
The four works of the Gromonum

This page is kind of long because it goes off on several tangents while staying on subject and while some of it may appear as delusional grandiosity and the rest interesting, I recommend reading it in full simply for its information on Thios and the four characters powers.

The four on Thios would soon be met with troubles they had no awareness of as those other characters headed to Thios would bring them with them, however for now the four friends had decided to expand their own works beyond just their thoughts as was that same action done with Wildcard and Fiona.

So the four set out to do just that, build works of the Gromonum who they treated as their source of power. These would be done separately and then as an experiment they would complete a goal together. As such we begin with Dredges work and his Gromonum:


This first work is one which Dredge builds and which is meant to be of both his opinions on downfall and those works of the being itself which is the incomplete. So his field of study shall be that of the unfinished downfall. This may seem like an odd composition because what good could incompletion and downfall have at all, let alone together.

This he thinks is best shown in the works first of either step, which he puts quite simply in terms of either, shown in bullets of points which describe both aspects as though they are as they are:
  • The city of wisdom shall fall by the increase of misunderstanding in its languages.
  • The work is half finished in that their is far too many theories made of the unknown.
This he then notes is a valid claim to those who live on Earth, who he happened to have chosen as his example of the downfalls in progress, which he, himself is not afraid of and rather he is the one who sees downfall as the action which leads to the next part of life.

He see's downfall not as one where things are destroyed but risen from their ashes and where the outcome when predicted is lead forward inevitably from the point where the fall took place.

As such he makes a prophecy of that which will come about from the downfalls end:
  • They will realize that these answers are all of reason but must be voted for retention of affair.
He then absorbs this knowledge before its time, as he realizes that the nature of these truths can be entered before its fall, such that these events matter not to the one who has climbed above it before it has fallen. This means while others will see a tragedy in between the passing from one to other, Dredge will have past on already.

From this he gains that knowledge of downfall and in completion which shows both its coming and its end so in this he sets out to show similar issues in Aerth and Thios, both whom have yet encountered the downfall of his might.

He lists both separately, the first is Aerth.
  • They will in all things find that they have too many things to do at a single moments time.
  • It is shown in the authors exhaustion and need in past and forward to change subjects;
These he answers with what will come from it:
  • One will have to make a choice of paths which while returnable to, are likely far later on.
Then he lists those of Thios, which he knows.
  • They will with such disagreements be led down different paths and find only much solitude.
  • This is found in the plenty which is then handed out to others only to form more divides.
He then lists what will be its inevitable end:
  • They will find themselves with so many options of works known to learn from.
These he knows are the examples he has written, he finds that each shows a portion of the cluster and that he has learned some of its entirety, which he hopes will be of value in the latter parts of this work:

  • They will realize that these answers are all of reason but must be voted for retention of affair.
  • One will have to make a choice of paths which while returnable to, are likely far later on.
  • They will find themselves with so many options of works known to learn from.
But before he lets his friends speak he realizes a wonder in all these places:
  • Each is filled with plenty and each must choose a path to take in that different ending.
He realizes this may be part of the key to all three parts of this cluster and grows more excited.


Mekala uses magic quite often and as a result, with the power of Hzugankumb she can work within this very thing to do works that aren't expected, as with magic and with the acquisition of knowledge within the world of novelty she can be both unexpected and unique in her spell casting.

Her first step is to learn a magical spell, this she gathers first from Earth and the ones who in likeness are of debate and thus truth in simpler terms of one thing. She thus writes down the form of magic most used:
  • Chance is the core of this magic which often acts slowly and forms in time with manifestation.
Then she adds to it the work of her monstrous spirit, who shall add something new to this:
  • One takes to magic of the form of light and shadow, forming them as curse blessings.
This then means that she can cast spells of duality which when used cause a good event veiled as one of problems and thus she expects a trouble from it that will produce a happy outcome. These are unlike the spells of earth.

She then does Aerth:
  • Seeking out the magic casted, rather then waiting for its stumbling is another means created.
  • One uses this with things simple, which when needed are ingredients of physical effect.
This means she uses this form to locate things like sky tears and deathly grass for her first work, by using the common and uncommon discoveries located on the floor , which can then be used by other rituals of the Aerth.

She then does Thios, which has yet its own form of magic:
  • This she calls the models of those dreams which descend in the surroundings as other things.
  • This she knows could use the addition of modification which when worked with improves.
As a result she forms with the powers of Thios magic out of dreams which she has around her, she can thus use what she has access to to form the results she wants, rather then await the chance later and can do so swiftly with modification.

As a result of these magics does she have her own spell form casted by her works, which when used is born from forms of these three above, used in congruence:
  • Chances in light and shadow manipulated, seeked out too as simple ingredients and used with the models of those dreams modified these powers are gifted to Mekala.

    This allows her to form chance encounters, acquire new ingredients for later and modify her surroundings on sight with the advantages she acquires elsewhere.

    An example she shows her friends of the full art of her magic, which she demonstrates first inside, where she prays for an action that will protect them in battle and be used in defense. She then heads outside to locate an ingredient for aid in this and stumbles on stones of small size. She gathers the stones and returns to her friends and shows them.

    Then with passing time does an angry dog deman come by while the four friends walk and talk and he wants to fight, so they brace themselves and Mekala looks for what she has requested and spots a wall near the Dog Deman, which is likely to make her next step unexpected.

    She throws the rocks at the wall, instead of at the Dog Deman and they bounce of and hit him while he expected them from the front dodging backwards to the very wall she threw them at. This pestered the Dog Deman and he was pleased so he left them alone.

    They were not large stones and still they would likely leave bruises.


    Irene is a master martial artist, who as she can break bricks with a swipe of her wrist and shatter wood with a kick even with her elastic dress the makes it seem she can't kick. She is a master of an ancient and powerful martial art, in which its keys are imposing limits on her opponent and breaking those that are imposed on her. This is thus her power and with Animantots power of the great sip, she can build, discover and impose limits not in one part but through many parts at once.

    (In can  be added that myself, Mazer, was in youth trained for a time in two forms of martial art, which I went not farther then yellow stripped belt as I was disappointed when came time for gaining another belt, that I was not given one, for not being ready and so quit. However I have also been trained in later youth at the cadets in marksmanship which while simple was fun until I didn't like haircuts and am not bad at shooting the target with and air pellet rifle. )

    Irene thus shows how she builds, discovers and imposes limits in the three lands of the cluster. At which point she teaches herself to remove the limit.

