
To the Eclian lands beyond (Hearthanat)

Sam, Pharath, Hilisa, Sugu and Vane seeked to know the lands beyond after having individually finished their works elsewhere for the time being. This meant they had built a morality, learned about chancarts, learned about magic and science and had visited Caven.

But still they wished to know what else their was in the world and for this they needed to head past the gate of worlds into the other lands which showed places that weren't of magic or science, and may contain different forms of morality.

So they climbed to the peak of the mountain and entered the gate of worlds:
The power of the gate as we know, is to show the places of Aerth that are not necessarily here as Known and form in the illusions of interpretations which form in chancarts above.

Sam knew that the world they'd go to would be one very different then the following 5 things:
  • Morality
  • Science
  • Magic
  • Chancart
  • Evil
Because they would as all five of them use the cardinals of all things ( and not the decourt ) to enter the world opposite to this one in the multiverse of Aerth, which they hoped would show a first example of those other spaces outside the known. What they did was invert the 5 written things, but they did not posit this inversion negatively and rather they posited it to the good and new:
  • Oneness
  • Art
  • Skepticism
  • Nature
  • Forgotten
So they knew the world entered almost instantly as they recognized its form on entry and they would follow those footsteps of the old world, which was the legend of the fall of prosporo in the lands of where it had not fallen but stood eternally in peace. This they knew from the power of the differences, which in truth while not exact, the place headed was much like Sanctuary, but was of another place of difference beyond their own.

In some legends this place was the future, in other legends this was but another world. As they entered:


Hearthanat was the land of the oasis in the desert ( which in sometimes was yellow and others silver ) and which was said to be the land where awaited the people who dwelt in the tree called Vix, a large oak tree which had grown over many years and was the only of its kind known. This place was different from most, for being one of those things above and one without death except in old age as their was no illness at all and only was their the great ending of their life when grown tired of it.

This meant to them in Hearthanat, when it was time in their mind absolute as though without any other option born from the day their work was finished in which they had lived and had finished then they would walk off into the sands of the desert and there only would they perish and do so painlessly as the desert killed all. This would in turn lead to them passing on into other worlds and places new, by the twin spirits of death and be returned to the spirit of Life and the spirit of Love.

These spirits most certainly persomnia, but were not called this by its people rather they were called the four Spirits of the One and were the angelic beings sent by the singular thing above. I have drawn below the four Spirits of this Hearthanat and the lands themselves in this one the sands are yellow and silver and the tree is of many colors ( albeit in depiction as the oasis is in fact larger ).

These are the four Spirits of the One

In the order of their appearance, their name and their role in the One who is not only life or death:

  • Mortemina: Queen of Hearts and the one who takes away the breath of the body and it's full.
  • Forgalia: The Red Queen and the one who takes away the memory of mind alive and cleans it.
  • Vivasion: The Rose and the one who poisons the dead and brings them forth into life again.
  • Amourith: The Caterpillar and the one who weaves the souls in alive from solitude to Love.
These four spirits of the one reside as the ruling Persomnia of this circle and the ones called by its people the spirits of the one, for above in the heavens is the One, the One is that which forms the full of their world and descended as those four spirits who represent separately the One too deep to comprehend by those of mankind, without these forms divided.

Below the great tree of Vix as the center of Hearthanat and beyond it's desert of death:

Vix, the tree of Colors and the desert of death.

In this world, the people always remain within the Oasis which protects them and keeps their life, which in truth is formed from poison of Vivasion who brings the people to life and makes them addicted to the living. This place is one of the works and only in the edges are those of death for its people who live as long as they want. 

When the five arrive they are in the Oasis and they meet with its people. 

Those who wish to see this world in reality must wait until we have learned their works as only those hold the key to the tree. The Oasis however are those forests of the earth, which in honesty reside as the full of its lands. As such that of the tree would in theory be the cities, but this is not the case in full as those are the chambers within it and the tree is of floors and not flat as it appears.

This then is where we inform the reader of the five works of those in Hearthanat, so their shadows may appear in my and the readers existence, shadows and not lights as these spaces are not known by people of Earth or Prosporo. As nothing of Science or Magic is found here...


That first part and path of the people is to know the four sides of the one which in them forms that oneness which in time is said to be the full of its sides. Meaning while life is that of our residence it is not the whole of existence and the one who is here is deceptive in part because Vivasion keeps us alive as we ourselves are addicted to Life and this is the one who shows us and retains us until our own mind and body escapes him.

This means that the One is addictive and bringer into Life which we know means we exist as we are at birth and only after do we end in where we were, but this ending is where those two spirits of death reside to free us from the grasp of Life and so, in the moment of passing we loose both body and knowledge of life. These we know are left to be cleaned and let into what is called another circle.

This death seems to most on earth to be one of undesired end, but this is because they aren't on Hearthanat at all, where ill has been forgotten and the final moment is often one of recollection by the living who may or not be there as loved ones where the person crosses into the death and into those spaces beyond which in those purer moments is the best death that is the one of Hearthanat.

Still Hearthanat leads to other circles in the entirety and as Prosoporo is amoung them their is chance of return not to Hearthanat but to the world of Prosporo where although their is cure, time, gate, magic science and chacarts. Their is also Malum and so the undesired in time. This is but one circle and this is not the necessary place one ends in the next one, still this in Hearthanat is understood.

As the two deaths we have met, that of body and mind are the juries of ones Life which while seemingly trapped within has been shown to not be the case. As the Gate of worlds exist now in all spaces for those willing to take a journey across a space. To hearthanat that means that the One even here is an unknowable beginning and end in the circles that don't always call themselves alive.

As Hearthanat is the place of no ill and good happy death at ones own conclusion in it's end, which body and mind know and find there at the end. Still this may mean for some it comes when their work is done and others when they are to go. Both still are not in suffering or fear of death, having lived and loved.

That love is of the fourth spirit of the one, which in most places is the only who holds the gate to hearthanat as one cannot enter the end of hearthanat without having loved in life as if one has hated instead even in the deepest kind their death was of ills which they recall and this means while perhaps painless their death is one not of beauty or color but of shadow and darkness.

These when the death wipes body and mind away are lost each time and so the person has been made mostly anew, mostly as they are likely to eat of life again and pass on back to the same place when one is not necessarily bound to the better life in Vix at all. This often shows border between Hearthanat and the other, for their works and their death in its end is what they have done.

But those works are not, in oneness of all things always bound to life and love and these Hearthanat has learned first of those who follow death twice, rather then life and love and they fear them not even in death. 

Alas the world is shown to be one where ill here is past because it is seen as exit, all with the same end in anew and birth in circle of form by wander from the place of the dead to a door of the living where Vix or other awaits.

So the conclusion often made in pondering the four spirits of the one, is that the entirety ( one ) is bound to those parts it reveals, which in Hearthanat alone it is this way, but this way is where people good and evil die the same and are not sent in passing anywhere but the same place of return of souls to the circle, from the edge of flesh and forgotten.

As Sam says:

"If Mazer dies good or bad, he won't see consequence after and return to Life from his door that never shuts, or enter still from yet other doors called not Life. This means no consequence in death at all, but rather a game of waiting, where the worst people are blighting other worlds, for having been killed here"

This means that in death action irrelevant, Body and Memory are taken but the person is in another circle still weaved by their love, which may or may not be the one of before if as love sometimes is they have parted from the previous web. This yet is not of any control and always of the weaving which is not of choice alone.

This is explained by the form of self and soul, who is certainly formed from three parts:

The soul of a person is built of three parts, which the first is body and provides the form external, the second is memory, which records what has happened in the external which the self cannot hold itself as the third and actual soul which is not wiped of life, for being as body and memory but unlike.

As when Mortemina takes body, it is wiped from the soul and falls off to become the desert and the many parts it can become as but matter in the lands of entirety. This does not continue into the space not that the self goes. 

As when Forgalia takes memory, it is wiped from the mind and falls off with the body for being stored in the body and is left as potential memory of the lands entirety. This does not continue into space not that self goes.

Yet, the Self who is identity and person as the seed of awareness, must exist as much as body and memory for having been where their was no body or memory as spotted especially by those whom loved them and was guided in its own love.

This self is not found in brain or body for being it's motion and motion is of no known causation as the source itself of causation which in varied complexity forms not at all in matter or mind and rather is seen alone and in our body acted without strings attached and without source of flesh.

As show me where I am, while I know I am neither body or my memories which are neither my thoughts or my tastes but that thing which seeded those actions born from my own loves which may vary in time but still alas are my loves. As such, in death I am not gone, but rather left to the only space still present in me after body has detached and my memory of here gone.

The solitary space is seen at all times but hidden solely by the layer of the last and this place is so often called mind, but is not seen in detail only known in time. As mind defies the laws of matter which in dream and thought ( of love ) one see's that this layer is where one rests in death. As without body the only thing seen clearly is the mind where things do not function in any way as life.

Mind if given form in life as matter so often claimed, would mean that matter can defy itself in a space it is not and so it has been shown that Mind is that space Matter is not, for no ball can hover in Matter without reason but in Mind I can see ball hover without reason. This key is that first key, that led me from Earth to Aerth.

As Sam and Pharath recall that journey of Verge long ago, in the seeming fallen city of Prosporo.

So in conclusion to the art of Oneness, which is unfinished in its ponders on the four spirits, we find the first keys of our mortality and transience into the things after and before which as Matter today is Mind tomorrow, where dreams in death have no more means to wake as in Astral Projection and so person must walk to a gate.

Fall to the arts

In Hearthanat art is not viewed as but a depiction of meaning or the meaningless, rather it is a window into the mind and so the worlds below of death, Hearthanat focuses on death, life and love not because they await it for better or for worse but because it is a place to be entered in life and love and farther it is place to be explored before and after as the same manner.

This manner is not only the arts, but this is an important part as art is a window through the world, but it is an imperfect window and this is because of where mind is located and why it is considered below and not the way up which is also seeked by Hearthanat. As Hearthanat views the world of itself as above those places of below which are all located under the atom, the particle which forms the basin of the world's entirety called by many names in different spaces.

Hearthanat thus uses art to view the below, beyond the atom where minds dead reside as motions smaller then the atom, which in our death our motions descend into in accord with how motion functions in all scale directions. Let us observe quickly this phenominon:

These 6 kinds of motion at one time were called only 4 for Mazer's ignorance of the two he recognized in this moment and is to explain them all in accordance with the order of top left to bottom right as this is more easily followed but not as clear:
  • Linear fall : Motion which falls forward in a direction from above downwards.
  • Tossed fall: Motion which is rises upwards in a direction and then fall down.
  • Ascendant: Motion built up from scales smaller into larger forms it built up.
  • Rotational: Motion in traverse which rotates in an orbit and isn't same at times.
  • Forward: Motion which moves straight in one dimension at a continuous pace.
  • Descendant: Motion which decreases in scale larger into smaller form within.
While the bold are most important to Hearthanat, the other four are important to navigation in general as we and natural/unnatural objects move in accordance with those entire motions in different ways. For best understanding I will show in three cases where each is found as this is what motion does:

Linear fall:
  • In objects we can touch, this would be letting an object role down a hill such that it is placed and falls around the surface of the other object in the least resistant direction.
  • In people it is the same, although a person can better rotate and so the person may slip and slide down a hill, or catch his fall and be able to continue on his journey as person.
  • In space, asteroids slide not on a hill but on the spaces curves of gravity which as direction least resistant leads to the closest planet or celestial object, if not in orbit.
Tossed fall:
  • In objects this is unlikely to occur naturally without living touch but is when an object is tossed or made to fly in the air by other reaction such that it rises up and then back down.
  • A person is able to do it on their own by jumping and this allows the person to reach slightly higher places if they then use physicality to grasp some which allows more toss.
  • Objects in space can also do this, but is rare and requires not an orbit or linear fall and rather a curved fall which "rises" then descends away from an object in relative orient.
  • In objects this is only found only in some beyond the atom and is often in mechanical or living objects with smaller parts organizing into larger scales of motion by pixel fashion.
  • In people this is their internal body which moves in its motion below upwards into what we call physicality which our selves perceive as close but is far distant from ourselves.
  • In space, this is best said to be of no effect known yet, except in atmosphere which moves and recedes slowly from a planet as does solar flares, this changes form of planet in time.
  • In objects this is only found in objects with ability to rotate by command or effect designed and means having weight of object change in time and fall as it moves at all.
  • In people this is only found when a person walks and changes direction in will as able to effect in itself the weight of itself as an entity and thus move ( fall ) in another direction.
  • In celestial objects, the weight of an object and perfect direction entered allows a planet or other to orbit in cycle a larger and heavier object and constantly changes direction.
  • Most objects cannot do this as it requires at minimum a wheel, fin, propeller, wing or legs to allow forward motion in only some terrains of "dimension" at any orient possible with.
  • In people we have legs ( or other methods ) which allow us to move through any possible dimension of orient known in reality except skace and small at this time present. 
  • In space only human made rockets are known to act in forward motion as its current only method of travel, it thus requires fuel and fire to propel itself in one direction selected.
  • A machine or animal as it breaks down in decay, slowly looses it's ability to move because it's motion beneath is no longer reaching its dimensional surroundings the same way.
  • A person who see's beyond it's body while moving it from beneath slowly looses it's connection with perception and higher motion of body until reaching its previous scale.
  • A planet if struck by a sizable separate celestial body may shatter and thus can no longer move as it once did while still moving in new orientations separated which may reform.
In these examples the hardest point of understanding is not motion Ascendent nor Descendent, but where the motion goes, as in the descendant examples it recedes from above by disconnect so in a machine this would be as a wheel removed from its bar and so only the bar rotates without wheel.

