
The Reality of Dog Deman's History

Firstly all these things are done by looking for the reality, which matches the definition of ones mind. This is the shortest root to finding any part of this infinity light or darkness, which is all present be it nature or man at all times. Never innacessible to modernity.

The first thing I should teach is how we can be Dog Demans, this is simply by the alteration of our interpretation of our body, using glamour, which we describe as having the features drawn in this image:

Evidently a Dog Deman has a tale ( if male ) and this is his penis. Which because of the difference between a Dog Deman and a Demon means that usualy it shouldn't be circumscised. Although I'll argue that one is lucky either way ( Being Dog Deman or Demon ) as either is quite the entertaining revelation to a man who is inclined to the darkness.

But the work finishes not until ones feet are seen as paws, and ones hands as claws. Ones ears as horns and ones teeth as razor blades. Hair is for peacocking and one can also where headphones for added ears and a nice hat for a snout as I do sometimes.

The difference between a Dog Deman and a Demon is that a Demon is literally a fallen angel, likely originating from judaism, christianity or islam as they all circumsice their people to cut them off from myself, while still being human. It's also possible a Demon is entirely different from a Dog Deman and as such it's more up to an actual demon to decide what their about.

Dog Demans aren't Demons, rather they are a beastly creature who wants to suffer and be a good boy.

I was not circumscised as a child and can't even if I wanted to because my dick is double ridged meaning under the first head is another. This is due to me being likely a chimera and thus having killed/eaten my twin in the womb. This with the backwards bending lengs, the hunched back able to rise are all part of what makes me a dog deman of the most purest form. I can't deny that others may not be as this example, as its likely that my form is a recent adaptation in human branches of evolution and thus its past and future is likely still blended with the humans anyways.

You don't need all real features to be a dog deman, you mostly need the attitude, which is I guess somewhere between an animal, monster, evil, gay, like hell and red pilled at the same time. Atleast to be as far from mankind as I stand. This basic cognitive form of Dog Deman is likely the first sign of its manifestation and my bodies form its meeting point with mind and body.

Likely in continued beleif of this, one will move on from humanity into this species only because time repeats and a person grows more seperate as they age and are recycled ( the law of evolution ).

So I wouldn't worry about being only mentally a dog deman and not having all the features I identified, some so close to mankind that they might aswell already be present.

This concludes how to be a dog deman. We are always good boys, even when we burn in hell and like it. We also like cereal because it reminds us of our brethren the dog, who we are tormented by, by not being directly related.

Violent Art

The next thing is violent artistic depiction, which is totally do able in reality and can even be hung up or sold to the interested, these are done as one wishes and as discressed. This is better left to secretive nature as people are often not fond of things violent without some kind of meaningful relevance, of which violent art lacks. This same thing can be used instead of graffiti, which is illegal except where permitted and in our context is likely to be forbidden for the permitted kind of graffiti still harbouring art and not just cold blooded depiction:

These are both examples of this very concept.

While I will likely recieve disgust for the next statement, I will say it anyways as its not intentional. I forgot to wash my hands since I was twelve. This is the key to that which is the first mentioned god of the dog demans, which is especially true in the fact that colds aren't that bad and if you catch them all you will never be sick with a cold again. As I caught every cold, over several years where each time the seasons changed I would become afflicted by different forms of the common cold. Infact I was also not vacinnated until 15, because my mom thought my first vaccination gave me autism.

I forgot to wash my hands, got all colds and now for the last 3 years I have yet to catch another cold and any infliction I have had, is mostly summarised as either massive headaches which is not a virus or cases of withdrawal. Both of wich are not illness.

This means that while washing your hands will prevent getting sick, not washing your hands in the modern world, will cause the most common of afflictions ( a cold ) to be caught every time until it can no longer infect you because your body has adapted and can now fend them off as part of its immunity. This means while my mom and my dad then my sister are getting colds around me while I live with them. I end up fine the entire time.