    First she builds a limit on earth, different from imposing for having need of an object not attacks:

    • She see's that on earth, they drive quickly in vehicle, so she slows it down with the with technology, limits to speed of vehicle informed by informers of speed limit to cars. She does further make the speed limit shown in vehicle and wires the speed and location to a server for insurance. She see's better in this then in automatic cars which drive themselves as some enjoy driving, but risk exist for both in their slow and fast speed on streets.
    • She then notes that this can be tampered in limit, but knows that the server knows even when it is turned off as the car is missing from lists. She then suggests simple modification for police who can break the limit in chase if their happens to be a vehicle which is on a fast street they need to chase. She adds that this modification only comes in cop cars and in turn perhaps race cars for competition. She also knows this can't be done everywhere.
    She adds that while she herself can't know how to limit a vehicles speed at different conditions, that the least she can know is how to inform the vehicle, which can be done through either a short distant connection of wifi like services or a scanner on cars which pick up something like a QR code, both of which originate from special signs which inform both driver and car of limit. She feels this improves safety especially in school areas and on highways where much congestion appears.

    Evidently those above the limit during transition from one limit to another, slows down efficiently and safely.

    She does not recommend the limitation being done through the server, as this can be hacked and is more for ensuring that cars remain in the limit with listings being present with speed, incase ones limit measurement breaks or is tampered with, which should in least be informed to the driver, so they have opportunity to get it replaced, while providing law with easy check ups if the car is driven without limit for too long.

    She then works on discovering a limitation on Aerth, which provides new insight rather then safety:
    • She proposes that Aerth while in many ways infinite in ideas and their composites lacks a means of quickly accessing the diverse range of sprays which can exist for their works, which up until now are based off memory and perhaps records in notes. This means both thinking quickly of sprays or referring to past works without knowing exactly what the options are by diversity. This means less control of development relying on what happens to be found.
    • She then breaks the limit with one of two options, either a global website where people can add their discovered sprays too, which in doing so becomes publicly available and easily researched, listing means of use and applications known which fall under matching categories or the same concept but personal and accessed either in phone app or computer, which does similar feats of research from ones own knowledge base. ( Something Mazer could make )
    She adds that while the website is convenient for full access it must be moderated for insurance that the posted sprays are actually sprays and not things like offensive or random trolling and she further adds that someone or something must be able to see if a spray already exists when posted so as to not overfill the data with clones. This is challenging because some sprays are similar but different and must likely be done in some kind of public group thought tank/reports with individuals who confirms final decision.

    This is not as problematic with the personal which in least could seek out matching words to show similar sprays in relation to previously added ones.

    She adds finally that the dictionary of known sprays is likely to become almost complete very quickly on the internet if popularity is given to Aerth's methods and this means great convenience but also means great diversity of utility and likely many possible arrangements, she finds lastly that the same could be added in that website or personal version for cardinals which are often are similar in meaning but different in how they are used.

    ( Mazer notes he has yet discussed sprays and cardinals on the blog, but that the do exist in the Yonder text and Beyond texts and previous blogs as previous attempts to explain them )

    Finally as Thios in its differences cannot always be believed it is a more dangerous place, and thus limit imposing is important for self-defense when a person is acting violent for differences they think.
    • While context of attack varies, in close combat one is met with either weapons or fist. As such Irene thinks in close combat that restraining the arms is a vital tactic for succeeding in a fight. She thinks this can be done with the following, listed as terms alone through Block, Aim, Fire, Dodge, Take, Grab, Tie, Tackle. These form together the following thing, Small shields on arms with projectiles aiming, both parts heated one on one side, which if not dodged in ones attempt to block is likely to cause harm to fist or drop of weapon, which can be taken or grabbed. What helps with both, is a means to tie hands or tackle opponent.
    • She notes that in the event of hands being scaled by the shields and lost of weapon, one can still kick but that if ones arms are restrained at this time then one needs to have another method of Balance which is an addition of clothing that is essentially wing like weights that help balance a person in motion. As with weapon now in opponents possession one is likely to loose the battle or further without fists usable cannot defend themselves as effectively.
    She adds that while the heated shields require heat resistant under material, these are not overly dangerous when not in use for defense and are while obvious a useful defense measure in dangerous situations. These likely must be used in awareness to avoid burning oneself, but aren't meant to cause more then likely first degree burns. These meant to shield attacks by block, which when in contact heat the fist or arm while providing protection and thus may cause the person to drop weapon or be less able to attack again.

    Further while public may be allowed to have that first part in certain cases of risk, the projectile aspect is for actual protection officers of military and police force, which while not meant to permanently damage the persons hands are meant to cause enough pain to drop a weapon in reaction to contact with essentially a hot paintball filled with temperature controlled water aimed directly at hands. Although any position this projectile hits is likely to cause a person to react as is natural and touch the area and/or release grip of weapon for the moment.

    Irene adds that the her last example, projectile heat balls, is a better alternative to providing teachers with actual guns, as providing teachers with guns in class leads to a new means of attacking students for those people who do so, they simply have to become teachers and stand before the class or access the stored guns which even with alarms can swiftly cause tragedy before police arrive.

    In the case of projectile heat balls, the worst and ill intending teacher can do is scald a student with first degree burns then get arrested and trialed and at the same time a well intending teacher can disarm a school shooter and stop the tragedy potentially as soon as it begins. If they happen to have one on them. Which my previous argument of sealed weapons was justified by being actual in the event of a teacher being of ill intent and in possession of an actual gun, leads to worst circumstance.

    She has no reason to unify her arts of limitation like her previous companions. What it would form is speed controlled vehicles, heated on the outside with access to spray dictionaries, which is more or less for military purposes if at all. A defense vehicle able to quickly design emergency weapons.


    Krenj has his own methods of work which reflect politics and the nature of rulership which means populace effects and group hierarchical behavior, which within the aid of Pesearip allows for himself to both see his inferiority as a single individual and better predict mass group effects, which both in theory and in proofs shows means of avoidance and utility for himself as a leader or others within higher levels of power and control, be it business, religion, science or country.