In a person this would mean continued and divided connection from source of motion which would evidently begin from source of stop and effect any aspect where that stopped motion is required to be moving, as one change effects which parts can be moved by the person at the time in body and in what manner. This can mean split moving parts or connected chains and in human bodies may be one, the other, both or an aver of the three at most in my lack of knowledge current. 

In technological objects it is often a single motion cycle, based off its current energy given.

In planets it is complex and evidently tectonic, aquatic and atmospheric in the least and is two motion cycles and if life and some is flammable the full list of motion cycles in number may still be uncounted. Still these motions effect each other alone and cannot yet ( in current time/knowledge ) connect between each other without descendant results due to immense weight that in theory could be balanced somehow.

This idea of descendant motion however fails to show how mind is not above but below the body looking up through a self who is in itself yet another body. this is so for reasons that follow this first claim which bases itself entirely on scalar organisation which here if I know any of what I try to say is that smaller portions build up in effect through other portions surrounding into larger effect.

This effect however always requires a leader, in society this is always the ruler of country ( in civilisations as a group of people ) but in body the leader is always you, which could best be described as the mover moving your motion ( but not others ). I mean not that you are an unmoved mover however as this is not the reason only a claim.

The reason one is an unmoved mover is because what is above is as what is below. One is falling in all directions and this fall in any direction piles back into an orbit if maximal length in a reality of infinite scale considered which collapses into your choice direction of fall. Which when a person dies is downwards into their past spaces and when a person lives is upwards into their future spaces.

This past space means not yesterday, but before the earth as you know, before the atom was found on the otherside of itself in smaller scales in similar sense to when mankind comes out of water as a fish and when man and women go out for the first attempts at spacetravel ( and yet even how to try skacetravel ) in the same way. 

Although it is likely that man was not who came out as a fish, who would likely be compared to a probe of in minimum painting of artworks which in time formed the distant pasts equivalent to things we yet have discussed. As such this is finally where I can begin explaining what the past world has to do with the future of this one and what art means to Hearthanat, who in death fall down to old worlds and in life work up higher in scales organized. 

this I place divide between our bridge from the oneness and the art, as before above was called art and not my death between the first and latter knowledge as the oneness I had forgotten when found at 16 as I died too quickly and went straight to writing instead of living a little while longer. I mean death in mind not body and not in descent but ascent of which the difference is as striking as boy become dog deman.

A fall is often viewed as downwards until Einstein where relativity shows that a fall is any direction in space and so the key to flight and motion when we don't name it in divide but instead as one, which I could also call flight in that of ascent. Albeit it would still be flight of mind.

Art of Hearthanat

The works of hearthanat as art are found in the tree, which is not the tree but rather more as the ship which travels the branches it can reach and while I can argue it is certainly the branches plastered on walls across the cities as windows it is the simplest of the works which is the dwelling only of Hearthanat. Which as we've mention travels in death of body and mind and not those latter timespaces we venture to which I warn now, as but myself I can only walk the paths of what i can. Without others help, is only as previously stated and is in the timewarp Prepostric with future uncertain at this time.

So in Hearthanat they live with the windows and I add that some live with windows without knowledge and are best reminded to be Poe who sits and watches magic mirrors without actions past it at all, who watches screens knowing some are flesh and some he calls not and who is bound for Prosporo in the echoes not of what I advised but of fallen Prosporo as I went in ignorance. 

I myself loved even in hell, which I cannot promise in others, who may be better off going straight to Aerth and hearing some advice of future here. Even then, I cannot know where Poe ends in the path of having long ignored more then screens and windows which are not those of Hearthanat. 

As I need not televisions to pass the gate of worlds in my own actions, which Poe ignores for the consumption alone, which person of passion can do and person knowledge can do, but I can say little for the one walking in ignorance impatient and headed for debates to Prosporo fallen.
This image shall be our first window, that of Poevin in Acidence who I expected as rockstars but saw instead as Zombies spreading a different land, which may one day be ventured to in safety of the Twine heroes early. These things lost in the drift of the many works, which now already can be researched with search bars of diverse kinds in blog and pdf.

Now, this window we leave there as warning, but these past windows followed ( as I feel not drawing landscapes and spaces of mind now in novelty, but rather pasts known and forgotten ) shall be the worlds plastered here on walls for not being allowed to place windows of other peoples world.

This fairs only in their inspirations and is of good reason for some, for providing a measure of sanctity to their mind. At times I am not fond of people using my art and at others yes, but this I encourage one make their own for its own style, rather then only take copies of others for ones world.

This however I have met some who enjoy identical copies as a world of many arts divided and made not by they, they still cannot move past the people of the hwall, myself being somewhere in the Hwall,Spoil,Raoth, Loweth lands and this do not think is superior as one would find in my many like but unlike congruence of asunder ( that in yonder and beyond is not always the path, which future has provided alone ).

Meaning, in some they share their work freely, in others they will only in payed request or purchase and can have conditions, either may be able to acknowledge the conflict and some are out to get one of them in their desperation.

I myself take of the four and one asks who would share, constrain, acknowledge and fight at once even when it is not the actual solution perfected, for being a data limit problem. This because as anyone I have right to works I make in how they are used, I understand the conflict for those who want to use my worlds artwork as well so any shared is either locked or accessed and I yet understand how my creation used by others is going to make me uncomfortable at times as it has already in one case I know of.

This means I have right to respond as I feel right within my world and so do as I want with my mind and world which is never connected to yours if I decide it so, even if an image is used that myself created, that you then used in a manner I am not willing to be attached to or among myself, even if you argue otherwise.

Still even when I take the side of spoil ( my right to my creation ) in almost all cases as being right even when hwall ( free stock ) is noble but can be conflicting in personal worlds. I find some attempts at spoil to be legally concerning if misused in future and so I take the root of Loweth if morality has been spoiled by a person. As an example, if I were to take full ownership of Partech then I would be morally wrong, for having the only right to make it and so limit all inventions to myself. This is not what I have done and leave the idea to be freely available but the inventions with it owned by whomever.

In similar sense an idea such as a dragon should not be copyrighted but the depiction created can be ( a specific kind of dragon drawing ), you also cannot copyright QI for being alive.

As a result, this mostly means my artwork will go in the direction I want it to, but you can use what I've drawn, as I'm unlikely to spend time drawing for other's at this time. If I feel your personal choice of usage is offensive to myself or used in a way I don't like, i'll deny it's connection to my world and if I find a morally questionable copyright, I won't find it appropriate.

Still no person is required to follow my choice within at least four options, one which I don't advise in most cases. I list them clearly below:

  • Hwall: Freely available and used in any manner one desires to use it while having not made it.
  • Spoil: Conditional or purchased, not useable at all or within certain approved contexts decided.
  • Raoth: In the event of spoil by another, finding an alternative to the need in what is possible.
  • Loweth: In the event of spoil by another, go on rampage in anger demanding it be changed.
Loweth is bad, because it's violence and war for an asset which is only one thing something wants, when Raoth is still present and reasons of morality would be it's only justification, not because you wanted this picture and it was copyrighted ( which it isn't ). That act would hurt someone, as only those willing to do the Hwall in the constraints still existent of Spoil is free use art or other.

Now , before we answer the question someone was bound to ask, which likely sounds something along:

I thought it was everything, but your telling me I can't do some things because someone has rights over the use of that thing, how is it then everything?

The short answer is that it's is not everything, it is actually all things. More on that after the actual work of artworks in Hearthanat. This subject as the next fall from here.

In short the art of Hearthanat refers to any sheet like screen, painting, card, window or other which shows a world or thing that is or is not real to what we know as the planet. As in this formal interpretation the only place we can access is the planet, although our motion space by person is divided into sections which form our own reality. Mine for example is not very large at all in physical matter and I would likely be suffering if I didn't have other spaces I can enter instead of just stare at as but a fantasy and unreality like Poe.

Still Hearthanat uses windows to then in death of mind or matter enter them. They only enter them in matter at their time and choice of death when work of life is complete and thrive for the way in without the death of body or the portal of matter. This does mean they already meditate and astral project and dream.

Below are some drawn places, some with characters and some other stuff:

I chose these three images because they are parallel worlds who will likely not be included on this blog and so emulate the idea of pictures not being in the world at times but still or moving windows into others. One is wildcard as a human in an alien world with fire magic, one is Arath in Melonyon and their non-electric technology and one is Ava on a building in Reverie with her claw and gun.

These won't be in this part, Arath's world called Melonyon and the story of Reverie is found in the Beyond book. So one can see what I wrote, mostly separately related parts. Wildcards picture has no known relation to anything else.

These are windows which the people of Hearthanat in their works trying to create a portal that is not the following kinds, are using instead, they are not using these:
  • Phental
  • Memetic
  • Virtual
  • Material
  • Textual
Rather in the tree of hearthanat, they use the window space and doors of the great tree as the gates to and fro the worlds they find in the paintings which they use inside the tree. As when Pharath and the like crossed the gate did they enter Hearthanat at the oasis and so had returned or come from the desert beyond it. This because death is in the passage of any gateway, death of once before and once after. One doesn't need to call it death however, as one can call it crossing worlds as much as death, for being but one portal into the other.

Why do I keep calling words different things after a time, well it's because when I wrote down the notes I wrote for prosporo, I got bored swiftly and was also ignorant of these ways till years later and so I swiftly passed through and my first travel to the future went wrong and likely started first as I left Prosporo and as I left Hearthanat when I wrote them down. Since my exits occur as follows:
  • I left prosporo in its fallen state into Hearthanat without and with intent to return again.
  • I left Hearthanat so undetailed and wrote only of the soul which meant death was portal.
As a result I left both places in later realization not through a gateway, but through death and so it is not unsuprising that I exited innocence of travels because I was killed everytime I moved from world to world without reaching its end. I did that for probably 5 years and that's because boredom kills you every time and it will change you in time.

But alas, I return again to this land, but in a distant parallel to origin, where I can complete works and walk not in death alone, but actually complete a task, this one solely to explore the lands that unlike before fell never. So we look here at this work of the doors and windows, painted and pictured in the halls of Vix. So here I am no longer traversing in death, as I can move freely in spaces without mental death, but rather flight and fall. Here we find that place in Hearthanat where four spaces fold over:

The first is said to be the cavern which is of stone and is most certainly a cavern, the second is the future in the cavern which has a television on its wall and which depicts inside a man outside saying hello. Their is also a door which leads to a wooden room that is then when descended further down through several other chambers, made into the outside where the man sits and looking at his own window can wave at others who are not anywhere around him. This is the power of the window room portal which can distort the space not real but mind that of mind.

As such one can become lost in places that are firstly made and second disoriented within real, false and other windows and doors which form a landscape that within the tree of great width and height is not only home, work and changing but has many things occurring on screen, both false and real.

These branching rooms are made to be changed in time, this is however a difficult task only in scale and placement as being a tree. Even though one climbs it's places by hill and staircase. This tree further is larger then in appears outside and it's branches, trunk and roots grow in diverse paths that match not the outside of its dwelling at anytime. It's maps within meant to be updated but sometimes and the people they live in harmony by the doors many sights. This place may be a tree, but in earthly knowledge is a city which I ask quickly, if one has found the tree?

As I will show you the tree and it's branches which are not as they seem: As this is what is inside the tree:

Yes, the world with a tree, in earthly languages has no giant tree.

As you can see, from earth's persepctive their is not a tree, because their is no real way to build a tree like that safely on earth, only in space and they the people of Hearthanat don't want to go to space. We view then their world as we would already see the world today, still those who follow past the Electric wall can enter its forthcoming future that is not today but tomorow as was once the day of modernity into post-modernity of earth.