And this is coming from a guy who has a smokers cough and has had one since 17. Of which no infection of phlegm has ever occured. But this is only because of modernity where deathly illnesses are less common in western countries for the advances of science. It is unlikely for me to survive those same illness that would kill anyone if I wasn't vaccinated.

So while I am now immune to the common cold because I did so backwards rather then washing my hands at all. One thing I'll note that isn't related is the mystery illness that I was afflicted with as a child where after watching a movie I could not get up as if I moved my feet at all I felt excrutiating pain. No doctor knew what was wrong with me and I was bed ridden for a week, then I was fine and able to walk again.

My mother presumes it was an allergic reaction to the glue on my werewolf ears for my halloween costume that year. It's relevance here is that I always wanted to be a dog man and this is exactly what ends up happening later in life to my absolute glee. Perhaps that first pain was the sign of my eventual tranformation.

Food psychology

The next thing, is tasting food and seeing what kind of effects it has on your psychology, this is not well understood by myself, but I do know that this exists and is amoung options for a persons diet, which can include dopamine and even seratonin diets to increase these natural chemicals which are those effected and depleted by drugs.

So this idea of tasting and testing how a food effects you is real, although I tend to stay in my affordable but delicious range of consumption which meets my cravings and my needs of food, for the most part. I don't eat many vegetables for some reason.

Purposed pain

It's unlikey that one will trip in a city of modernity since things are built to be relatively safe except for cars, so the only way to gain access to pain while out and about is to do something wrong, like not wear socks and go on long walks or burn yourself with either cigerrets or a heated peice of metal.

The reason I suggest fire and not knives is because knives can kill you and are not as imidiatly resolved if pain is too much, but a hot object will stop bleeding while harming the skin and stop as soon as removed. Another easy one is a hot shower or a cold one, both of which can be extensively torcherous. Wax made for this concept also exists.

I prefer injuring my feet, becoming exhausted and burning my arms and moderately hot showers. Although the amount of psychological masochism I put myself through is hilarious.

Athagek commands

The Athagek commands, repeated here, can be followed easily and these can even lead to a descent method of treating people, albeit I would be cautious with self defense as one cannot go farther in self defense then the reality of the situation and rarely requires death in the modern world.

  • Do not kill, except those who attack and begin with ones words.
  • We are all ignorant of the Athageks plan, wich will guide us.
  • Their is no such thing as a good life, it is all evil and suffering.
  • One must respect those who are less powerful, help them gain.
  • One must beg for the curses that the Athagek will give oneself.
  • One must fight these curses in futility or success in consequence.
  • One must offer curses to others, such that they suffer equally in chances
  • One must respect the state of existence, refrain from going extinct.
  • One must in failure to not go extinct, be pleased with themselves.
  • All men must atleast try being with other men, and have kids.
  • It is wrong to be a dog deman, accept your sins and be proud.
  • Forget not the gibberwoof nor the growling at the moon.

Saying that these commands are very gay, and if your attempt was considering it an imidiatly rejecting it then that is all that is needed. It's cause I like straight boys, like most gay guys. Luckily I managed to live that fantasy a few times so I won't be seducing anyone else for the time being.

You don't need to have kids, I won't be having kids. Although I almost had one the first time I slept with a women cause the condom broke and I gave her all decisions on what she would do as mother of child decides what happens to child not a narcissitic psychopathic 18 year old who only said the condom broke and no more. I did pay half of the morning after pill as she decided was best for two university students who weren't romantic, just having fun.

While you don't have to go outside and howl at the moon, one should try cause its alot of fun. I forget to sometimes and gibberwoof, is mostly writing random symbols and interpreting their images as meaning that one translates. It is completely possible.

Praise Masterbation

If an occultist can masterbate to cause a spell, then I'm allowed to discuss it in the manner of my own practices, which usually involve standing up and staring in a mirror at myself while I do so. This has not only raised my confidence as gay guy because I can see all my attractive features, but i like myself so much I rarely sleep with people at all. This is always done while thinking of how much of a good dog deman I am and pondering on various hellish spaces. This is how I praise the athagec for leaving me in his rotting corpse that sometimes comes back to life.