    Because theory of hierarchical organisation is often done through theory without test, he often suggests experimentation and modification through testing. His feild needs a shorter name, which he has termed Hierorgence. As it is while intimidating to some is an actual science and not a proof of prowess alone.

    For the basics he uses Earth as a first example of the process and its reactions by individuals inside it.
    • A ruler has a plan for a better method of knowing how his people feel in relation to himself, using the internet instead of telephone calls indirect ( which still and have always been a thing ) the ruler would like to hear both the peoples experience and potentially their advice. Which while still his decision helps ascertain the desires of his people and how to better serve them.
    • As a potential result must include both positive and negative commentary on the ruler while not being no use at all, which Krenj recommends be anonymous to all for privacy. Voting of ideas by the people can also help the leader know what his people want in honesty, but this means only want as population may not always right in mind since leader still leads the country and can make modification of ideas the population wants but may not function in its current state.
    As negative commentary with knowledge of who is potentially a dangerous idea, and if the ruler finds a good idea in another he should still be able to give credit to parts of the inspiration to the individual, which likely should be stated as simply the source of tool and not a public reveal of the person. As the person then knows it was them, but any other person who said the same without being noted is also mentioned and no one is targeted later by jealous individuals or in potential of continued good advice is not treated as special by being unknown.

    While the technology for this exists in primitive form as what today is mostly twitter, the reality of twitter is that it is a mostly global unaffiliated website and thus is among reasons for both pollution of country narratives by other countries and further leads not to accurate depictions of ones country and rather the entire globe. Actual websites for a single country provide far more accuracy of knowing ones own people rather then having ideas and views given out from outside the country, which while still useful reflect not the people of the country in question. 

    Twitter while good for gauging the entire planet, has lead to a loss of consensus for leaders on their country alone and could be said to be an accidental globalization that isn't fully meeting any specific populace's own desires, by often meeting those in and outside their country, rather then just its people within who are by country more important then those outside for actually living in the country.

     Next he uses a different idea, which is for organisation of the more infinite scale Aerth, which has very diverse ranges of ideas across its multiverse for being composite and observation only.
    • Because of Aerths diversity of desires based off its knowledge bases, the potential for disagreement in how the place should be run is quite high and their is a common practice by people to desire their own specific world to be places as law in a given area so they feel more comfortable. Because all people do this, this will never be how the world functions as their is too much hairsplitting views of morals, ideas and aid by governance.
    • This means that while all peoples needs should be met, they are firstly based on popularity and strength of voice then in turn those in need which means not everything requires change of total populations laws if one group desires a change which beyond the simple laws keeping general stability ( laws against things like murder, theft, fraud ) are the ones most important. While additional laws can only truly be added under rule of moral experience that is relative to a whole population and thus things like what one can eat, should be in the west, up to oneself.
    I say west because in the same way as one can have just the basic rules of stability for a society the west is more often based on freedom of ones actions rather then other parts of the world which bases its organisation on faith which is both kept alive by rule and popularity. This means a difference of laws which in some eyes of the west are shocking, but which have also been shown to have more consequence of terrorism and demands at changes by difference of interpretation. This I cannot change and may very well be simply how it is there and up to their leaders. However, myself can judge my surroundings and its people and say that violence is less desired or supported in the west and thus is reason for its laws not falling under religion but freedom instead. 

    This did not include communism, which has a stereotype of always failing but has been shown to function in some cases, especially when a population is very large for a smaller space. Which is unlike places with smaller populations in both small or large space. This has been shown to function because it is likely that communism only works with high density population but low scale places. Since it provides efficient enough exchange of material and enough workers to remain stable, so long as its workers do not try to rebel in what may very well lead to worse circumstances by the fact of such large population. ( China )

    This does not mean capitalism can't also function in high density low scale places areas, but is more likely to become very consumerist in nature by the fact that it has so many different freedoms and available options at more varied price and the like. I make mention of both while not knowing both well. ( Japan )

    The views of Earth lead to debate and thus singular perspective which often are not good measures of the full reality, which is why I refer to reality here while calling it Aerth. As it shows more views I understand in some, which very from my own place in Canada and can be learned from only while observed from their perspective and not my own bias to my world.

    Finally he adds a final mention of the Differences of Thios and uses once again the real world for proofs of theory and this because an artificial narrative can only show so much and be biased to one.
    • Firstly, the nature of current politics divides inaccurately as while their are four political forms recognized, I don't divide them the same way and will list these four forms as follows: Capitalism, Communism, Religious and Anarchistic of which each views ruler ship as very different and even so far as no ruler at all. These differences once led to wars small then great due to difference of opinion and I predict and end to both for a smaller form of proxy tribal wars and large scale information wars.
    • This is because once we had space to expand and disputes of who ruled what space by vagueness of map and lack of global connection, but also difficulty in resource which today is far more well connected through wealth and exchange rather then theft and acquisition. This lead however to conflict in opinions and then two world wars which climaxed with the realization that these are definitely too destructive and thus a change of format was forced.
    This change of format in the way conflicts are dealt is due to lack of space to expand into legally or illegally on global scales because information and global connection prevents both by knowing who is where and who plans to attack at all. This in turn shows immediately the danger and thus it is futile to invade another country as it turns an entire alliance against you and results in very limited success as well as a likelihood of not changing the people who can retain all knowledge by alliance similarity in internet connection and continuous replication of information. 

    As a result it is likely that firstly small groups are more likely to cause physical damage by perhaps not understanding the futility of global change in the modern world by causing proxy tribal wars for either their own rights or attempts at acquiring more popularity in fear tactics, This is violent and left to situations where either religious justification rules or where human life rights have actually been removed in either accidental or actual intent. This also includes gangs which do similar things but in a different context of drugs or tribal feud. These are groups who fight across the globe often outside the wills of those who don't want it in their dwellings.

    The information wars are far more unique for being the general desire for understanding and change on a global scale, which while bordered by language provides exchange and change of opinion on diverse scales and can in fact lead in time to total changes of societies by alteration of its peoples opinions simply by the acts of other people on the internet. These reactions are hard to predict.

