
Technos 2: Staraqua field manipulation

This is the second Technos we shall create, it shall be yet another technology for use by anyone who can access its form and we shall do so in the same manner as the last Technos, which thus shall contain the 7 parts of its being.

We then shall begin by forming the chem:

This we then seek out as an appearance in reality as we would do with any other technos, which we find firstly in these things as separate parts:

  • Water is the tear
  • The sun and moon
  • Our own sight 
  • The rays of light
These we then form into an idea within the roles of Chancarts which we use to provide a use for our idea which if built from above:
  • We can measure the fall of rain with sun and moon and the brightness of sky. We can also effect the outcome entirely by altering the rays of the sun and moon on the clouds, an advancement for future.
This then allows us to control the weather, in a two fold manner. The first is knowing when it shall stop, based off when the light is most bright in the day or night and further we can effect the arrival of clouds with beams of light or their reflection. As this heats the cloud and changes its direction of travel. It further decreases likely hood of rain for heating the water.

In my own abilities however I can only rely on what I have and this means I am only able to predict the likely hood by when rain will stop or arrive, but still is their something in my averence I can use within the above theory?

Surely their is something I can gain from knowing when it will rain or stop raining, within these tools I have access to. Beyond the ability to collect rainwater ( As it's not illegal to do so in canada, but regulated ), this I presume could help me expect or predict the exact length of a lighting space in my room. As clouds effect the strength of light during the day and in observing the clouds can I distinguish light of my room in time.

It is also neat to note the reason for rain water collection being illegal in some places, it is because it dries up the land around where it is collected and is thus a reverse terraforming tool which can severely impact the environment. I did wonder why this was the case until I looked it up. This is likely why its wiser to collect water from lakes, as this contains more in amount per area. As collecting rain water leads to lower chances of farming success and thus less food for people.

This would in fact be because of natural cycles in weather being displaced by the relocation of water that until then was common in the area because of that cycle that one intervened in by collecting it.

This however may be part of the key to terraforming a planet, as the locations where water is placed may have relationship with the formation of an atmosphere on the planet and where the ground becomes most lush.

All of these I measured using Boprims which showed both in research and sense why water is a vital resource and one that can greatly effect the life of the land simply by being present there during specific time periods. This further suggests that one can modify this level in benefits to the environment by adding water to the land.

As one may find that their forests lack berries and this could be simply due to lack of water, as such watering its soil may naturally increase plant growth next year. This could be beneficial for the full of that area and further tuning through other similar ideas could greatly control what lives in an area.

As all a Boprim does is use valid observations as models for any other context that shares its properties and presumes that this will result in the same reaction.

One could then use this knowledge to form a Subeast who represents the ideas within, based of the chem we already designed, which depicts the lifeblood of life in weather and celestial bodies. As such I have drawn the subeast below:

Staraqua can be trained to effect all the things it has listed as its powers, this means he can measure the lighting of a place, presume when it will and wont rain and effect the waters in an area for better circumstances, through knowledge of where water if found there.

Finally with the help of interprets, in this case tools for measuring these phenomena, one can attain more accurate prediction, for example the knowledge of cloud density by appearence and the knowledge of the wind both help ascertain the length by interpretation.

In water relocation, we find that a field full of grass if desired to be removed efficiently without mowing it, is best done with a tarp over the whole area, which in the least will lessen its growth and perhaps remove it completely in time. This is an alternative to having a lawn mower, albeit one wich may make eyes stare.

It can be added further that if one does not want certain small plants in an area, one can plant larger plants of a desired form in that area, or have a tree exist in the center of this place, as these change lighting and access to water. Altering possibility of plants in the area.

All of this are examples of what can be learned from Staraqua.

This concludes our example technos.

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