This universe of its own forms windows to other parts of itself that it can and can't enter and this is just as much true in imagination or reality, which this one forms by the parts found and entered of the tree, whose many windows come in many ways.

For example as listed before are those forms of window known today and then after those doors written too. These are the windows of the world, next to them is their doorway entered by the rooms we dwell in.

  • Window = Door
  • Screen = Around
  • Television = Immersion Phental
  • Computer = Controls
  • Portscreen = Click
  • Shadow = Light
  • Light = Colour
  • Horizon = Travel
  • Book = Selfadd
  • Mirror = Reflection
  • Dream = Slumber
  • Mind = Thought
  • Painting = Comicadd
  • Inyout = Inyout
These are the window worlds, which when we first ask to enter we think they are not entered at all, because unlike Life these spaces are not Life, but things like window and book and so one would expect mysticism when truly we find only need of control as we leap into the door, or watch the show. Often the one called Poe is neither in the show or even knows. 

I may be in a box and I may sit before a laptop but still I stand past it, both in writing here and in my placement of self, which in final recognition stood as Mazer in three spaces and others as myself is Mazer but I write those acts too of others whom like my body of earth and my mind gone into tendrics, Mazer myself stands in book, outside it and is leader of it from outside while part inside.

I even have my name in both angles, in one story, still one wonders who is myself in Lemuria?

This I say clearly that myself in Lemuria is not Drake and not Verge, rather I am likely others of the names Kreh, Alex and Dan. As these characters today I find better then in past, when in youth I was Drake more often although even he knows I was Kreh only because Kreh was born in solution of fantasy and not the act he is in story. His issues in best methods known then. Still I feel it right to have taught him his consequence again as I did myself fourth withdrew each shorter then the last. As my own life, while not of his ways identical brings question once before as mentioned of my own need to know consequence when I lack care of most.

Alex on earth is in prison and in story coming he will be going to prison for life and not time less, this means not future of myself in anymore then the story I write as an alternative to reality and so I add that Alex isn't the one who like Kreh took something to try and help himself. Alex didn't take the help at all, called it a lost cause and went off to do worse then murder in a time future. In a future with imperfect but less consequence theirs a ridge above best called a hole of not done and that in time grows away from today's issues into other ones.

Because of that hole, it has not yet a known redemption ( sort of like the Lemuria's flower, which while part of the plot is not Alex's plot ) in the event that a person does it then they are likely in jail for the rest of their life. However, it's the future and they live forever this means that is as long as it takes to resolve the problem completely. Still because Alex is what he is he may or may not continue after and it's morally wrong to force meth on someone so the best they can do is let him out and watch him after, similar to the others and if he continues like any continuation of crime after prison only extends it.

The only good is the same good as myself, but in the wrong direction, in Alex's case. Meaning, much as I can write a story which at 16 predicts meth partech in my future and the future and then spends years trying to fix it myself which vacuums, detection and the futures form very much help.

Which I add is not necessary for the authors like myself, only because sometimes I don't want to fix everything cause I'm bored and this let's others fix it too. Or just to be a little darker, these black grimoirs ( like the one posted as Those Stories of Hell ) are for anyone to read and consider how to repair and redeem the situations described. 

These same black grimoirs if Alex reads and succeeds are his reason for imprisonment because he made them with consequence before it is spared by futures. In continuing in a future where immortality exists this means progressively longer until he can get out and do things he wants without going back in there for longer. 

In a reality where their is not a method to come back to life then their is no chance of leaving until atleast death or imortality as it would be immoral to give them immortality and leave them there forever. Still those sentences of the present day often say things as though counting past the day they are likely to die. 

Those would still have to be counted for. Meaning if a society and jury said that this murder is 40 years it should still be counted if immortality shows up half way through. Only because it's been 20 years since the person died and that's a lot of time missed, but also because the person who commited the crime is not the only one and releasing a bunch of presently living serial killers on the same day is going to go wrong for being too many at once to fully watch and or ensure at least some willingness to not be why their in there.

Even this is just my weird and far eclian imagined future, where I'm looking to see if better or worse is made of this idea and if in my imagined potential afterlife and related variables this or improvement can give people of any kind of action a second chance in a different time.

I cannot say their isn't somewhere in the future where a society will just say it's forever, as morals of groups vary and that one I find pretty far and far laws don't always mean perfection.

In relation my obsession alone of this work, has lead in part to nothing more then a box and the born consequence alone because I forgot everyone else and left the universe and this I'm fine with, meaning my self imprisoned home was not enough for me to change as I ended up further imprisoned in realized consequence. This consequence both a final line that I no longer want to cross farther, that is it's silver lining which happened to teach me something of consequences. Which in connection shows a person can realize after a while what they did was a mistake in either selfish or selfless form, that the consequence is worse then feeling before it and thus not want to do it again in that manner. 

Infact, even before the consequence I discovered for myself, I had become aware that crime in mind shows the whole of it, especially when you do it more then once on paper and this shows it's ( in people who crave it ) equal to everything else after a while. 

New things are more important than a soft drink even if you like soft drinks, it's now just another thing to do in any case after a period of time, in people who are bored it isn't enough even though it will end the same way in a future of perfected non-consequence because it's not the perfected non-consequence. 

It'll end as equal in parts of enjoyment, like me outside writing more then myself depicted in the story. This while impatience, is in myself until I found a way past the fine line of common boredom in my life. I still get bored, it just doesn't stop me from continuing to work on my project here after. 

It is all still our identity and what we like as people in general, it's that they aren't always heard or worked out the right way when their is a conflict. As it is certainly not only bad people who make mistakes as so can good people and few if at all are perfection beyond themselves.

Do keep in mind that if we all lived forever, someone is bound to get bored and try death out. It's not the same when we don't know what death is perfectly.

As it's liking becomes normalized in some ( but never all, some don't feel pleasure but disgust ) this is usually why they end up in ideas that it's not gone as an idea in the self, but it's not necessarily always craved after a while either as like when 17 I did if for a year straight with little more then writing black grimoir stories. 

After it became less common, but more urging as it came. Until every time I walked to get meth starting as soon as I tried it again. it was almost every moment I wasn't working on this project with more then that, cause myself knew not the consequence I was setting up for myself and the first time basically sent me on an internal aggressive mind rampage where I fantasized about going to hell until today where I live alone in a box and that's about it.

in turn led me to the two doors because I had no way of keeping the incentive on what I had in either then and after until now knowing the consequence. As what I had could save me today and better tomorrow, as my own impatience was going to ruin it for myself while in chancarts alone spared me suddenly as my projects encouraged me to find an answer to the two doors. As before I this effects not others effort, as even if I failed, it meant not another can't do better.

The other problem at first, was that at 21, I didn't know how to talk about this issue of mine and that among the lies I was saying which failed to show much of my experience with the thing I vocalized as an idea without much proof in experience claimed now but then as general, vague and not detailed. 

This a good person who is lying about the experience couldn't replicate and would probably not bother to. Just in case I give all information I can think relevant and is all I remember of life, I recall no more then that in the biography parts of yonder and it's added details. Which in itself makes me fucked up for not remembering any conversation with people. I know one, that one remembered conversation was me and someone like me talking about our issues.

The one I feel most would fear and I will add as being aware of it, is the one where I'm lying but I'm not a good person. That one fixes itself because I can't doubt that someone will catch the skinny, clumsy body that drags its feat around and smokes so much he can run only short distances, who posted pictures of himself on the internet here in the event he later decides to go wrong for no real reason, not that their is a reason, just me being safe and shooting potential selves gone wrong in the foot. 

I like shooting myself in the foot, might as well do it in the right direction of being good boy and not slightly different prison that's a lot more boring cause I don't get a laptop at all times, craft dinner everyday, bread, meat and cheese together, definitely cereal and maybe some family even though I don't like that feeling called love and my dad has yet to apologize for calling me a prostitute. Cause that's all the other reasons in my possession

I don't like Love as a feeling cause it feels like my mother in her caring nature putting cream on my dick as a kid a little too forcefully. This while legal I'd rather forget both visuals and feeling related, which has become attributed to my feeling of love and care, which feels as described above and is reason for why I don't like my family touching me in a caring manner. I do like my family in a rational love I created, but theirs no feeling attached to it unless I remember that.

Why i'm Kreh in the Lemuria's story, is that I don't want my mom following me around during the story cause that's weird, Drake and Lucia can be friends of mine and not my mom but someone else. As that mother and son, is likely the reason for never being written, as 17 year old's don't need their mom with them all the time. However a 5 year old grown mature but still ignorant probably does. Drake while the character I probably liked when 17, reflects in general not the touching thing on a conscious level because I didn't remember it until 21.

It reflects on an aware level at that age my frustration with the move my family made and my boredom as I grew up, my mom isn't a ginger, my dad is, but Lucia is somehow a cross of two girls I met in that town, Me, my sister and those two girls would play pretend even though I was eventually 13 and maybe even 14 because I was that freaking bored at home. 

Without names, one of these girls stole stuff, we stopped talking to her eventually and the other wanted to be a cannibal in every game we played.  Drake is somehow myself and my best friend in highschool at 14, because while both dark and atheist, I was cold and he was depressed. Karla is every girl I liked in High school and Kreh, oddly represents myself and the boy who I bullied/ was bullied by in elementary. So it's somehow my childhood memories after moving away and that because that's about all I know of childhood. 

But this minus the character's descriptions which are not related in memory, but maybe recognition that something wasn't good in each of these peoples lives even mine. Their appearances however are very connected to the periods I move away, which in that past before the move being the moment I begin being better as a person, is my only good observed in a move that made me suffer for years. Likely I would have been a lot worse in that other town.

As people in the other were a lot less troubled in family as in that specific city which when I looked it up at 17 was the 16th most dangerous city in Canada. Almost everyone I knew close enough to know in high school there had some kind of family issue.

Further the story was never completed because in past, it's character's crimes had no right to release after them ( especially Karla and Lucia ) and so it would have been a huge sausage fest the whole time and would have been the first chapter for most of the story because theirs no other answer to the damage done at that time meaning years in jail for Kreh. This meant also nothing would happen because they shouldn't be enjoying prison in good or bad form. 

Which is why the retelling of what I began writing and rewrote in the eclian is boring for Mazer and the like, this meant to be less fun then the original as I remember it being more fun for the characters because they faught stuff until the young girl who isn't in this character list eats all the monsters as a slime. 

Buggles grown up and part of the Everything group.

Buggles who is that character retells he reason of presence there very well and the past version is more fun because I thought people went to hell if they were bad, but in the eclian I knew some people like hell and that's why their bad so I imagined a worse hell for that kind of person. Buggles as a child hanging out with prisoners is also probably among why my mind then wasn't able to write this story. In the eclian it isn't possible for her to be harmed at all and she's there cause she can eat everything and in the eclian was supposed to remain there until being brought back to Fana as an adult.

This new version with the meth withdrawal consequence and the ability to completely undo both memory and damage caused, changes things for being in a future described as having less real consequence on these actions outside the imprisonments allows for a story that is actually interesting while not just being a prison cell.

It would mean better even then that, if I hadn't gone post apocalypse with that story, for insight on future failures in my own imagination and what would happen in timelines imperfect. The improved world, hopefully springs in the outsider story, as they are headed in farther in time. I can't guarantee it's perfection in issues above, I will try perfection in present issues and so will be late in writings.

In fact I feel Lemuria will only grow darker in my mood of self and so to do this I added those who felled and saved Prosporo to the Lemuria story, but of the rewritten version of the fall of Prosporo, the one in past has Sarah the librarian, Sarah did little but help in the original, in the new one her name is Malu and she does ALOT more as the evil female lead. However I won't be adding all 6 of Malu's cult, picture below as vampires:

Their aren't vampires in Prosporo, this picture is set in Fana.

The writer outside the blog is and is not himself in the stories, as both are important, the writer fixes and organizes his issues and fantasies so they aren't the Black Grimoir all the time and so fair and represent the intent of my work for others reading, while what his past does in hell, is still there as what he does elsewhere as his character and not all of the story.

As when I wrote the hell stories at 17, among it's issues were that I solved nothing and while I intended to continue writing worse and worse stories of this kind to inspire others to fix them. I hadn't even shown that possible and realized in my corruption and the date that is 10/22 in Ottawa where I was attending school around the corner from what happened, that day that this was unwise for potentially inspiring violence by being a book containing only violence without answers as it's point being a cry for help, plus I was getting bored of it too as a philosophy of life. Saying that my sudden eureka moment after was more uncomfortable then the stories for others.