    The four main parts of politics as they exist today are Capitalism, Communism, Religious and Anarchistic ways of life, each is defined in the best of my knowledge and shown to all function inside each other as different adaptations which provide case sensitive exceptions for its people in contexts where a group within desires a different form which is unlikely to form due to not meeting its requirements.
    • Capitalism is based of capital and the exchange of goods through purchase and business which in turn often use election as a method of leader to ensure continued change and fair game of competition of ideal, wealth and growth. 
    • Communism in my knowledge of, is about equal labor and goods for its people which prohibits competition and change of ideal to keep the status quo and the ability for the group to function and remain so in high density of people.
    • Religious in my understanding, is of moral religious rule which transcends just those common rules shared by most societies in manners that can vary from minor to extensive consequence, while providing for those who believe.
    • Anarchistic is different from the above for being the natural form of reality and underlies all three above, which shows what occurs when in place yet exists at all times in those who live their life as is in their place of presence.
    These all have measures within each for providing to the other potential desires of difference while retaining each's definite state. This allows for religious groups in capitalist countries to exist with less consequence then Religious nations. But because I can only know my own place in capital countries I can only say what they are for my own. 
    • Capitalism while forming monopolies is able to continue building new businesses especially if the one built is not already existing or has met enough popularity and need to become extensively polar popularized, meaning existing diversely while competition also exists. 
    • Communism while not the status quo in capital countries is used to help allow in smaller states equality among people of different conditions that would make them inferior elsewhere and often the elections of these nations lean one way or the other in small amounts to keep health.
    • Religion is allowed in Capital countries and is within reason for being a right of an individual so long as it does not go to extremes of real violence, it allows ones choices at best possible as long as it does not require global change of rule or consequences that are already illegal.
    • Anarchism in capitalistic countries is quite diverse even when rulers exist in all parts because each person of the society acts on their own and thus the results are often unpredictable or foreseen in advance as people spend their days in an anarchistic cycle of their works and desire.
    It does seem contradictory for Anarchism to function with a leader, but it is wiser to do so as people cannot be predicted and leaderless places tend to end up with one because of our natural human hierarchy, which has several natural roles which we have modified overtime into very diverse forms. These Hierarchical roles are not sexually locked as history shows otherwise. What limits them in stereotype is simply current age popularity and presence of the willing. I have written them shortly as I recognize them, but not necessarily as they may be:
    • Alpha : Leader of affairs at the absolute top of a given group, elected or naturally formed.
    • Guard: Protection member internal or external that keeps the state of stability in existence.
    • Hunter : Gathers food from the wild and is less common in modernity, but includes foraging.
    • Farmer : Farms resources in either plants, animal or material and is the source of resource.
    • Sub-Alpha : Leading/Popular people who have significant effect on a a sub-group or group.
    • Beta : Follower who often is beneath the Alpha or Sub-alpha and willingly goes along with.
    • Scholar : Often wiser then the rest of the population, is able to teach and invent things better.
    • Omega : Outcast, in either mind or wealth and is often viewed as being outside societies ideas.
    • Priest : Leader or student of the religious gathering of Beta and Alphas, who speak of spirit.
    • Alpha-omega : The fool who leads and is an outcast, who brings new and yet is left as more.
    * The Alpha-omega is not always a prophet as may be assumed, but rather always a prominent historical figure who adds to history in subject old or new that is scholar or priest or other and can in fact be found in all fields of reality as the one so often to bring the next or new part of its story. Sometimes I refer to them also as the Sky Fallers. A list of examples can be found below, but it should be added that because they are never what is known before them, they can be good or evil in appearance of person or in their own actions, which set up shift of thought:
    • Jesus
    • Sir Isaac Newton
    • Friedrich Neitzsche
    • Mohamed
    • Albert Einstein
    • Claude Monet
    • Ludwig van Beethoven
    • Socrates
    • Plato
    Unlike the beta, alpha, priest or scholar they were not only students who followed but also ones who led to new shifts of existing ideals which in time never replaced or went away and instead was added to the lists of life. I have not included some of the more unfortunate examples of which the most well known of the darker shifts was likely Adolph Hitler, which in mention alone brings the question of why name him here. 

    This is because he is still among most peoples mind as an alpha-omega who brought a new that will for a long time be of negative consequences and who can certainly be viewed as exactly what that was. One can debate ably add Napoleon Bonapart to that same darker list, although he's not as bad. Another is evidently Maximilien Robespierre, who while being among the leaders of the french revolution then becomes corrupt and even changes the calendar to reflect himself like yet another named Julius Ceasar. But it should be noted that not all leaders are bad nor considered part of this list of less positive outcomes, both of these while on the more good evil side were still important parts of histories advancement.

    ( Fun fact, I'm born on July 14th 1996, so my birth month is named after Julius Ceasar and i'm born on the day of the Bastille, a prison taken over during the french revolution ( Maximilen Robespierre ), so seeing my fate is already written if I were to become a political leader, I shoot myself in foot. I could even add Napoleon Bonapart to this based solely on us both being born in the --69's to the list of prophetic reasons for not becoming a Leader of a country. Just look at how much importance I in narcissism put on my birthday... )

    Saying that it is clear that the listed rulers on my birthday are not like Adolph Hitler because if we were to bring up the three deceivers of the bible in my own personal interpretation, the first would be Lucifer who simply means well and may conquer a city in good intent and may fight a war to help his people, still causing suffering but with only the good in mind. Their just the one who in history did right on an earth scale, but not necessarily fixed things for better on an Aerth one, just business as usual and without much significance of rule. Good in mind of the times.

    Its when they were fallen from beginning that they are Satan, people like Adolph Hitler, as he always did want the death and end of people he feared and was generally not a positive figure. Who continued for a length of what was basically a rule of power hungry serial killers he was and gave to others like himself, using blame of others to gain traction in a period of mistakes being made.

    Worse is the one whose full name is Goodevil and comes bearing gifts of grandiosity who when given ruler ship can in fact become the worst of the worst in a surprising manner simply because they were good, but then go completely evil. It's basically Caligula ( Calugula dies in 41 AD in January, the exact opposite of the date July 14 )  who starts out great and goes fucked up real quick. I only included Napoleon cause he was definitely only good for the french with all his invasions and wars.

    Plus I must admit with the story of the Eclian being among my favorite dark things is likely why I will stay where I am currently, because then I can be good boy and not the worst thing I can think of. Plus it's totally a thing I like and fantasied about at 12, yup 12 year old was fantasizing unknowingly about being something like Caligula. Yup, I shall definitely not be your prime minister, Canada.

