use more on Aerth where it further distinguishes period and world of current focus which often is tried to match better then another blog. As allowing world variations in style of art used for further alienation of worlds as seperate in physics and appearances often called Plor on Aerth.
Plor being equivalent to qualia, which is not identical for being external rather then internal to the mind in difference Earth and Aerth, of which Aerth uses both as parts of its study of perception somewhat related as data collection for Art on Aerth, as prior mentioned, the reality of Aerth uses gates differently then divided skills as on Earth where some is wrong, as all is right on Aerth and so any person can be in question of safety of practice ( As object knows best ) anything they want. Which so long as it relates not to another persons health, Health being not as advanced in my knowledge and so best handed over the earth for health issues at this time. As Aerth exists on the planet as another island which is unique in differences but lacks aspects of skill and knowledge at this time to perfectly equal without aid of other in their natural methods that of earth.
Both worlds and art are seen as creative works, but one is as discovery and the other is as creativity in similar and almost ambiguous ways on Aerth. Where those terms vary the kind of world explored by a person in timespace periods of change to be discussed later.
Our next subject is the Direct madness compared to the madness of an Author as introduction only to the gates that not being or being built of, as solely the first four mentioned gates if used by an individual in conversation, defy logic of what on Earth has considered actual sense of reality to begin with. This in two reasons, the first is as Earth defines it and best said to be an imbalance of chemicals which in balance do not match those created by brain when using those four gates of Earth.
However, a Delusion is always not willed as an action of mind and always brought on by debate in continued reason assimilation beyond Aerth's recommended dosage of changes in mind as total of 2 gates, if passed beyond this level will place you almost certainly within your cognition of an 3 avered gate formed from those 3 opinions prior that often forms a deviation of belief rather then assimilation in first two cases as shown firstly, with our first Earth character named Dan:
Who while in reasons logical of Atheism as known may appear a little frightful but not distant enough to be considered abnormal on scales beyond a little innovative and nihilistic, as well as for saying these as arguments, rather then as Aerth we will compare after, who states in baseless faith:
Dan's Eldreist beleifs
- Dan believes their is no way to know reality outside his own mind and so all is vague guess.
- Dan believes their is no way to know death outside his own mind aware and so no answer.
- Dan does not believe in God as God is defined by less evidence then even his own mind.
- Dan cannot confirm externally in reality the mind while perceiving and so knows nothing.
Another's Athiestic beliefs
- An atheist thinks one can know reality beyond himself through models used to test its form.
- An atheist thinks death is always nothing afterwards as their is no proof to it's existence known.
- An atheist does not believe in God as evidence for his nature, where God should be is absent.
- An atheist does not view mind as actual and rather formed by brain as material form built up.
As such ones own beliefs of the reality as a world objective or subjective in either religious or scientific consensus minimum, if crossed in three occasions of reasoning separate will make the person cognitively aware in memory and knowledge of a separate opinion branch then known or as Aerth calls it the first step to Luna from the grounds of Earth. As if we compare the gates between Earth and Aerth, Dan in diagnosis has as knowledge of three worlds in mind for having been convinced of another world three times.
Those three are in his case Wisdom, Faith and Fear, but sometimes they form differently in others as things like two religions and some science, psychology and religion. All of which when reaching a fourth gate often in habit of their own convictions being novel and rational at once then fall into the "twilight zone" of mental insanity.
Where due to mind being aware of four gates can neither communicate it equallity of form to others, unaware of parts mentioned while at the same time being over producing information in mind that is not considered normal in vocalization or observation for knowing 4 worlds rather then 1 or 2.
As would be rare for most on Earth, but not rare enough as in completing the full of all four will always cause someone to be found experiencing Psychosis as in sudden velocity, is in mental ejected from the knowledge of Earth entirely often at university or college for having found the last information of Earth there where all unmentioned prior comes crashing inwards on their mind.
Which individual can return to as becoming earthly again or further explore as Aerth, but if returned to as four, is often hard to keep stable at all times because he is still at a four count world gate and may slip back between what is the top of the "mountain madness" into space between it and Aerth.