Their is no character who I act as in the Prosporo story, the 5 heroes who have said little here in Hearthanat are not myself. I myself take time to write this clearly and not in sense of story but of natures of these worlds. This because both Pharath and Sam were once myself because I thought I was a good person when I'm more likely a bad person who knows how to pretend to be good unless he has meth as a consequence. My own reasons for these things I do are neither Pharath's good, or Sam's Unity as a source of my incentive internal while still evidently being important. 

I know that sounds messed up, cause I feel more reason in Mazer's ways then I do in Pharath and Sam's own ( even Lucks ) and I'd rather now be honest then continue saying I'm doing it cause I'm nice, when I'm doing it for the writing and better life of myself. that's a nice way to put it. It's not firstly to save others, or to bring peace, those are necessary for it, but at the end of the day it's cause I don't have another way and that way is always what helped me. 

I think what happened with me being or trying to be other characters I wasn't was me trying to both find myself but also reasons internal that could justify being better and that means the following characters followed as masks of my reasons which only in becoming bored of each did I likely end at Mazer and the like who all look like me anyways and who while not good in reasons for being good, aren't evil or good at all just alien.

The list of reasons for not being an asshole while an asshole as I grew in search of reason to be better then an ass:
  • Verge: the work alone, failed early on because I couldn't fix it, then because not enough now
  • Briv: the overcoming in glance, doesn't work because if it's hell and you like it well then yeah
  • Logan: the avoidance, in the year after hell, I avoided violence well but failed cause it changed
  • Pharath: the good, for a while I tried being good but Mazer tempted meth and arousal sudden
  • Sam: the compromise, trying to find a solution which balanced good and evil, i couldn't reach
  • Luck: the aver, found solution to most issues instantaneous, longs in boredom for more beyond
  • Raoth: the solution, i needed to go past the limits I had then, tempted to go wrong to help future
  • Wildcard: the dogmen, i found a simple idea liked a lot and this occupied some time worsening
  • Born: the boredom, I realized things change in time as we get bored, suddenly I am very bored
Born is funny cause he started at luck unknown and I didn't get what was happening yet, but what was happening was I was actually getting bored of the entire idea I had and by the time I reach Born, I'm struggling to find things good and not terrible to share and not myselfs other inclination to do and have also run out of ideas for problems because I beleived force just had to be avoided back then. Born looks like mazer except he  has pharath is hair but black. He's wearing grey and he's a badguy of time who is also very boring except when its time.

Meaning, in boredom we change, normal people usually take forever if at all to change what they like but in people with ASPD that and me goes fucking quick as hell and I've gone through an entire timeline in my head ( which isn't working because no one cared to help ) and I'm getting really bored of the repetition of being only a hero of time, with basic mention of virtual reality for people with ASPD. I've been holding off on most things terrible, except fantasies and one or two videogames and stories of Prosporo where Dan releases hell. ( Which I'm bored of today )

Basically I can't focus for long on anything and start wandering more often, people living with me later tell me I stopped working on my projects in the last few months because i'm not as active in them and they think I'm going to go into psychosis while I'm trying to leave where I live. This does not what happen because it was a month before that I took meth and snapped into a hell dog for a day. I was trying to escape meth and that's why I was actually leaving. 

One day I'll show what I wrote that day on my phone instead of paper or laptop. I'd do this lots a month later where now the dogs and demons where flying around sometimes in my blogs while good things happened too. Basically I started being more honest.

the works and not story of Thios, Caven and Prosporo are to be used in other manners in both Lemuria and Outsider as well, in future form. This to show future of today as they exist in future of my mind and need the source of ideas technological to advance. Technos is also used in future, but slowly built as a separate idea and its reason is for difference past present. As such view this early writing as a plan and beginning I hope to complete, by better planning my work in detail then transferring it to writing as a Story in time.

As even yonder's story became saturated with this form of theoretic work and lost it's use of story after a time, I no longer want to write it now and may later make a better tale. This is still an experiment of another way to tell the stories with real ideas in them. I think that while often incomplete these were meant to be connected. Yet I so often am distracted by the works separate and related, to firstly finish story and second make them connected to the work. As the Eclian is arbitrarily unrelated to the technology I worked on before and after it and I only managed actual personality to characters in that writing. Some stories characters are so flat because I'm explaining how everything works.

It was also early on so their was little to say in geometry and thus today I feel I could after practice in many angles write a better story. This however will be built overtime and this blog will be it's planning storm turned in time to a tale. At least in theory of this moment all written has many angles and so all written becomes born in possibility I meet or miss in memory and time even in record.

So this written may only mirror the ending and may only be found referenced here. I eventually realized I rambled for ages off topic, but feel this is important as more information relating specifically to Lemuria's flower. I don't like cutting things that happen or moving them if they happened somewhere else, so I'll leave this tangent here but actually complete.

It's relevance is likely because I said I was a bunch of the character's in my stories written, all of whom are not very nice and admitted I wasn't any of the good characters who try to stop them. This is why I use it, but I have done good stories the same way but personally I get bored of being heroic only and usually do when the hero kills the bad guy and he doesn't come back later or they sort out their issues. that's not fair for good people reading, so I have both character stereotypes in diverse kinds for the story.

As such because we have so many different parts of story plotted, some parts may vary in how they go and how they end, their are five stories. Firstly in all of my stories characters come back to life, while anything could happen in Prosporo, Thios and Caven the Outsider story is set in every stories future subject and things are stable. This means everything but Lemuria and Outsider are going to be fixed whether the bad guy or good guy wins in each one as they're stories and do not reflect the future which grows in what anyone learns fixing or making problems. 

Making problems sometimes fixes itself, see end of The Dog Demans. In short i kept rampaging and destroying things with their own downfalls until I reached the land of the umbra and could do nothing for knowing nothing of them so I got bored and stopped, then imagined an indestructible heaven world that was the Umbra world. The Umbra's world is deceptive to humanities however.

I mention the ending cause imagine reading a hell story that end in good and positive after 72~ pages of evil. That might be a mind fuck and some couldn't read all of it cause it wipes out humanity three times. I was really high and learned that this isn't going to help me because it increases agression rather then only help me focus.

Lemuria and Outsider stories I cannot say much of, as last time I reached a Five arrangement of ideas, the next part of plot was a Six and in my past experiences show that pattern to always go:
  1. Faith
  2. Wisdom
  3. Fear
  4. Madness
  5. Good
  6. Evil
This pattern being the numeric count geometry of ideas arranged in congruence, which basically means how many things I put together from memory to locate the next unknown which while being different every time is sometimes good and sometimes bad but in this case is not going to 6 at all as what I found after Evil in time was Spoil, which is sort of like it , but it's not the same. After that I found Destruction. In a dichotomy of something their are different poles and these listed things above have a positive and negative pole Although each one has four in reality:

The four poles of the 3 ??? found:
  • One, Good, Evil, Govild
  • Hwall, Spoil, Raoth, Loweth
  • Creation, Destruction, Discovery, Ignorance
One and Govil are rarely mentioned by name, but they are the idea that their is no morals ( one ) and the other, being their is a moral path of evil, not evil ( Govild ). This being the point of this entire tangent, which was to show/find the reason for you that allows you not to think evil is my full end and rather reason for my username on this blog. Mazer-All, which means evil-All and that does not mean all is evil, rather it means evil is part of All and so among all the other things I enjoy, that not everyone has to enjoy. As that would require liking what you don't, which only some people can or want to do. ( I don't like mushrooms they make me vomit compulsively, but if I had one mushroom and it was cooked and I was alone, I might eat it just to vomit. )

Anyways, where was I, i think I had just explained that some universes can already be entered that are not physical type universe, or simply observed from afar and these evidently is done by the thing on the other end of this quarter of all written prior. This however sums up the idea of Hearthanat in present and provides a person the shortest root to entering worlds without needing a physical portal.

As its window doors, allow curvatures to other lands and can be entered to in the manner their laws function do what is done within them, this as has been shown can vary from stories of diverse kind and some beyond the nature of good and evil. 

Which can quickly be accessed in different manners, the hardest to understand is also more dangerous and is television so for now, seeing as it's creepy when the television is turned on and people are commenting on you while you try to have sex ( This actually happened and was some shows sci-fi royal couple of all things ). Which is the basic trick that has also caused people to do crazy stuff in good or bad intent as a potential symptom of schitzophrenia. 

A book, may freak you out if you went in on your own thinking it would be funny and then suddenly you realize it's real and have a nervous break down like I did, you can read that in yonder as the story of Logan after he is birthed by a gorrila lady.

Anyways. let us move on to the last three parts of Hearthanats work, which I hope will be less tangental then the last because this post is huge and took all 12 hours to write thus far. So, I will swiftly explain boredom next time I finish a work, unless something else happens. Cause this is write what I think down, take breaks and watch what happens in my mind as all this stuff seen on the blog flies by.

Skeptics of Hearthanat

Skunket thinks all of this is bullshit and wrong.
And she's kind of correct on both ends.

Skunket wasn't supposed to be here, as I was going to share a different image of Skepticism but I couldn't find it and this picture I find funny and I forgot I drew it, so much as Lepoxiania was once sanity and that was forgotten for madness while Ansoria ( who is not Ancoria ) became wisdom. I'm going to make Skunket another Skepticism, and save the other skepticism for a third kind. 

As skunket is Aerth Skepticism and not earth Skepticism. Which I will differentiate now:
  • Earth: The idea that it is all or everything is absurd because 1 cannot equal 3.
  • Aerth: The idea that 1 cannot equal 3 has never actually been shown to be true.
  • Earth: The idea that I must claim a false positive is incorrect according to logic.
  • Aerth: The idea that their is a lamp where their is no lamp is wrong as it is not.
  • ?????: The idea that I have to believe you even in reason shown is not proven.
As this above is the danger of debate, which Earth practices solely and Aerth being a place of all things believed has no real reason ( after skepticism ) to be against debate so long as it isn't attack without being self defense. As I could leave, when someone posts a meme directed at me, that says my dad wants another beer, but then I can't have mean fun plus they don't realize my dad drinks profusely and was obviously meant as offensive anyways. 

Remember how I mentioned starting Parsemy with the idea that we shouldn't convince people and convinced people of this with reason and argument with very against reaction or no response at all?

This is because the above argument, between Earth and Aerth is an example of the logical contrary wich I found after my initial reason for why everyone is right. My initial reason cannot be justified to anyone who has yet seen all four parts common of Earth, which in congrence show everything through experience in each. The above reasons argued between Earth and Aerth is an example of Earth denying the case in what it presumes is true, and one Aerth in knowing opposites and congruence of opinion can through it's practice break a debate.

The rarity is for me to recall and succeed in an answer that leads to the door, as the above can and can't on the basic and last answer one says, which the first four are not a part of and isn't earth or aerth at all but just the person denying the idea entirely without reason of justification whatsoever as it is uses lack of belief as justification for not believing and this is the secret to knowing when a debate is finished as while the person may respond it rarely is one of positive form and usually past disbelief on will alone and goes into insult.

Which leaves the question of what the difference between a right and wrong argument is and that is essentially dependent on whether you actually understand that some ideas are more reality then others or if you intend solely to believe less as one can, you may also lack the knowledge base to comprehend the reason or more in paranoia, you intend to fool and divide people into tension. All of these are justified by solely ones desires and experiences and even the paranoiac idea while existing isn't actually a problem. 

As in all cases these are true and justified reasons for belief or disbelief not on the level of reason but before reason in deeper parts of self, who in reality must realize what they are and avoid reason if they themselves do not want to see a reason for more then what they have already. The issue is solely that most think reason means intelligence when reason is as above solely the pattern of opposites in congruence. Yup, that is all reason is and what opposites in congruence means is one and another idea added together. As for example:
  • I don't believe this is true, it cannot be.
  • I do believe this is true and it can be.
  • I can select of either form to venture.
One asks, why beleif and lack of beleif create anything other then validity false or true in mind but not matter and reason is because firstly you are right and second because they are the same. Meaning mind reflects reality perfectly in what the geometry and effect form as and not as some presume how it is currently. Meaning, if I think it is solely myself as bearer of truth then I will view all I have considered as true while all other are wrong because I fit the geometry and effect together and formed the resulting cognitive dissonance which allows me to always see myself as right and not wrong.

Still this is not what I do, as this will bring confusion when objects invented function but defy your own ideas as having never thought that one can match minds geometry to more then arguments of validity, nor have you considered that every argument said to me is not disbelieved, but assimilated as a base of knowledge from which to access your own and any other world nearby.