    Anyways, back to the real subject, after I talked continuously about Alpha-Omegas and their goods and bads and my own foreseen downfall avoided, often when they rule, but not always. Philosopher kings are usually not actual kings like Plato argues. I think they rule from a different level of society for the peoples good as we are all kings of our world, the one rulers lead is built of ours and often shouldn't be about building their own but keeping ours alive.

    Now that were done talking about the four Thios hero's individual works, let us see what they can do when meeting in the middle instead of arguing over each other's differences or believing each other and leaving the situation at that. Let's see what the four of them can do together and apart:

    In simple terms, their works are described as below:
    • Dredge works to pass downfalls unfinished by foreseeing where they go and passing to it.
    • Mekala uses magics of three forms to cause a manifestation in chance and situation needed.
    • Irene creates and breaks limits within the context of both surrounding, discovery and defense.
    • Krenj works to study the reactions of different levels of hierarchy and predict their outcomes.
    These look like a group who in congruent definition, predicts downfalls to follow, use magic to cause them while building and breaking limits and predicting the outcome of their actions. It's funny that when I finally introduced them I wasn't sure if I liked them, but I like them a lot now. Before they had a lot more power and they were almost too advanced for people to understand, but with this simplification of their ideals I think their pretty cool.

    As such their work as a group is to bring about the downfall of a place, which seems evil but is actually intended to be good and done such that they cause downfall while trying to spare the people from the destruction it causes. This means those who believe them are spared while those who ignore them walk themselves to death or suffering.

    It is odd that they come late, but in reality all of these works I have used for a long time in secret. Starting all the way after the Aorb, I studied the reactions people had in time and present to polarity and provided my best and improving answer, which was built directly from each consecutive downfall of my own. For example:
    1. Don't convince people while I convince you of this.
    2. We are all correct and all is true at the same time.
    3. We should believe what we want and avoid not.
    4. Do not force others into things they fear or dislike.
    5. Touch not those things that don't want to be touched.
    Each fell by the following reason, which means why I say what I say above:
    1. Convincing leads to tension and hate, which brings war and fighting.
    2. While we can convince in respect, we are all correct at the same time.
    3. Even if we believed all we won't be happy, we only are in what does.
    4. Even if we want things, these things sometimes are forced and issues.
    5. Forcing can be good in right intent, touching inappropriately isn't.
    This brings up the question for some as to why forcing something could be good and my answer is usually only when it is done in the manner these characters do, or in the manner I end up theorizing the bible does. This is the good force, which is opposed to force of violence alone and the action by which a person who makes evil choices often ends up doing ( forcing their will on others ). An act of good force however, as I learn from the church of the birds that I originally blamed as the evil at first, was revealed in time to be wiser then myself then. 

    Forcing actions seems wrong, except when their is a risk to someone they don't understand or further have ignored which may cause more tragedy then one initially assumed. This could be said to be the first half of the bible where God to most outsiders looks like an asshole and still is worshiped by both Judaism and Christianity in being what it is. Even Islam does this with its stories and is often misunderstood as proof of Gods power and strength when it's actually why he's good.

    Their are differences between my world and those of the three montheisms, as they were written at least 1500 years ago. So women weren't viewed as equal to men back then. I view this from modernity back and thus I see good intent within its period of its own ignorance and bias but also of reason then, because it is true that on average women then needed to be protected more then today as everyone had swords and their were wars all over the place.

    Today we are more equal which is why virtually every group of four I create is composed of two guys and two girls. Since this makes it equal in person and equal in ideals since those are chosen arbitrarily. This itself, the idea of womens equality is an act of force which when starting years ago was a good act of force, 

    Its when it slips into a female conspiracy of the evil patriarchy forbidding women rights, much like its opposite formation in men, who are against the Illuminati for corruption, that it becomes bad force. Because its an argument between men and women that is blamed on each other and created solely on fears of an unseen and technically impossible force of evil which is deception.

    These two delusions are an example of beliefs which have deceived a majority of people and are unique for believing in a secretive group who is either sexist or corrupted. It is formed by fears I am familiar with from when I was 17 but which I have transcended at the wall:

    This is not the conservative's wall by the way, it's the one I saw 2 years before trumps own wall.
    It's more closely associated with Pink Floyd's the wall for any liberal to also understand.

    The secretive group of either does not exist any farther then people making wrong choices and the internet spreading ideas they are afraid of that exist at the edge of the written work of current history. It's the border between the written and the unwritten because all our goals from before this time have been completed and we are left with new ideas that like in Rome aren't being fulfilled by the continuity of them and have left some stuck in the moment between then and now.

    It's comparable to the story of Sodom and Gomorah, where one of two cities wants to rape the angels who enter to destroy it, often these days this is said to be because the men are gay, but this contradicts the family who lives there. As the reality of Sodom and Gomorah is that the two cities are divided by the "men and women" of the city. Who have separated from each other and have yet wed.

    Sodom and Gomorah are destroyed in every version of Monotheism that we've mentioned and this is because it was already doomed to destroy itself by mistrust of each other. Where in our case of modernity ( as its not clear what Sodom and Gomorah were divided by ) it is because one side believes in gender and the other does not. 

    Most have concluded this is because of hate by leading cis men in power or a sick game of the leaders for control and so are divided by something that is inaccurate in both cases. This is nothing more then paranoia built from the edge of time, where no one has acknowledged that time as was written before has ended. 

    By written I mean, long ago we made goals for the future and today we've attained them all. Those tribes had no goal, but in Rome they found need for comfort and knowledge better then what was the state of ancient Rome ( where the library of Alexandria was burned down and people sick ) and this we've attained in almost all places that have tried to attain it, leaving only action of people to keep it as is or less then what is the reached ending. 

    A similar event occurred in Rome to the one of today, because Rome was that edge where we realized we could build a future for ourselves, first by Socrates, then Jesus and finally Mohamed. All whom spoke of something before their time. Who each brought about the Justice, Morality and Science that would follow. However their works would take 2000 years following them and what isn't written after its ending is where we are today. 

