
Pharath sits near Caven...

Pharath is sad and bothered by Caven because when he tried to make his own world which was good, he realized the best he had thought was tempered with by the fact that it failed those who couldn't help themselves and he felt that he didn't want Caven there, because it showed that Good couldn't always help people if they couldn't help themselves.

He didn't want the other option either, but he felt that it was too close to where he was for him to feel as though it wasn't there at all. He felt that Caven should be farther away from him, so that he wouldn't have to know who goes there.

He just wanted a good world, but he didn't realize what that cost in the good itself. As he still felt that it was better to be without pain and without suffering, then all out loving and spreading it, even if it bothered none but those who wanted.

This is when Hilisa climbed out of the pit that was Caven's entrance and saw Pharath sitting there, she said:

"What's wrong?"

Pharath said:

" I feel like Good is pointless if evil things are able to go on without harm, and I still don't want to take part in that."

Hilisa said:

"Being good is not pointless, because it's actually the better way to be. Only because it lets you be without need of those things down there."

Pharath said:

"Yeah, but it's still there and I feel like it just doesn't encourage proper behaviors, rather it could pull more and more people into that place, for being normalized."

Hilisa said:

"While I don't mind a little bit of Masochism, this doesn't actually mean I can't feel your pain or that I want you to join me there. I would rather see a person do what they actually enjoy, especially if that lacks any form of pain."

Pharath said:

" Yeah, but its so close, sometimes I'm walking by and see people I know go in."

Hilisa said:

"Some people are going to regret going in there and I really wouldn't recommend diving into Caven without knowing what its about. Infact that's why Ren is there and she makes sure no one is actually hurt beyond what they are able to take. This won't help with the idea though, it's just me pointing out that one shouldn't feel inclined to go in, just because someone else did."

Pharath said:

"That's why I'm up here, I didn't want to go in and try to stop them, I don't like pain. But I just don't want to know their going there and once I know I can't change it."

Hilisa said:

" Well I can't change my own presence in there or that you know I go there sometimes, but I could make a suggestion for you to make the entrance less obvious and advise making the whole thing more private."

Pharath was slightly happier, but he still felt that he needed to keep talking about being a good person so that those who wanted to be good could still be good and didn't have to go there. He wanted a place where people at least knew their was the other option.

So he and Hilisa went for a walk after and talked about other stuff for a while, the one thing Pharath liked that was violent was stopping bad people from doing real wrong things. He'd rather play a video game doing this, but he'd do it for real if he had too. So they went to the game corner, and played video games.

Mazer adds a little more context to this, as he views the reality outside the memetic and literary story to be a little different then what is portrayed in his inspired city. The difference is mostly that today you woudln't see much of it, I post this on the internet to help those who want to help themselves this way, if they feel they can't be like Pharath would want them to be. 

But I still warn that this could lead to actual places like Caven, which I would definitely advise privacy and safety outside those who take part, meaning actual security personnel if anyone tries to make that a reality. However, it is also true that it is unlikely to be found everywhere, and that progress in the idea of Caven is advanced in the story, while in reality it would require alot of work at times to keep it safe.

I'm also not certain how many people would go to a place like Caven to begin with.

So rest assured that while my idea is out there, its unlikely you'll see people go in or even know they take part in this. Unless they're blatant, and your allowed to have an opinion that being better means not being into suffering.

My idea does help me, because it provides me with a distraction from boredom, which lead to ideas that still give me pleasure in both the direction of being heroic or a monster and this project is more then just Caven, Caven is meant for those who need it, not those who just think its cool and want to try, as that could lead you to being scarred.

Further, this is not meant for young people, rather its meant for those who haven't been helped when they could have been, providing yet another chance to an alternative when the reality before was essentially if you hadn't been helped as a kid, it was too late for you.

While i'll admit I would like to try going to a place like Caven, I'm not sure if I would and I'm not planning to build a real building for this kind of thing, rather it's on paper as an idea and the methods to get to those experiences as written are the manner I use today.

I could argue it could be better, for some it may be enough and for others it may be not enough. This means only the effort which one could take after this, to make it better for those who still think it isn't enough. That will still take a very long time and my only answer I can find is improved virtual reality or Teleportation, of which one has to die to even use.

So for the time being, the best I can reach and am willing to reach today, is that of what I've built here, because if I went all the way in my life, I fear it would be too much for a person who didn't want or expect something like what I'm suggesting.

So, it is yet another reason for my limits self imposed, I will neither be building a Caven building nor will I ever become prime minister and hopefully at best I'll be writing and making games for my life, as I am very incapable of other things anyways.

I couldn't survive if it wasn't for the things I have that limit me and my freedom from these chains I put on myself would only make me worse then what is already far enough for the present day. It wouldn't go well, as my ego wouldn't handle it even if I could ever manage to organize myself farther then these ramblings I'm posting on the internet.

So I bid this writing farewell, moving on as Sam and the four heros into greater things. As when we return to prosporo, the five of them will begin seeking out the greater Eclia, those worlds which have not been found or perhaps recovered from my notes.

This will be after I return to Lemuria and Caven.

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