This means while I always say something other I do not disagree with your claim at anytime, yet always pretend to in showing you what I presume you have not heard as being farther and farther from the earth. Which when I began posting on reddit was just above the ideas of science, magic, art and nihilism and while some have listened in the times since in what was said and repeated, or said once these were mostly argued against in first skepticism and then disbeleif or cruelty. Which I find to be human nature when met with ideas not precedented unless overcome by ones own consideration of consequence of action in words alone.

As only in that cruelty did justify even in calling me an idiot, progressive rage. As men are not meant to live in fear as that since most eventually part from the conversation as my rage expounds into both reason and spirit when one person attacks and they are given mostly fight or flight as I persist for being mostly unnaffected and they pulled in by their denial straight to that place called Prosporo's fall. As when men who seek wisdom and call other's dumb set out to vanquish the idiot they go to gain wisdom and in wisdom do they gain more and more, until they reach disbeleif of all things.

This then leads to no more truth and not more truth and one concludes they know nothing and know only no hope in ever passing away from it or the sights after, which send them into the pit at the peak of truth. If they had beleived in solitude the keys I argued first and in congruence later they would be able to skip it entirely, as men gone out to vanquish the fool in themselves or in others are to fall into the waterwall of faith for climbing the mountain of skepticism and wage war on the idiot who has gone their road and not the road he learned better from, after an end which ended in admittance I was wrong.

Dinger was once white with glasses and now he's grey with a coat!
He says: I change because I was wrong!
His name is also Charly, his name was once Charlene.
I once called him the Tranny cat, I once called him McBuffalo.
Because this cat was once alive and real, but he has past on from old age.
So he's now in other worlds, my dreams and in my blog.

Skepticism on Aerth does not mean disbelief in reason or solely the first part, it means that one has realized that they were in fact wrong, even if the minute or second before they thought they were right and so to some this seems as a chain of changing claims which they see no connection before as the person by the time they arrived at the last claim of the person claiming, the claiming person has already left for the next truth above the previous as he parts from this example to the next:
  • All of these beings are references to alice in wonderland!
  • All of these beings are references to alice in wonderland and through the looking glass!
  • All of these beings are not direct references to the story of alice in either place.
  • These beings are all referencing Alice and her stories of the literary nonsense sort.
  • These beings are all referencing aspects of the religious views on divinity and existence.
  • These beings are all referencing physical phenomena observed in science in a manner.
  • These beings are not those beings referenced at all, but are separate entities in nature and form.
  • Not all beings on this blog are references to alice and her literary nonsense adventures.
  • Dinger has been in space and uses quantum temperature technology to fight entropy.
  • Charly was sent to earth on the above mission by Wildcard disguised as a white cat.
All of these points are valid truths about the nature of the beings which I have shown in Hearthanat, including Dinger/Charly the cat I once had as a pet until second year at university. 

To some the above information may appear contradictory, may not be understood as references are unknown to the reader and aspects may have not been considered by yourself and weren't mentioned by myself. However these are also not all possible to someone from Earth either. So it is most important for a person of Aerth and Hearthanat, to be skeptical of everything thought and heard.

One asks how you can be skeptical and believe everything ( which is not what I said, it's all things ) and this is because beleiving it all is good but it leaves nothing to external reality which while like reality in geometry and property is not prepared in the manner that leads to the mind and must be formed in actual knowledge of the outside and not the mind alone.

You can imaging a lamp, but most don't know how to build one, as do I because my form technology meets the era before the 1600's at least, while separately existing in 2019 with modern computer code and thus this leaves me with a different method of invention entirely to that of science and before 1600 as being built from both periods abilities one in my ability to craft and the other in what a house has normally in 2019. So it's no wonder a skeptical person can't believe I think it's everything and/or all things.

Cause I don't, I thought it was everything to increase the expansion of ideas into old and new at such speeds that I formed a network of reasons built of what matches reality in observation of only reality in every manner I could conceive by in each moment of ability fit the idea in mind with it's closest matching actual object then used them as the imagined one with less artistic special effect. Until I got bored for not having access to more beauty and built a mental#writing portal to exit and exist inside to both communicate outside and continue inside until something outside changes beyond the point of maximum ability I can achieve at this time, without other's aid.

So while it is all things in the layer of observed similarity between property and shape of actual objects, the reality is still not everything or all things in expanded form outside it. As such the worlds listed here could be improved only by more work then myself, but worlds form not by myself alone and will in the event of more people resemble no ones world in congruence and rather a blended reality of any active person using more then Poe's disbelief and stare at a screen without life.

As I did not instantly believe it was all things, rather I did solely for curiosities sake and explored it as firstly a virtual space of mind, that progressed to it;s abilities today which now at maximum of my abilities will not likely progress farther in physicality until in least I can access electricity, which at this time is not in shortest time frame till next month maybe. Yet has been a goal for months now on and off. As like 3D videogames and Shaders is a task fully new for me and beyond my knowledge.

So it's everything at a scale before the year 1600 and is becoming slimmer in chance of actually manifesting past it effectively due to limit of income which is the result brought about not only in my limited attempts at gaining wealth. Is also because people fail to grasp much of what I say for  issues of organisation partially brought on by boredom, nature of subject but also potentially fear and so this I find to be a good period of rest and report of clarification which limits me but does not ruin me, while allowing time for others to try and understand me. It's conflict is in who actually cares in time future and my ability to communicate it.

Now, what Hearthanat does is ask questions and share ideas which it tries to match to reality and seek in time improvements to it accessible at its level of Prepostric technology, but this often makes others not see how it connects to future for not being exactly as imagined on television. However in the same space is potential of alternatives which may resemble more accurate things past without being formed by magnets in motion. This however I fear will be called miraculous for defying common knowledge in some cases potentially considered and so I hope to arrive in one of those three directions.

In most detailed form this means Hearthanat uses the following three tools to build the inside of the tree and external if possible, among group or alone and use them to further gain ability in space:
  • Question's of ignorance
  • Sharing one's thoughts
  • Matching to physicality
  • Seek time improvements.
Alas I may take a slumber to rest as it is 3 in the morning and I'm sleepy and have been up since 12 yesterday. when i wake or can't sleep I will write what those mean clearly, which for you will be seconds from now, but I hours as you have entered from a timespace fold that speeds up time for you, in reading and not typing thoughts as they come with pauses of subconscious silence.

I have awoken and am to tell you what the above 4 tools are for the people of Hearthanat and how to use them on reality to do things effectively. These use the 4 spirits as sources of inspiration and this is best called Skepticism of Aerth because it is about what Aerth knows not and finding new proofs:

Questions of ignorance:

The act of wondering at an answer to a question one has thought of, which is answered either by oneself to create more easily a new answer or by information from other, created by themselves.

One simple asks something like the following: Why does motion descendant divide while leading?

Then we respond to it with an answer which fits our question: It does not always divide and this implies more then one actor behind the scenes or sub-leaders of the object in motion. 

If you can't find an answer to ones question on the internet it is because you are asking a question which may have never been asked before and so are likely to find knowledge beyon other's comprehension.

One should answer questions themselves as this always leads to things being more original for not using an answer previously done, although one could use what they have learned elsewhere too.

Sharing one's thoughts:

One firstly needs to remember that no one who does not understand or wants to will beleive your or anyones opinion unless they have seen value or reason and so the person is bound to either less reaction then expected or none at all. This is still important for the future, for potential criticism and for providing purpose through existing in ones creation. As such, one should share, but also learn from what others share and perform either end of sharing ideas, thus providing criticism to others and learning from them so as to provide the future where people exchange these things.

This is done easily with the internet, where people share ideas and gain comments. One shouldn't use social networks of friends but places more about information ( such as reddit or 4chan ) as all lead to debate among people. So unless you want to cause a purge of facebook friends like i did, i went from 400 to 300 in about a month just by posting creative new ideas no one understood don't use social networks with people you like for criticism and sharing new ideas. Below is an example of ideas exchanged in relation to the above idea:
  • I think that motion is myself outside the universe controlling my body on earth and when I die I recede back to the lower motions, but may do so in divided or singular descent.
Let's say they know what you mean by descent, as most who haven't read at least this page won't:
  • If our motion is what leads to our being beyond, then for what reason is it the case that all atoms vibrate and move at all times in a simple manner even in solids that don't above them? As surely motion should fully stop if we recede past the atom in descent?
This question which is still a disagreement with the idea I stated is "someones" own skepticism crossed with the question form, which sometimes comes also as reason for why it isn't the case at all. 

This however is useful for a person who wants criticism and more detailed ideas, as one must now believe the criticism being true but retain the previous idea and seek reason for the validity of both in the congruence above of mind. 
  • Perhaps atoms are the soul of person or the world he originates from and in scales formed smaller he is already past the atoms, so exists in the leftover of the atoms which may or may not be connected and this results in his new perceptions because his self and body are not connected to existence at the same "angle" of arrangement.
As like the artist who made a picture others find imperfect, his work is no less wrong then what another suggests he change and should not give up but learn how to improve the work or the next, while retaining his style and form prior. Criticism isn't hate, it's advice on what to do better.

One does not have to hear the advice, or reason of disbelief and hate as especially the last case it is likely not to change the other persons decision to be mean with their argued critics. Yet also because in taking the criticism while improving scale of knowledge and in art beauty to you or others, changes the way the knowledge or art style is. Often for the better, unless one wants worse.

This is something I learned indirectly from my mom, who is a perfectionist and will often point out what I made as mistakes in my artwork. I rarely want to fix it then, but I do try to listen to what she said before for my next image. Due to this my art has gone from this:

My first drawing on the computer of pavoriesse and the one shown on the first blog.

Overtime my art style evolved with small critics in time to things like this, when I work hard on it:

While this is Pavoriesse, this version is fear and magic and not solely fear and I find better as art.

Some would however argue that the first is better for using outlines that aren't black on the character, which is something I used to do. This I no longer do, because it slows down the work and if done incorrectly must be redone completely ( if too light or too dark for the fill color ). 

Further back then I used Gimp and the lines were made using it's Bezier tool, now called the path tool at times. This made smoother lines but sometimes with stranger appearance. Often these had physical copies which became colour after being scanned onto the computer. In general this lead to modification because:
  • Colored outlines took more time and may not look perfect, with difficult recovery in colors. I also find its images less bold and more soft.
  • Bezier tool made weird mistakes and when my laptop broke, it lacked the 64bit requirements.
  • Scans had to be drawn, then scanned then cropped then colored, time consuming and then not available when I moved away from home.
  • At the time, I only knew of Gimp as a free art program, which did not easily use touchscreens and thus I adapted my work from physical reality, rather then learn the tool.
Today I more often use black outline or no outline and try to add more detail when I can internally while also still making colors bright. At one time I used a touch screen on my new computer to draw immediate images rather then scan them as I had no scanner and this worked decently. As my limits changed from scanner to no scanner and touch screen to no touchscreen ( I had a drawing pad from youth when touchscreens didn't exist and I didn't know how to use it at 12 ):

This being still one of the best drawings I did without using a physical scan or drawing pad at the time. It uses my computers touchscreen and a screen pen or my finger.

It's a picture of Poe and Mazer fighting Crystal who is queen, with pets from my childhood, back when Poe was a Dog Deman, today this image depicts two guys who. Poe who did only consumption and labour with nothing more and Mazer who in consumption and labor also built a life of meaning and solutions. Crystal represents the royal and more powerful people in a subject, not as evil in this context I make today, rather she represents those who in the path of Mazer is more likely in future alive or dead to attain, solely in having built a value to his life that is not blamed on those who did the same but inspired by those people who spent life in more the Poe's life.

Crystal, while sometimes making mistakes as any other once in a higher life can only advise their own experiences and cannot easily help people who aren't there because of being too popular, having forgotten, being no longer alive or too far away to help someone. As they must lead their life, which in modernity means eating, work and meaning but not the absence of meaning or purpose which they cannot change in those who think themselves unable to reach a place beyond what I call Hzulthug.

As Hzulthug originated as myself against consumer life, for being learned in the theories of conspiracies which I add is that direction taken often later in life when a person finds themselves stuck without purpose. Which I felt at 16 I did not want to end up in and seeked a means to my own meaning while in part trying to find a way to show that distinction to others who lived in blame and not meaning. This the blame is that metaphorical version of past, which inspired Prosporo's downfall.

Poe I mean is longing for more, but too in doubt to believe their is more and unable to learn patiently an idea which uses examples of my own experience (Art criticism and limitation). Who some are comfortable with as living in Hzulthug, but other's are fooled by the reality which uses that basic life as basin for all other lives of a existence in comfort and have accepted it as all their is to living.