Although medication lowers the chances of involuntary mind levitation, which I add from experience is inconvenient anyways. Is likely to rationally see things no one else see's from having accessed the fourth gate of madness where all gates of not of earthly nature as are stored in the madness category in view of earth who knows not and cannot in its logic of debate not wiser or less wiser the person between 4 worlds but still no less not going to understand his formed inferences outside Earthly existence.
Anyone in knowledge of the four gates, is going to have an issue collapsing back to a single world without actually going farther into the sky as on the fourth world is only knowledge of earth's gates considered normal and more distant worlds hanging there in the persons mind as in that level truth but not reality. For a person who knows not how to act normal at that level in differentiating the crazy from the rest as a start, can't then behave normal for thinking their sights true and have no one understand in fear.
So often they either give up and fall back down the mountain to usually 1 or 2 and at other times figure out how to go higher by posing as Earth in topics around them, while venturing inwards into more madness as Earth views it, but myself in the far reaches of the outside and inside of Earth, as just more distant worlds yet understood as gates by earth, or as different then earths own four gates which I've listed. Which can be grasped in time if one learns them and doesn't get excited and publicly inappropriate.
As I remain in behavior external relatively normal in person, but here on the internet I talk my ass off about the other gates. However, the difference of a Delusion and Relusion is that one is an onset or uncertainty based onset from not grasping the differences between subtle gates not known by a person while Relusions have been controlled as separate gates by the person. Who often if bringing them up may cause confusion but actual understanding if made clear and not unclear within even they as a definition.
If one wants to see and know a useful Gate not know to Earth I have one below which in relative direction of sources for translation is emotions, images and opinions as experiences, depictions and gates of the whole outside earth known to a person, often in my orientations called Chememes:
Which on earth is best decribed as above in terms Earth grasps as defined here firsts, but then described as is on Aerth where difference lay in it's application as basis of method in interaction by island and world.
Aerth rules its world from those four lands of Bliss, Adventure,Sadism and Pain which are kept stable by the beliefs it harbours in all as a haze multiverse of timelines popping in and out of memory and presence.
It has numerous worlds as earth, but some are not equal, although some are.
Thios rules its world from those four lands of Creation, Discovery, Destruction and Ignorance, which are stable by difference met in points divded as common to individuals who are different worlds in present time, but Thios is also far more violent as enjoyed for pleasure and consequence of action.
It too has numerous worlds, but i have now less explored it as it is recent in mind.
Myself. Mazer explores all three in curiosity and is between them as an outside who uses all their rules of existence from the central point of the cluster with 5 others who are not here in flesh but in my Mentextuter portal which i enter twice.
Their is also a fourth timeline where in current i explore earth not as it is today or tomorrow but as it is if once Aerth but fallen into Earth in years future.
I have also found a parallel between the three clusters in time of goal, as while each terms it differently, they seek as future goal a second presence on a place called differently each the luna, moon and satellite. Of which each will reach differently:
Earth shall go to the satellite by rocket ship and build a base of work for later travel into space farther and explore the ring of outer spaces edge
Aerth shall build the gate to luna, by the material orders of averence and plor farther in time, on earth to then walk to the ring of outer space too
Thios shall in divide of the moon, which forms in deaths solitude within, enter the the reaches of teleportation and form on the ring in lighter scale
As one would think that necessity for a multiverse is distance and this is certain for aerth and thios, but complex on earth divided, while these three parts of the cluster reside and agree solely on being present on the globe called this planet.
Although each has lived a very different plain of this clusters many folds, which myself current has walked in little motion on the bridge of timewarps to pasts and futures but also times without.
As these words typed spring of mine experience, which are of times tools is built of three periods of temporal line, in clusters divided of these things that are those divide clusters above:
As found on earth is those linear times divided of which i acquired mind, book and computer, then timewarped as the device of calculations and processes not electricity, coded equations in book, processed in mind automatic and run as programs deviated in text document on a laptop.
But these then are placed in conjunction with the worlds rarely of earth at all and reference more often the timelines of aerth in its functions as the Mentextuter , which when used is useful but only as a doorway to the other realms, which I use at times with the Phscanner of Aerth itself to draw matters and tools out of those other worlds to the one of physical tence that is the globe.
Alas, this object is not then compatible with earth logics , which would debate its validity as a tool in use of chancarts and averence rather then science or magic alone and would likely not be used by many.