    As Justice grew after first, as it was proven with the death and Resurrection of Jesus ( who's return to life now in least, is symbolic or true. ), this in turn lead to Christianity, who followed those ideals but also built their own text off that of Judaism that they wrote and limited to what they recalled from Jesus. 

    This leads to a third prophet who comes and re-writes what is said, as by then the memory was forgotten and they were in fact forcing in the wrong way. This means that Christianity began by believing a better world would come, but their attempts to bring it about led to forceful spread and not the right hope of better.

    Then Mohamed writes the Quran, which inspires another world, this world happens to help the other one just before returning to the way itself was supposed to be ( a lot less about science ). This is how Science finally begins, when the Christians learn the works of alchemy originating from the works of Mohamed.

    Over time this inevitably leads to all that we have today. Where we know Justice, Morality and Science better then anyone did in year 1. Before this time, mankind knew no goals and wandered through beliefs aimlessly. It is when Rome and Egypt tried to make one world, that they began to realize the power of Harpocrates.

    This god, of Alexandria, is the first formation of this coming time in the Greeks, that leads to the Romans, but both sides were needed to be found to then be realized as what would be Christianity

    If you have read any of my writings, their is a library in Prosporo unmentioned also called the Library of Alexandria, which is its only library. Alexandria's library was the largest Library in egypt but it burned down and this is among that periods passing into new, for loosing its knowledge.

    If you have seen any of my blogs, but especially my book written after and before, called Yonder, you will see that their is a being called Hypocretes who is the same one 2000 years later.

    Harpocrates is Hypocretes's brother from the last time this happens ( Hypocretes is a girl ). None the less I'm getting carried away and must now discuss what this means for the time, when the work is finished as it begun in year 1 and is done in around the 2000's where events begin to occur that are not precedented in our previous plans now ended.

    That plan was written by: John the Apostle in prophetic senses which in the same manner as this:

    The parts with the black symbols not the colored parts...

    Was read and loved so passionately it came about without intent to manifest on our own and formed in chances of past which looking back add up to the story of Revelation that starts at the closing of the Bible and this story is what follows after Jesus.

    My own stories example with chems, does a similar but shorter feat:

    This image has the symbols added to the path I walked after writing those first symbols, the last three are later on in this whole book of Yonder and Beyond. You can read this entire story of Prosporo and my reaction to it years after, in the beginning of Yonder, but also a different version in Beyond.

    What happens is that after the year 2001 their is nothing written and that is shown when the tragedy of the modern world occurs a year later, which is written in the book of Revelation. Most certainly known as 9/11 and most regrettably among my four first memories:
    • Me being changed as a baby, seeing a spiral in my mind while looking at the light on the ceiling, then a family friend comes in with his daughter through the front door.
    • Me sitting in the living room, looking past the couch, facing backwards where one day their will be a computer and not plants and a chair and my dads antic tables. 
    • Me watching the news, either as a documentary or as the actual events when the twin towers fall and being too young to understand what that means or really much at all.
    • Me watching a documentary about the spaceships that blew up and before wanting to be an astronaut only to then realize that is a highly dangerous thing and changing my mind.
    The last one occurred in 1986 with a teacher on board, it is in the book of revelations as the hailstorm. In fact according to the book of revelations on Wikipedia, which is just an outline of the books contents as it varies from version of the bible. I find that in my knowledge the last 7 bowls end in 1986, then in 2001, New Babylon is destroyed by 9/11 which is what is written as the last parts.

    As such this portion is then followed by the wedding of the lamb and the judgement of the two beast, the dragon and the dead, which only a portion of the dead are saved and the rest burn in fire. That is literally when fireman are saving people in the tower and this leads to today where their is still no true consensus of who caused the planes to fly into the twin towers.

    But the important part, is that nothing happened after, which is the opposite intent of whomever caused it, likely intending to cause the end of the world and thus humanities extinction but it failed by complete unexpected reaction of people trying afterwards to build a better world even after such tragedy, on that day the book of revelations ended. This is also when the internet begins to be popular enough to be what it is today, the internet is the library of Alexandria no longer able to be erased like once long ago and this is what Lucy is about:

    Lucy is the one of the Umbra who knows that life is permanent and good even in tragedy.

    The proof in tragedy and humanity that man is able to survive greatest conflicts and tragedies in a manner that only solves things for the better, one that even when unprecedented can be solved by our differences and our commonality, which even in futile tragedy was helped by the men and women that day in a country while not far away, that effected the entire planet in first sorrow and horror with but one silver lining in a drive for the better and safer world to come.

    This while not its original intent in memory is among reasons for me having two towers still standing in Prosporo, as even when Prosporo falls in places, its able to recover better then before, those towers remain to be remembered as they were and not as they are today. This not even a tragedy of my own home but one that effected someone else world, mine only in a memory of youth I barely understood.

    Finally the actual relevance to what I have built with my characters of the world that has come not from my writing but outside it. Is that these characters represent destruction that is spared by prediction and a term unknown called likely Forthundone. Which means forward past the demise not occurred.

    As these characters are those who do not destroy in fire as once done in past by causing it to show its end, but to destroy invisibly the possibility of that very fire. Through the works of knowing that fires arrival and setting up the road without it, for those who can listen to their writings before they occur such that they do not occur in tragedy, at least for those who listened.

    This means they use the congruence of those four heroes in power and while they can do nothing to those who believe not, those who hear the warning can avoid and brace before it occurs, rather then wait for tragedy and potentially die. This is the good force, as it merely forces those who listen to flee and avoid while those who don't end in their own consequence they rejected or wanted.

    Their reason of relevance to above, is put simply that the first of all works of above is to foresee the ending of ones life and transcend it before it occurs, this is the path each of those people written as part of my summary of past did, in knowledge or ignorance to show the way to after. The only two to perish in injustice was the one who spoke to soon and the one who still chose to go to death in injustice to show the same still was.

    This is not my story, which is yet finished and fully written, but the sources of my inspiration in time before as someone very late to humanities history, who may not even be human in those pasts definition, for being neither born normally or behaving normally as i'm eccentric as fuck and was born by C-Section 9 months after conception in hot waters with wine.