As no one said they could have more, or they thought they couldn't themselves have more for not knowing or having confidence in how to go past the consumer life into life beyond it. So living for food by work and entertainment alone, but is not a life of purpose in some who long for more, which builds off those three things at the least, or can build even off those lives unable to live as workers who live often worse lives of consumption and entertainment with even less purpose.

As least in labour alone their is meaning of having helped, where the one who ate and watched only is often too far and without more then those alone, I myself cannot see meaning, but they may. Meaning is found in the place a person finds it, in themselves and while sometimes without more then screens and food can still find meaning as I have meaning here, which some here do not and so cannot feel their life worth anything if they want and know not how to find it.

The consumer life, when found meaningless is where depression begins in those who aren't meant for just that life. Still they feel trapped, when they are not in all cases. As that freedom begins with a hobby that leads in time to the dream and rarely solely the act of being against consumerism on the internet. As often when realized it is blamed on conspiracy for what is often ones own lack of knowledge and others ignorance of what they did differently to not find no value in least Hzulthug and in greater parts meaning.

Where the difference is meaning of life that Mazer has against Poe's claim of his imprisonment, being blamed on Crystal as responsible.

Poe's own inability to build life meaningfully as his own reality, blamed on others and cries alone for others to do what he dreams dreams but has shown nothing. Without having in least built as far as self's ability goes is what leaves Poe responsible for his imprisonment, for having given up and blamed rather the tried and attained freedom even in the place with not even labour for a little meaning. This only relevant to the consumer who did nothing and hated it, rather then anyone who did something be it better or worse then no action at all.

Still Mazer's own, a life of meaning even in his inability to go past that line he calls Prepostric ( at this juncture ) which leaves him in his equal place of only screens and food has a value and spirit beyond what I can only imagine is hell if he then gives up and accepts his fate, or worse blames others as the only answer to how to fix his own place. It's exception is liking the place he's in or being their in cause of someone elses decisions on his life, which is rarely his own but often his upbringing.

Still unless he is content with a meaningless life, or was forced there in other's lack of consideration or over consideration for the person, they are to blame, as all are able to find value and meaning in the life limited as even the primitive men did and lived in meaning with less then myself in Poe's situation differed only by meaning.

The one who immediately pointed a figure at Crystal calling her deciever at that level and then led others there and brought forth hate unjustified and attempts to remove Crystal and destroy what has not failed by anyone's action beyond firstly their own path of doing nothing, then blame on those who weren't in maximum directly present in flesh is the core reason for having remained there with but ideas and not in least tried to see what best was the method out in the options held that was not war.

 As Poe blamed and seeked meaning in an illusion as fact and war, Mazer gave blame to illusions alone in least of writing and art but seeked never Crystals end of ways of life.

Atleast once he'd realized this in meeting people who in their youth seeked to be prime minister and so of royal life modern and realized that in the least of their youth they would hang out with me as person and friend and I was myself in eureka ( in least Bi-polar ), protection too cautious ( mother in fear ), my real desires found ( in least Schizophrenia ) and the lack of wealth spent on beer ( my dad drinking my moms money away ) which lead me here, where I in limit and boredom I cope with drugs and in purpose I live as good and evil in a world I can see, touch and much more.

Still even then not blamed on any at all, but solely recollection on the story of Prosporo, who among its origins was the role of finding meaning for my life as I seeked not the life of labour, food and entertainment as I felt it to be in myself a life of no meaning or value and wanted more the those things or less. As while not knowing fate outside my control, I found myself there anyways but with in least the knowledge that will save me from the meaningless and the blame on more then my family who's care and overconsumption is among parts of both sides of my place here today. 

As while I hardly care at all and consumption was enemy for the first part of Prosporo. Some enjoy that life of meaningless imprisonment and blame which my father finds himself today in similar space to me, but listens not to son in my experience in similar place or wife who shows faults and is protective, thinks himself better to blame others for hate, then to live still in all he can gain himself without ignoring hate, or hating hate. Even when other's do, as hate irrelevant brings itself.

In adding more learned to what he has and seeking more in mind. Whose only exceptions, should be if that is actually where one is content where my knowledge says one is likely not. Helped in the lack of actions I have advised in blame before and other's have in improvement. My father does do paintings, their often the exact same in a sense, women and mountains, mountains well painted and the women ( while sexual ) tend to be good, at times either with something my mom can find fault in but that and sculptures of military and other. are all their is. 

As he would rather ask me if he can copy my art rather then create more things himself which he need only listen, ask and recall  how I have created so many things rather then take what I make and make it his in vague differences as I can at times see through the difference to where he got the idea and note that this art came about not in my youth. Yet onset in sudden motions as I aged and did my works in increasing amount, which while I understand a desire to create is not meant to be my stuff only. As their is more then any of what I write out there. I may say all, but I have yet seen all and criticism is an important key to improvement, and questions with no answers are means of creating something new when answered. So take advice with more then offense or shrug, learn from what another says and what you know to better yourself and ones work in your direction and not mine.

It's not that you can't use ideas in my work or another, it's that often in consumer life, people take only from what people not in consumer life made ( because they like it ) but gained not the part of only themselves which gives their own life purpose beyond working solely for another. This is why I don't like allowing my dad to use what I made in creation and discovery, in all cases he asks, because to me in my mind it makes it look like he's not trying to be himself but rather my personal sheeple. 

Which seeing as he is my dad is really fucking weird, when he's talking about the evil politicians and all the sheeple who are decieved by evil as he says and learned from the little of others he likes that once again is not his addition to it but what he picked of it alone. Unless as mentioned previously you cannot stand in anything more then just what I've written, then I should not be the only person listened to and even then, one should thrive for more then just what someone else said, for the fact you are in mind but not necessarily state of surroundings and ability, as their equal in being able to think and create something new and original which in the differences unequal allow a different sort of creation and experience from those most are huge fans of, but follow constantly to the persons above. This in turn can create a person who has fans own issues in both the frustration, change of self and reaction to the difference of creator and follower.

In fact as a final example, on twitter I found a post by a business women who I will leave anonymous that angered myself for what she did not do, as her tweet stated non-directly while in good intent, that after she attained wealth from her own position of poverty she essentially abandoned her friends poor for her new life as wealthy person. This was likely said as something like below, but is not probably not what she herself said, as the memory is vague and I won't quote her directly:

I used to be poor like you, but I worked and did the effort needed to become wealthy and I can no longer speak to those people for them not trying to be wealthy and complaining.

That above, I feel was better written then her own attempts likely more miscommunication gone twitter. Yet the actual bothers me, because she started poor and abandoned her old friends who are still poor once she got wealthy and that's what the tweet sounds like. This is because of the follower and leader reaction which is born from inequality of social views and leads if used as a perspective not to equality but further distancing from the person because it's an assumed reaction on the followers part ( that isn't always the case in people ). Which I'll add that it can be difficult to realize a person is always a person when your favorite singer happens to walk by. 

One asks beyond the example of my father, how I would even know much of that and the reason is because while I even when a kid never looked at people as above me, I did while paranoid become confused by the classes of society around me and in delusional state could not distinguish fact from illusions so internally was trying to decide if the higher class around me in my semi-disbelief from past, were really (as they were) treating me as just a normal person. Caused only because my lack of seeing inequality while sane made me not treat people wealthier then me any different then myself. Which some people tend to do when it isn't wanted by the person. 

That in turn helped me realize the only real asshole I could find anywhere around me, was just me and my past for being a person with major personal issues of his own which while not reason for my current state of life in the actions out of my control had certainly nothing to do with the upper class around me. It was because my mother wanted to protect me and my dad caused decreased income.

That reaction of are they human, is likely caused by my previous total hate of higher class people as a kid came back as older, in perfect inverse irony out of both my hate of Christianity and upper class when I meet and befriend christian and upper class. Which with all my other issues is added to the pile of why my misguidance in beliefs of other, for me having no originality beyond Prosporo and Hell drove me insane and led to an obsession not with what you think alone, but what I can do to.

This tangent and the examples of change in my art are here to show both what criticism ( be it self or another ), limitations better or worse and experiences shared can do to another person if they listen rather then get offended or ignore advice. As all of this is advice and knowledge someone can learn, that is not fantastical and outside the range of most peoples comprehension like other parts of this blog. As some people tend to see weird stuff on here and leave guessing no value to any of what can be learned.

These show both what people view as uncomfortable only because they don't realize it is made better by your own ability to overcome the issue someone points out, which is your goal here in finding a solution to what is basically a thought and logic puzzle between your belief and another's and how to best make yours continue past where it is now. 

Asking questions is important for new ideas as much as learning new things, I can't predict what I do not know you don't understand and while conversation can help. I find some people assume it is wrong automatically because they don't understand it then refuse to say why they don't get the concept ( which is always their reason of why it's wrong ) and then get angry when their arguments to proove it wrong are all responded as though miraculously fixing any issue with the statement they thought proved them right. Then they leave on continued belief only of it's incorrectness for what they still don't get and usually call me an idiot. Which is fine, but not helpful for them when they said something like:
  • Their is no afterlife, life is meaningless and all is futile.
Yet are so certain of this and in pain by it, that even if I validated their beleif they won't realize my reasons additional are also as valid until they either believe someone automatically as just having another idea of which they can test in knowing how it works, or in death by debate reaching a level of past knowledge that forces it through contradictions of self past and its mindfuck.

Our next tool is as follows:

Matching to Physicality

Another important thing hearthanat does, which both Science and Magic do on Prosporo, is match their theory of mind to something real outside themselves which shows it will work. This is done for real by most scientists and wizards, but they very rarely realize it and that's because people conflate ideas matched to reality as meaning instantly true all the time if they have observed its effect. If they have not then they will never believe you as they rejected first then did not match the idea and the real effect because they assumed it was wrong and won't eat green eggs and ham. 

This created the dichotomous like debate between Science and Magic on earth, which Hearthanat avoids completely by just hearing what people say and trying to find the part that's actually outside their claim alone in all of existence. In fact, science knows how magic works, they just don't use it in science and won't call it science ever, for being magic. It's just that if they told a wizard or someone who didn't understand either, the result is basically a debate of huge proportion on the existence of what is already known. 

That key to magic is that it is a useful coincidence, that occurred after an action unrelated which used in intent to cause that coincidence to occur.

This is never stated by wizards because their is more to the art then its basic premise and additional subjective tools, but that above is what magic is on the simplest left. Some people don't even realize this while they use it all the time, because they don't know how it works, just that it does.

Atheists and Scientists always argue that it's a coincidence when a claim of experience is made by at least a wizard, to the disbeliever it is argued that the observed phenomenon is discounted for being just a coincidence. Even when the wizard agrees and uses it anyways and has more experiences afterwards. ( or did not because the god or one's prowess didn't allow for the spell ).

This makes it seem like only one of those people can be right in mind, because it seems opposite and assumed impossible for both to be true. The problem is that mind cannot know matter, only form assignment to matter ( matching it to physicality ) and this matching is only right as long as it is believed to be right before it is observed, if one matched it to reality and believed it wrong, then they'll find reason for it to be. Even with science, which is why some Christians are against it because they see it as sin, because they assumed it was and view it's negative attributes.

The issue is directly with what is observed and often the fear of replacement by others who ironically are acting the same way for not observing the reality the same way and fearing replacement by you, this actually does occur as well because of debate and so people don't want to loose what they love until someone breaks their faith in it for what is often an arbitrary reason of giving up cause they won't shut up and doubt by not being heard. 

This then leads to people changing their mind and learning the new worlds rules while ignoring the old one and so forgot it as wrong, even when memory knows better. As in both the case of magic and science they're effects are observed as stated but they are not believed, by what is in mind behind the effect that is real. 

This is the part matching the mind to reality as the reality they "collapsed" to in the uncertain probabilities by mind not knowing reality, which in immediate first observation of faith and confirmation is always made the one believed, but not the one disbelieved unless they change the observation which shows another world and retain the one they used to see not as false but as it was.

If they continue to switch things in disbelief by debate alone, they end up in the same place as all being true, but it's longer and it's more painful for first taking all of it away then letting you wander in ignorance and hell without happiness unless at anytime cross ignorance in faith and not doubt and then look at any claim in the reality outside it. As in our two examples:
  • Science matches models with assumption to objects then tests them to see if they do as thought.
  • Magic matches models with assumption to chances, then tests them to see if they can happen.

So when Hearthanat looks for windows and doors to other worlds, it matches the thing like a window and a door in things like a world and concludes that it is as stated prior, then practices the idea in actual work and behaviors not done in places where it's wrong.