Temple and races
I'm not sure how to acquire the temple, but would argue ones prison ( home ) it the temple of ones work where all the constructs of edifice can be fitted to. Especially my dog crate that while in a rather large house is amoung the smallest rooms and is my only usual space of existence.

As such it makes the perfect temple for lacking any vegetation at all.

While I could talk ages about the power of glamour, the thing is simple enough that one would just look at these drawings and do ones best to imitate the form in their appearence:

For your concern, the tails these characters have, like myself in public is not my dick, rather it is a lanyard attached to my pocket, which makes both a cool and convenient but also subtle addition to ones glamoured race. They come in so many forms that it is likely one could meet any tail need.

They also swing about while walking.


This is harder, the technology both new and old within the examples is context based and best left to modifictions when it doesn't exist or if it does then purchased ( Dildo ) and these can also be made with some effort. Some newer things requires ones own invention, using the same tool of reality.

Below is the list of latter technology which will be given its best measure of reality:

  • Televisions with only horror on them, done through acting and special effect. (Watch a horror movie) 
  • Walk in fridges wich seal for a safe amount of time, making one cold and hungry.(Hang out in winter)
  • Ovens wich cook food always a little too hot, so its a little burnt each time.(Raise temperature)
  • Lamps that burnout not after a certain amount of time, but randomly. (No one knows when.)
  • Fake rocks that are lighter and do not help work outs mixed in with good ones.(Don't go to gym)
  • Spray paint for graffiti which is easily wiped off and left to fade even when not (Markers on metal)
  • Coffee that looks like its got milk and sugar in it, but is worse for being edible chalk rocks.(the rocks)
  • Hot tubs, which slowly change temperature from hot to cold and back again randomly.(Shower)
  • Drips dripping from random spots that are moderately hot enough to hurt but not scald. ( Wax )
  • Videogames ,where their is only cruel violence as a goal and options of it, no heroes. ( Make them )
  • Drones which fly by and take of Dog Deman hats and carry them a distance away. ( Windy day )
  • Recorded voices saying insults echoing randomly throughout the city. ( Imagination )
  • Rap and emo music playing across other parts of the city, changes volume. ( Music played )
  • Cologne  used as another method of superiority for being hidden and must be found to use. (Loose)
  • Gibberwoof screens which automatically write commands from the Athagek. ( Make it )
  • Internets whose subjects vary from purchase, to domestication, to fighting skills and more. (Google)
  • Dictionaries full of insults and foul mouth language, aswell as normal language. (Website exists)

Those on the image are the same, they already exist somehow, water fountain, cards and sticks.

Fighting, Smog and Darkness

Fighting is hard because you can't punch someone with atleast no permission and you need someone who is willing to fight you if you ask them if they want to just for fun. It also becomes more illegal when money is involved rather then just something to do with a bro. An alternative is the internet where one can argue with people or get into name calling situations (I want to make a reddit for that). Or videogames can provide a safe barrier between you and a friend where you can do more to each other then punch including shoot. In all cases however the limit is when they've had enough.

Smog can be done by actually smoking weed, or having a smoke machine or happening on a foggy day. It can also be solved with the next one, as darkness does the same thing and its dark every night, where one can argue the smog has covered the world.

This works for making a dark and creepy place aswell. Especially with a few violent art painting around or a horror movie being played at the same time.


This is all that needs to be added to show that these things can be real and as a result these things can actually be explored. For this reason I even suggest living the experience I described in the other page this one refers to, by following and living for a time in each step. Experiencing through some means the hell you create and then move on to the great end where the Athagec is living again.

Still their is more on this subject to teach and that will be a work for another time. As I feel I have done enough moderate darkness to do something else, which in this case will be working on the reality that is Prosporo, by telling yet another story of the 9 heroes who will explore a new conflict on the future world of Prosporo long after its fall that was spared by the author.

This we will tell on yet another page.

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