As being modded in time by the methods of Thios as different then other and divided by the rest of the cluster, once as Aerth's solitary and past macroscopic detailing, which used solely things in a flat haze arrangement and so one planar geometry, while these days i have used certainly some 2 planar geometry when in Thios recent as Thios can also act in divide complete as not a planar geometry but points between it and so beyond it as additional in geometric fold.
Which Aerth being contained to its point assimilation forms expressively a haze of probability lines which are linked in recognition divided are both a linear line of myself but also of as earth in one world. Best explained by showing one divergent world as a path in earth and multiple worlds added as a second path on aerth.
Which in example is:
Earth timeline: Science->
Aerth timelines: Science^ Magic^ Chancart^...^ ->
Which to Thios in its present composed of forward and backwards time, in thus reference to earth and aerth time is as saying their futures and pasts are both here relative to self only, but not as visualized by earth and aerth.
As thios views its present time as formed by objects whose colors formed of light causing shadow is its forward and backwards time paradoxed into single moment, that relative to the difference of person.
If used at all is then linked into their personal world line as a collection of progressed objects that can be timewarped in any arrangement of additional lines beyond just one or two time lines.
These then as different formal time geometries are able to warp past to future in different manners, which in context of each is different as follows:
Earth : wheel + light = lightwheel
Aerth : science + magic = chancart
Thios : cube + book = cube book
Where in reference here, earth is bound by history and so cannot recognize a timewarp it does at all even when a molotov cocktail is by definition a warp between past science and future magic,
it is simply modernity using what it knows already and skipping a path early as often an advancement of plotted path such as book to television, but in irony sometimes it does this in the second line of time.
which one universe in divide from non-existence cannot compute for being not an existent universe, so views one angle of its observable of timespace angles as its compatible orientation of mind. As a result, in magic we see looking glasses as science sees television.
but shown on aerths two directional timewarps of either first or second timeline warp, we can warp in knowledge, which both create non possible times in that world, while being accepted in first dimension as a timewarp and in second as a branching universe.
However thios recognizes no other universe but its own when not connected to another and even then only as anothers, which makes its surroundings in free present time of its own historical narration at any moment.
So can unlike earth who can solely cover nothing but itself, who aerth can only deviate from as separate 2nd direction lines instead , Thios can create any line of any number or length or number at anytime, while solely its own dwelling.
As such best is the cluster in appearance compared individually as onepoints which are not depicted at the same time ever, while acknowledging what is viewed by them in the entireties full nature as the only actual reality. Aerth is viewed as flat plane of infinite length in both directions from center of view and Thios as an angular connected meshpoints of different time geometries.
These form my current clusters found in the entirety, which to any reader who asks but has not recognized or met me prior, will likely ask if this is fiction or fantasy, when its key is that it is real as a material aspect of reality i can see in observation and exploration, which requires knowledge explained here , but needed to be matched with its observed phenomena very great to anyone who has not conceive it.
So no it is real, but only to those on the outside of all three clusters i have found. My mentextuters and with mental Phscanner allow me to extract techonology from parts of reality few observe but have equivalent forms here.
Mentextuters is one timewarp I have that I am able to use with solely a book, mind and computer in my possession as a timewarp wich uses all three cluster's knowledge divided.
Can be compared itself to a computer which uses the actual computer as solely an efficient means of storage for large data and its transference to others, while rarely requiring anything more then a writing document and art program for images on its programs as screens of information.
Programs updated as typed on computer, by the mind as processor of codes loaded into itself through being written on books as information larger than organizable by the brain in memory constraints, until captured as not a thought of meaning alone but visual meaning memory instead through permanence of book as image of words remembered as that shape and not idea.
This tool used explicitly in earlier models for exploring the multiverse, back then only aerth with notes of earth, but in present exploring the reaches of Thios and in time future other clusters of existence past this from my residence in Mentextuter programs of other wolds as two persons in the outside line, while also present there in external as myself here on the other end of this writing on a phone in a room somewhere in canada.
Clusters are as molecules to atoms, solar systems to planets, multiverses to worlds, but as cluster to multiverse as seperate ones together in groupings. Likely there are more beyond this and likely their is more in scales , which in technicality are not up or down in size or any direction of space travel, or time, but found in the fragmented arrangements of mind and matter as a direction of spacetime itself.
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