As when someone says it's wrong it then becomes wrong and so not used at all, or as I do, simply not use it right now or disregard an idea to help scultp a worlds landscape out of things like science and magic but in this case those I'm repeating here because this page is huge:
  • Oneness
  • Art
  • Skepticism
  • Nature
  • Forgotten
Bold is covered, except we have one last part to Skepticism, which is advancing an idea past the basic theorem which as stated above is just matching the idea to reality and that must be understood to advance a concept which in our case is going to remain prepostric until electricity which I lack knowledge of in functions, for being not as easily accessed.

Seek time improvements

When I started what I termed Parsemy eventually I already knew what is above this part, but I did not have much past it except phental worlds which back then I miscalculated how to advance and assumed its basis is like on television and not simpler then that, both of those are not the portals I'm introducing here, because they fail in separate ways:
  • Phental model portals fail for being phentals and pareidolia with chance encounter and internal plot narration, only in lacking special effects which allow for what would be called realism.
  • Virtual/Physical portals fail for in current time not being accessible by some or all singular people and so are not easy for average people to access on their own, requiring learning late.
So while I used phental model portals for a while and talked about the other, this doesn't help someone who doesn't get phentals, doesn't knowing programming and so can't even consider physically building an entire separate universe. So it would take me a year and a half after to suddenly remember the original portal I used in Prosporo at 16, minus it's laziness which drove me mad among other things. 

This portal is mental textual portals and is the one this blog uses, as mental portals isolate you internally making no one have a clue what your talking about if vocalized from above and not below. As some would still view parts of this blog as being incomprehensible with missing data, having at least not tried to read what they can understand which I can't predict nor point to, but can explain to those who ask questions and don't leave then. 

Mentat textual portals allow me to think and write down what I think so I don't have to rethink new doors to the idea later that make sense to others, which may or may not be the original doors I past through cause I thought too much internally and not enough externally. This not in repetition but progressive boredom change with narrated internal plot, which while I used constantly as a mental portal helped nothing of communication until I was more focused and able to recall and rewrite memories I had gotten bored of.

Mental textual portals are just books with pictures and if you want, yourself as a character, and is an advancement to my original tools which were limited to pareidolic outside worlds and internal parts accessible by myself. Which can be learned in the far end of the Yonder text and elsewhere in Beyond/Blogs. I will talk more of Pereidolia later but for now we're keeping it simple enough in Hearthanat to be used but not necessarily have physics and reality parts past just windows and doors.

So this is an example of an advancement, which in Hearthanats current rules means mostly telling a story good or bad and designing a world inside a story which can be explored and isn't necessarily connected to real parts of life, unless you can spot a method to make something in that world here. 

So like writing a story, but your in the story and this can be better done by not planning the story fully but rather writing as you go so it's a surprise to yourself when things hit the fan, don't use Prosporo with meth Malum, I haven't even fixed that one yet and Malum is part of why I went crazy.

Use something you like or enjoy as a first attempt. Don't let yourself overthink the plot ahead until your fifteen books farther and bored of writing the start 15 times cause you forgot the last one until you have 15 parallel Prosporos. That number is not an exaggeration in counting my Prosporo video games I attempted, all of which don't go past in maximum Caven.

Anyways, this is fun for someone who hasn't done something like it before, but if you happen on a technology in the story then keep it for later as something to match to reality. This harder but mostly like above, to improve the first invention, think of what it lacks and match that to reality then attach it to the invention, like below:
  • I have a Book portal and it has pictures, but I feel like it could improved as a visual novel.
  • I happen to know how to do that and enjoy making visual novels, but it takes longer to do.
  • As such I need to find a way to quickly make images for the Visual book portal to help me.
  • Luckily, visual novels should start with characters and scenes then tell the story as it goes.
As such one would simply build the assets first and then do as writing a portal book and tell an unplanned story within the program. These kinds of programs aren't hard to code, take effort but are relatively easy. However, progressing past that increases work needed and sometimes it's hard for me to build assets first then limit myself mostly to them after, this blog is an attempt at this.

As making all the images and characters as you progress in unplanned manner is too repeated and while the same amount of work takes longer in mind trying to go on an adventure. This is an important innovation to the current idea, as a great example of how someone can advance a project as they move through it and learn to match desire and idea to what at minimum exists or is accessible through other means, that at this time includes electricity.

This concludes the four practices of Hearthanats Skepticism, which uses questions, knowledge, observation and improvements through our uncertainty of reality, to build a basic universe with at least a story, imagined technology and making it unplanned for our own entertainment. Which while seemingly almost like a story, features your own choices and the future that follows as what Hearthanat does after it's story is written or before. Which is to build a nature of reality to use in relation to discovered ideas in the story, to then match with reality such that a room or place features the real parts within the story for themselves or others to interpret.

As we have learned that skepticism does not have to doubt solely the accuracy of a belief it does not believe, but must farther doubt its ability to know accuracy internally or in the claims of others who know different experience then yourself. All of which are beliefs which form as stated irrelevant of the truth or falsity decided only by individual and not a reality its mind can know without first believing then observing the possibility.

Nature of the worlds

I can't write a story today as it has been over 18 hours since starting this single page and find that I need to finish it and have been mostly typing it this whole time and am beginning to find it rather long and very detailed. I also don't know how many will read all of this, although I will suggest so at the top for finding it informative. So instead of finding technology in a story while exploring I will design 4 based of the four spirits and show how they function in Hearthanat as a world then build them in reality by trying to get as closely matched to it as I can.

This seems complicated but its the same as before, you match the objects and descriptions within with reality outside, if you don't have access to what is needed find it's closest similar thing in reach, which for me is these things:

I also never know what I'm making until I write it down, as everything I do is written as it comes to me unless I took a break and that stuff rarely is what I write down that mirrors it somewhat. This is because I'm using the portal to keep me suprised as I go along. Below are our described 4 technologies of Hearthanat:
  • Breakpuzzle: A puzzle which if put together wrong will break apart as parts are added to it.
  • Memoryloader: A tool for keeping track of rooms and doors as well as ideas considered once.
  • Mover: A mechanism that allows motion in some form for ones invention in need manner.
  • Stick: A substance that provides a method to stick things together and allow contacts new.
These aren't that new, but their made to be in mind because of what they look like and function in rules by:

These don't look like what would be Earth's equivalence listed with the way these work on Hearthanat and also are not the methods we'll make them on earth, because we're making something outside the earth's technology:
  • Green = Stick = Tape/Glue = This special bar allows for sticking anything around it to it and is able to still be removed effectively with some force of human pull.
  • Purple pile = Breakpuzzle = Puzzle = These purple balls are programmed to detach in different ways when piled on each other if done incorrectly and so is a challenging game.
  • Orange = Mover = Motor =  This depending on its arrangement provides a different form of motion with objects around it which when given power causes the mover to move things.
  • Grey tube = Memoryrecorder = Book = This special device when used by pulling on the wrapped part and recording memories are easily tracked in order and provide possible recollection.
All of these objects have a reason for their functions which while not necessarily defying what they're meant to do, defies what we know does these things here on Earth and as such we fail to know how to make them only because they go against the status quo of common tools found in science. 

This because Science has it's own ends of comfort and efficiency that do not apply to these objects much like knives versus butter knives, which these being arbitrary lack any real goal of improvement and are examples of things that exist, which science can believe once I show how to make them but aren't as Science likes it's objects.

Some may ask how an object is from another world if it's build able on Earth. This is due to the imagined world outside earth having other things and this in turn is due to anyone here in theory gathering the idea from a story or in my case while in hearthanat's logic of mostly Prepostric natures. As this term arrived here and I'll count it relevant to the other ideas used here. So like many parts of Hearthanat are not viewed as today, seeing as it views roots ( paths walked ) and branches ( Windows and doors of worlds )  in a tree ( City ), in an oasis ( Forest ), in a desert ( place of death )  as its world.

Still some struggle to see how anything changes, this because little changes except what I invent with the world's logic, which while not as Earth is folded in the same entirety as part of All things and to make it more "realitic" would mean mostly adding the material flairs to what is already in the west a disorganized blend of flairs of appearance which while convenient for us, denies the ability to have a literal tree in a specific area which limits its manifestation in spacetime.  

At this time only since above literal trees is one day, today it still gives us access to its reality, but as the underlying form of its observations hidden under all realities forming the entirety we call earth, which definitely is not science or magic as explained above, for using neither testing or chance in its nature, rather travels branches of worlds walked in book and screen and brings objects home into existence for others to touch and feel.

As such the four technologies we've shown are made on earth as follows and is done by finding matter kinds which match best the definitions we've created and if our limitations forbid the access of that invention then we adapt it to our limits which while changing it's appearance slightly is not meant as the one we already have on earth listed above. 

Meaning a memory loader could easily be a notebook, but in Hearthanat the halls are so wandering it needs faster order comparison and so flipping pages is inconvenient as is a cellphone for sliding the words past the screens visibility. If my first idea on what I can do is too out of reach for myself today, then I need to find an alternative to it for today if I want it now, or I need to work to it's missing parts out in life to invent it which will likely cost wealth in some rescource one has not. 

In hearthanat we're not supposed to have to buy stuff though as this creates a space where things are not necessarily obvious and so almost more dream like for novelty. As the above tube is obvious enough to know, but my answer might not be and so will make someone wonder what the've found wandering Hearthanats tree or finding it in my room. 

So we build not necessarily as imagined in our story when we wrote it which will be advanced most of the time, but what works like it in necessity and possibility for more efficient construction that can be better adapted as time goes into the parts we haven't figured out or were wrong about in assumptions on how to make it like above. The examples below show both the imagined drawing, the way I make them right now and the way I think they might work while looking more like the drawing.


If anyone tried to imagine what can make a puzzle that when you piled up incorrectly will break apart randomly any time it's wrong, would first think magnets but would actually be wrong because only the one placed would break off and not be random. Although in the fact the balls above are mostly round would suggest magnets are needed on earth for that one as sticking them with sticky substance is too obvious. So what could possibly make this work?

Some may have also thought that in electronics they could code the balls to detect it's position with the other balls and react with the magnets, but that would require changing the poles mid arrangement and I don't even know if that's possible or if detecting relative ball position is either, aswell as the fact I ain't got anything close to being able to do that. This is evidently an example of why people presume they can't make something easily when it's an advanced technological question with knowledge science might know but that you don't. 

You could look it up and find out, but theirs a chance science has never thought of your question, which doesn't mean your wrong just that no one knows and can be tested. You can find out what science doesn't know by googling questions using its real or closest terminology formed as a question. If something comes up related read it and decide if it actually answered what was asked, if nothing comes up like this:

either your terminology is wrong or the question has not been asked, the above example may seem like a weird and incorrectly formed question and is not known by science as it only knows of stone chemical bonds at the atomic level and thus is all that comes up as most effective by googles search logic that is usually really good. search engines varry in ability of what they find, some are more likely to show ads and others are less effective. However in searching for a question you find out both answers to your ignorance and the worlds ignorance. Like this question:

Neither of these questions have known answers by science, both I know the answer too only because I discovered/tested them myself. So the answer to both questions asked is:
  • Rocks bond together through balance and geometry which keeps them stable and unmoved.
  • Light does not blend colors in smoke and actually creates a border by brightness as normal.
The first question I showed you is actually the answer to the first technology ( Break Puzzles ) I mentioned. This one used as a secret trojan horse example to show that sometimes we don't know all answers and have to ask a question which is not answered, then test it to know if we can do the following so we don't waist time putting in the effort for nothing. Testing is done by finding the simplest way to test it in ones environment and finding out, before spending time making something by faith alone.

Invention only fails when we've assumed something outside what we know. In fact I was a little disappointed by the outcome of the second mention because it doesn't do what I wanted it to do ( blend colors like paint ) and so I had to go around it and make the smoke out of light with partech I can't access, for making paint light instead. 

It's close too what it was and better then pointing lights at each other in smoke but i was sad and thought about it longer, then I had to run away from home but that's the story of how I moved out last time. Just as I realized I could experiment, I had to leave and go where I couldn't, I can now.

BreakPuzzles in basic are built from geometry and their balance, which in rocks varies by rock (pebble) and when one tries to pile them together in small groups they act funky, because in doing one wrong move, they can sometimes collapse entirely or only a little by change in whole weight.