    As such the parallels are both intended and not in time, but the example of that Forthundone is shown below, this shall be done not with the world I spoke of as answer before, but with my own answers to the conflict of gender, which are below:

    1. Don't convince people while I convince you of this.
    2. We are all correct and all is true at the same time.
    3. We should believe what we want and avoid not.
    4. Do not force others into things they fear or dislike.
    5. Touch not those things that don't want to be touched.
    These are the reasons for their formation, repeated for clairity, these are the things I prevented in expressing them in time, the 5th not mentioned until today and this blog and the Yonder text.

    1. Convincing leads to tension and hate, which brings war and fighting.
    2. While we can convince in respect, we are all correct at the same time.
    3. Even if we believed all we won't be happy, we only are in what does.
    4. Even if we want things, these things sometimes are forced and issues.
    5. Forcing can be good in right intent, touching inappropriately isn't.
    Still it is now time to Forthundone the very solutions I have made, such that a third stability be formed and the full of the past, present and future's consequences be shown in only three positions of options inside that entirety. As the first shows answer to the second, the second is the consequences of these things:
    1. Debate on the truth and validity of a specific subject or reality.
    2. Doubt that someone is actually not right about the worlds nature.
    3. Absorption in one, must believe everything they have ever thought.
    4. Forcing one, as ones right to force their desires on others completely.
    5. Touching a person who did not want to be touched or stolen from.
    As such these have been coloured to show the difference of cure, result and source. As are what follows from my own considerations of my own answers as containing their own consequences that may not be meant for all and thus are meant for those who can handle them when known. I thus find the downfall of the cure and cure even that for those who likely already saw problem in Earth and Aerth, which perhaps they will grow more comfortable in Thios.

    Below is the consequence of Aerth's ways of doing, which have and have not yet been spotted:
    1. We shall find that their is little talk of works beyond use.
    2. We find that all moments are forced to be accurate and used.
    3. We must choose our liking and use it with someone elses way.
    4. We cannot commit acts which are of neither good or bad.
    5. We find that we are left with one exception inaccessible fairly.
    As such in summary Aerth while stunning in its diverse ideals has a downfall which is accepted by its people:

    They discuss not more then what is to be used then, while believing each other all the time and must share those things with whom is present to build something more then they rather then just they and are still in those things of good and evil, beyond only in accepting both in a manner that leaves one exception fair, but still not welcomed in the world without means of improvement known there.

    As such they are silent in belief together in slight beyond, of good and evil, yet have the exception against tag without answer for tag in true form even when known that their is one of pretension.

    This is what they have as a conflict underlying the world, and is likely one that can be solved for those who want it solved and this is what those four heroes in their work congruent will find when Dredge who begins finds better in the ending of these things:
    1. One should have right to discuss without being believed.
    2. We should be able to gain in exchange parts of works only.
    3. In others but solitary guidance, can we make our works.
    4. We must seek more then dichotomous morality in interests.
    5. We must both defend and find better root to the tag issue.
    These are then what we must find, with both help of the characters and their works, which can only now answer the first three, as one is a whole other subject and the last is yet found in my mind and both are part of what follows after this part of a story, which sometimes walks in works instead of tail.

    These first three are first found to be good then their consequences they have moved on from found in Mekala's works a method of protection from, meaning with just her magics can she defend against, if it were to be case that Thios is required to do the ways of Aerth or Earth.

    She thus seeks three forms of magical defense:
    • Both Earth and Aerth would learn and exchange with Thios, while doing so unlike the method of Thios, by taking either in reason or complete faith, while arguing or assimilating the ideas.
    • As such even if they would be as this, Thios can still discuss their ideas even when Earth and Aerth believe their ideas or don't in a manner that isn't as Thios means, in choices of what.
    Mekala then uses the same idea of forming magics for interaction between Aerth and Earth, with the next problem, which while all three are similar in hairsplittings of interaction should not be confused:
    • Both Earth and Aerth do not learn ideas in the same manner as Thios, one wants a reason for their idea and the other will just take what they can know for what it is, this Thios skips.
    • As such when Earth or Aerth demand belief of an idea by Thios, it is as would be in interaction between Earth and Aarth, which mostly form through disagreeing or agreeing with the idea.
    With both of these magics which while not those of manners of only chance or encounter, allow Mekala and her friends (who she is sharing this knowledge to for the greater work of their parts) to exchange with Earth and Aerth even when they are not like Thios and thus can in fact be compatible while uncanny in all three. Still she knows not how this can be done when she needs help from another in any part of the cluster and cannot do it herself, which is that last function of Thios:
    • Any of the cluster uses wealth, interest and friendship to get things done, these possibilities allow for aid and thus any of these multiverses provides a measure of doing with differences.
    • Infact, among them their is always opportunity to learn from any of the islands and use the lessons in a manner of Thios rather then in the practices of Earth or Aerth after completion.
    This means that she can have someone do her a favor or pay for the favor even when they don't agree with her in full, so long as it is an action which they can understand or know of from their position in the cluster and as a result she can still make solitary strides, without needing to composite her work. If non want to help her, then she simply has to learn it herself or work in beliefs around it, in the worse case.

    It should be noted that Earth, Aerth and Thios are in fact different, although it is hard to understand if one has not grasped the difference. When I first discovered Thios, I posted information on reddit about all three and met yet again people of all three parts of the cluster, which was somewhat surprising as Aerth is rare and Thios I had not even noted until then.

    Infact, while many debated and demanded reason for my claims, I had one person approach me who in their first statements made it obvious they were of Aerth because they made the claim they were a dog deman, bird and human at the same time , which in my definitions from Thios  is something that couldn't be.  

    Evidently this person had recently entered Aerth because they had yet learned complete observation skills and were still learning the difference of All and Everything. Still it surprised me that I had successfully found another cluster.

    This example shows the difference which the person on Aerth could not understand, always accepting everything I said in their language, which they recognized mine wasn't identical but similar too as it was of Thios and not Aerth:

    Afterwards I met a person who actually understood what I meant. They had not entered Thios from Aerth, rather come to Thios from Earth, which meant they knew only of Thios and Earth but had not heard of Aerth and thus while believing what they wanted, knew not the keys to more then Earth's ideas. Which left them with things like Science and Magic alone and not the infinite things of Aerth.

    Although this will become clearer when we show more then just Technos, Magic, Science and Chancarts in the Proporo story. One could also include the arts of Caven in this list.

    Next let us look at what Irene does to help her friends build a Forthundone that defines the difference of Thios, only difference and not superiority because while one can think this, its truly a matter of taste. Albeit I ( Mazer ) enjoy parts of all three clusters.

    Irene does a different thing, which is mostly to help show the difference of limitations between Aerth, Earth and Thios, which each consecutively develop differently. This means she will share their abilities which differ from part of the cluster.

    • Earth is unable to gain knowledge it does not agree with and thus must argue with others to attain reason for believing the subject and also providing reasons for their own, which if beaten means they must believe the other person and thus possibly leave that universe behind entirely.
    • Aerth is able to only gain more knowledge by agreeing completely with others and going with the role one wants in that by observation, they must however work together through agreeing on the topic of both and thus functioning by working together and forming new things as full.
    • Thios is able to select from belief or disbelief and use what they have chosen to craft their universe while taking advantage of others belief or disbelief in unity or aver to create things together or for solely their own world and thus are based not on composite but difference.
    • Earth can quickly shift its orientation of worlds as groups shift populations by debate and thus their arguments form the composites of groups which can both loose and gain people through argumentation and ones ability to do so, which leads to change in populations of view.
    • Aerth can quickly gather global knowledge of the multiverse and select from it its own role in that entire multiverse, which is unlike Earth that denies the other universes and can thus explore a large scale environment while not using all of it themselves yet still meeting others.
    • Thios is able to have more and less freedom in what is its own life, meaning it is constrained solely to its world and won't enter another unless they see it as part of their own as well. This allows a different sort of arrangement where people decline invitation to parts of the world.

    At this time, we have only begun defining the differences of Earth, Aerth and Thios and some are behind on the differences while others are similar only in their specific case. 

    As Lemuria uses Earth logic on a more advanced technological level, but have yet debated about what they will do or even shown much advanced techology to be gathered in the actual reality section. They will require more work in future.

    Aerth's Prosporo and the like even of Caven treat things in a full belief divided by role manner, but have yet shown more of itself. This is likely what I will do next, as I want to encounter more things both outside magic and science, inside both and below in caven. 

    Caven could be considered non bias to a cluster and thus pretty much whatever is done with it.

    Thios has not shown its ability to disagree because these first characters shown are in my own fault too used to Aerth and further too close to each other to disagree while separating themselves from Wildcard and Fiona completely.

    However I will try to create more disagreements with the next groups coming to Thios in a period of time from now.

    Our final character Krenj will explore the reactions people have to different clusters, but I have failed to accurately describe what a cluster is and should leave it where it came up.

    A cluster, is an infinite set of universes forming one multiverse of any scale, which is different universally when compared to another multiverse nearby. As such a cluster is larger then a multiverse in scales comparable to something like atom to molecule.

    As such, even though Science and Magic can exist in Earth, Aerth and Thios as separate universes they are not the same universe in those different multiverses, which in our blog means currently at least three magics and sciences in existence in different multiverses, eventual as Lemuria lacks part. This isn't counting Technos either, which would add an additional universe like caven outside those specific spray types connected to each part of the cluster. Clusters have only just been found but predicted long ago when I first realized parts of the multiverse were accessible.

    Ironically my first image I called a cluster is actually just a multiverse, cause I got excited:

    That's an old prophetic drawing of today, back when I was mostly ignorant of what I was doing.
    Ah, nostalgia...

    A final note should be added, their is a technical fourth cluster in this Blog, but it almost doesn't count because it is the one the Outsiders are in, which is the one composed of all three and as a result they walk between the lines of these three clusters at any given time. Simply because like myself they know and understand all three.

    Each is unique.

    Krenj decides he will show quickly the way different parts of the cluster react, when meeting each other compared to others and thus this will require six different bullet points two for each reaction:
    • Earth will react to Aerth as though it is delusional and insane, because it contains parts of the world the Earth person thinks are definitely wrong and do not actually do anything at all.
    • Earth if meeting Thios from earth will find them normal except in choice to believe things, but if they once went to Aerth, will find half the information to be like Aerth when outside them.
    • Aerth will react to Earth as though they are not delusional because they have seen the experience that justify believing any of the claims Earth denies exist and so have full faith.
    • Aerth will hardly understand Thios because Thios somehow does both what Earth and Aerth do at the same time, so will recognize belief but fail to realize Thios is disagreeing sometimes.
    • Thios will find Earth to be persistent about them believing the full of what they are arguing while they wont see a need to believe its complete validity and decline or accept.
    • Thios will find frustration explaining the difference of Aerth and itself to Aerth because they do not confide the full of ideas and select specific ones for themselves alone, not all.
    As such the three parts of the cluster can coexist while finding each other a little strange compared to themselves, their is very little difference between them and thus they can live with very little conflict and may be so similar as to not be recognized unless knowing them well.

    This is not counting that final two questions left for the adventure into that that is not a dichotomy and not avoidance of tag, which while believed and shared as foundation of safety by Aerth in their actions is still very much a threat in Thios and those places where they chose not to care. As such these two questions are that explored on this path of plot headed there.

    I should mention their are likely more islands out there, but if and when I find one it will form a likely paradigm shift as 3 and a half multiverses is already quite large as a subject for a blog.

    This concludes this rather lengthy exploration of both the powers of the four heroes which will be used later on and discusses Thios itself in comparison to Aerth and Earth so helps clairify them as at this time I know too little on Thios itself to provide an accurate mention in the world section like the other two. 

    I should also mention that it is unlikely more main characters will be added to this blog, as currently the amount of main characters ( discounting Wildcard and Fiona ) is 9 + 9 + 13 + 6 + 3 = 40, some new since my last counting of characters that reached over 53 and thus I can likely argue I have over 100 characters at this time, each from a different universe and as such would find that with that many characters the cluster/multivers created would be too huge to advance quickly.

    Perhaps some other time, I will use a different set of characters from those I have used so often ( the 9 original heroes on Aerth. ) I may also do a small outake for both time and space, at some point just to show how to open physical portals rather then phental-memetic portals and a more advanced time travel post then the only existing post of its kind, which barely touches on it.

    As these things are of timespace and evidently of peoples interests, but both are harder to achieve alone and thus I can't do too much of them, while talking about what they can end up performing when groups form around their complex and sometimes expensive processes. Neither is as expected in the stereotypes shown on television which both can do, but which in default aren't like that.

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