This is because of gravity of the planet and the rocks weight brought on by its geometry and balance, which varies how a rock's "bond" behaves. Which I eventually noted is most successful when it matches the same side's shape as the other rock, or the rocks greater side's shape in amount of points on it's surface. This is also relative to scale of side shape. That's why a table can hold flat bottomed things better then round balls, because it has a greater side shape point count. That meaning that in our most common encounter of this effect, it is always made to hold things falling downwards onto a flat surface it can't penetrate nor slide off of. 

Which to a scientist will only make them cringe for being called a bond and not a fact so obvious it is useless. Still, the idea of that obvious fact is not as well understood as one presumes as when a year later i'm throwing dice at scales and rotating swords on scales as well, I realize that orientation of object and it's balance actually changes the weight of an object and this change of weight relative to gravity decides where it will fall at all. Which is often shown as the rock and feather falling from above and the rock landing first, but no one explained why the feather went back and forth (the unexplained) as it fell slowly due to being lighter.

Science tends to presume that the feather moves back and forth because of the shape of the feather in the air which because it's a feather is going to glide in space and be carried by the air under it. This makes sense, until I put a ball in a ziplock bag on one side and made it fall more in the direction of the ball then the other without it. All three of these experiments led to me inventing a gravity magnet, which in toss is more likely to land on one side rather then the other.

It allows you to also modify the weight of an object based off it's balance, which if you take a metal ruler of sufficient length, place it's one between a heavier object and table, then place a single quarter on the end over the edge of the table, it will bend the ruler significantly and potentially drop the coin. If you then move the coin closer to the table but still on the ruler it will not bend the ruler as much as it did on the end. 

If you weigh a long rectangular cube object on different angles other then on its side shapes points that allow it to remain on the scale at all, this done by allowing the rectangle to lean against something not on the scale, then it will weigh differently then when placed level, as the argument and rule that weighing the object, must not be moved is followed and still defies it's weight when it leans on something rather then flat on the scale. 

These anyone with a scale can do. This same effect allows you to predict in better likelyhood what side of a dice, the dice will land on, as long as it is thrown from the same relative orientation but varied in method of throwing. 

All of these use that same original question:
  • Do rocks bond? 
And it's resulting answer as yes anything can bond, but it varies by scale due to gravity, which in objects at our scale is always pointed downwards and in space always by mass of larger object. In atomic scales I can't confirm, but between that I can say that fleas are great at jumping and snowflakes are beautiful.

My definition of bond being a part come in contact with another and staying in contact, as this is found as an advancement of my original theory of just parts, as a universal model of anything I know of. Part simply means whatever you pointed at and can be anything from the second half of a hair, to the slightly different coloration of the center of the sky before midday.

As like the light experiment, all parts divide by the fine line made or seen between them, different levels of brightness alter what is visible of any object in a context, as is where you look at the object at any given time. This is the key to pareidolia.

In conclusion the Breakpuzzles and bond force which is the change in orientation that effects the mass and thus potential motion of an object in a specific direction that is based of it's overall alteration in time and direction of fall based on gravity. 

Which while explaining the reason for a bond remaining and when it repels, does not explain how it moves at all nor how it relates to the rest of knowledge on earth or elsewhere. As such motion, which is so ascribed to chance encounters is beyond my and anyone's knowledge at this time, is not easy to know for somehow being observed and not observed at the same time as the literal change of time, in (Body) and outside (everything else) our control.

However I only mentioned this for being relevant, not to what I expect is going to be well understood by the reader, who has likely not see or felt weight change in balance unless they try it by balancing an object in their palm in different ways which are and are less likely to fall.

But so that I can suddenly and unexpectedly learn more about bondforce and so use it effectively in these technologies, which the first shows very well how it functions, as piling rocks together shows both how they stay together and how they do not and sometimes fall as one rock our collapse completely as a pile. 


The stick bar if it has any name, is a small geometry which in the simplest form can cause other things to stick to it on different sides, similar to bond force as it is normally, but in stick bars ( which can be of any shapes ) the stickiness allows it to defy certain rules of its normal shape weight, through grip such as the example of sticking with stickyfoam, a rubic's cube to the ceiling. Which while not movable defies it's natural requirement to fall off the ceiling. 

To make something fly upwards, is only possible with low mass lighter then oxygen which by it's fluid rules.  I call weight change in orientation, its mass energy which I compare to a fluid, and this due to it's similarity in behavior to a cup with water, shaken or tilted the water changes it's weight,  the position of water, caused the weight changed. It's compared because a rock does this too, but cannot spill or change shape. 

As the rectangular cube balanced from the side weighs not the same, nor feels the same in weight being heavier, when doing the same variation of balance in hand which in center of object is easier to grasp and farther to either side is harder to hold onto as the mass energy seeks to be released. 

In fact the gravity magnet works with water found only on one side of the container which is shaped to be appear as a rectangular cube which in throwing is more commonly oriented towards the heavier side and when placed to balance on the lighter side is more likely to fall over, for being inequally balanced. 

As such, a lighter object in extremes of it, will fly upwards for what I yet quite grasp, as one would think it would continue to rise, but always stops at the height it can where it is now bonded to that point, like clouds in the sky or a balloon reaching maximum height. If one weighs the balloon ( which is difficult for not going down but upwards ) it is lighter then other substances. Still what is most fascinating is that it would be the same for the rubics cube on the ceiling if it released any mass energy at all. 

As mass energy is measured by the scale which detects how much it is pushed down or up by the weight ( if weighing a balloon ) and as a result, a rubics cube on the ceiling produces 0 mass in it's relative space unless it is going to unstick at anytime since it is moving either not at all or in such undetectably small amounts that it will remain still on our scale for undefined time. I have a rubics cube on my ceiling at my parents house still there for the last year and a half, maybe two years. 

The glue used is meant to be that sticky, as my phone which fell off the ceiling a few months later tore the ceiling off. The cube may be perfectly balanced in negative mass energy for an undefined time that isn't a natural state of matter of that weight. Seeing as with glue it has become greater in weight equilibrium to a balloon, greater for being not light enough to be displaced or move at all.

A balloon is comparable to a ball on the floor and a ceiling rubics cube is as energy productive as a fridge when not in contact with it, but without enough fall energy to move downwards or upwards. Only the bond energy between it and the glue that in turn is bonded to the ceiling.

Both the fridge and ceiling rubics cube do this, but not in the same direction. The cloud does this, but in the space around it, which allows it like an air balloon to rise and descend based of it's temperature which as a solitary effect is changing phase of matter. The stick bar is either that stick foam I lack now or a new phase of matter with better then stick foam adhesive properties. 

It's easily built with a rock covered in two sided tape, but it is not as effective as foam for foams created vacuum, between it and what it adheres to after pressure. I lack the name of sticky foam as a product, which is in fact what it is. 

But it is mostly just a geometrically shaped green sticky foam, which can be fitted to different contexts to keep moderately light things in orientations of space that defy those normally done with gravity. Better is being able to remove and place it elsewhere, which requires lighter glue. This has practicality in space as well, where while not gravity allows adhesion to places.

In hearthanat it is used as a basic method to create environments which are not as traditionally viewed inside their different rooms and spaces, built by the difference of geometry in the shape of the foam. This allows the most likely potential form in current days, beyond simpler forms known such as nails, hooks and Velcro all of which are better or worse for different contexts.

However, this is not another mentioned method for myself at the moment, which of the only options I have with these basic parts, is in the knick knack section of it as unmentioned extra and happens to be pipe cleaners. Which while better suited for crafts and cleaning are bendable and allow for at least tying parts together. As I may need to buy glue.


A mover is mostly just a method of making something move, which on earth is often done with electrcity because it is genuinely the most effective and almost perfect method of getting anything to move at all. It is not the only one however but this often forgotten or unknown. One is bond force and is my likely option for being closer and more accessible but neither well understood or technologically used and so lacks any part non-biased to electricity or its addons. Reason for science using electricity as method of motion is because it was first to be observed as a method of motion and not just funky self attracting metal which is all it was long ago. Energy is often confused with electricity which in past were likely conflated before its discovery, as before electricity their was only chemistry known to science.

Ironically that puts my technology back another to the year 1000 or less if we count the roman who said their were particles of matter and not those alchemists who proved a man right afterwards. As I know very little of chemistry and avoid it for safety reasons. As such for someone who says their are ways to build universes I use parts of the universe hardly cared by science today and all my work and proof is found in my surroundings. This firstly cause science and math teachers in highschool can't handle un-medicated students who get distracted with the own theories and because back then I thought I was an artist.

So I am still in some part scientist for discovering past and forward knowledge myself of nature and it's form by building of what I could grasp of science from the internet and taking it's advice as absolute while I tested additional unknowns available and pursued not the ends of comfort and convenience but opening portals instead, because I was worried science might accidentally and Prosporo made me paranoid and I was half right for finding it in partech which was bound by nanotech anyways. Yet persued these goals cause I wanted like many more world to explore.

Still I am also in part wizard for related reasons and thus call myself parsemist for using things science would never think of using in it's desires to remain objective and not subjective or beyond it. Which I suggest it continue in some pattern because this is more and less about creating things like and unlike science or magic, such as portals and bond energy motion contraptions of selfs action alone or better called Bomocology, which while like science in being comparable to technology is not the same for not using electricity, nor solely aspects of the year 1000 through technology of others.

Meaning my current residence is not in known time viewed as being what it was and is, but not where it was going in plan, which in theory should continue while more is added elsewhere. Although I'll admit I don't know what is under the atom myself either or if their is anything to fear there, while imagining one case of Athagek beneath that in ability to change space time.

My renamed from prepostric to Preporience timezone means before and after science at once. As I use thoughts created by myself, in matters of the world without electricity with things of electricity, that use no chemistry. This means while I could make myself a light of specific beauty it would be filled with fireflies or a candle as lacking any clue of what I went around in limits to attain portals.

Which in doing so is more likely to lean as not science and not magic for being extra-dimensional to their worlds. Even while using in effect the knowledge of both and more. It is as such a confusing angle of knowledge for some to learn coming from the mundane expecting magic or science, when they get the year 1000/2019. Which is found in no calendar for being a number not of Earth.

So as basic of the Mover, is not electricity but rather the art of rolling a ball down a hill and those drawings of motion written, shown below and is likely compared to a circus then a lab at this time:

I even laugh at technology which uses just body for being the old ways before we had cellphones and cars and had to deliver letters and walk for 6 hours to get dinner. Laughing only cause its 2019 but that let's me use the period as inspiration of practice and of my own tools to build without thunder, the things of today-yesterday. So let us in my advancement from technology of primitives to the days of yore, begin an attempt at more then unmoved objects as was once my work before.

So I will write the mover as it is above as being exactly what it is above, that being a triangular object which in my ability alone is but an angled book with which to role something down in a direction which may be anything able in future of Hearthanat but in present is for me an empty jar of peanut butter.

This however as a theory will progress in time I assure you, for being amoung that other path not of electricity but of another form of motion, which would spare person who wants not portals of electricity and so show better the worlds without. Melonyon began this journey, it tried to build a computer and that went horribly until I found it's other means of pre-electricity.

Still I will discuss this in our next part, after mentioning that Hearthanat and me are neither on the same time, as Hearthanat has people who can build more then me together and at this time I am alone and more in theory except in practice which intrigues me. Some would wonder how my theory is proven without practice and I point to each part of proof in word as above, which shows it so. As in an example of just word, is this possible:
  • It is most certainly possible to levitate a lamp, if it is made of mostly air and bright but of small lights, which as but a light tied to balloon, is left tied to the chair and glows in the night or blown by the air. This as drifter sent up in night may confuse for being as lantern but not of flicker as it ascends to sky above. A fool hardy UFO to those who know not this text written so.
As words, when said not in the language of wizards but of scientists is made clear to those of property and so more seen clearly, when at times here, it's art is made as wizardry like doors and windows. To enter those planes which deny the art of this or that and form a plane of more in the tone of language and action not as those of words used elsewhere and defined there but as terms for the same lands parts but of new space in mind forming worlds of flesh as men of nations parted.

Or in simple language more clear but longer for context of translation from Aerth to more Earth like:

Sometimes I say what I make as obvious to anyone who knows the object's properties can grasp, such as lights tied to balloons as levitating lights, but at other times I use other words to access lines of thinking with an object real and known by many across the globe, yet not in practice of what they do.

Languages I mean are not those like french and english, but rather english language whose meanings understood allow for its use identical in Aerth or Earth but whose meanings not identical such as the word dimension in science, spirituality and parsemy do not mean the same thing . As english and french are national communication tools between in maximum a planet and vary in both word between language like french and english saying hello differently ( in french it's Bonjour ) but also vary on how they treat things like science and magic inside and outside the language itself.

Because language in culture varies, the word dimension in english is used in english by three separate sub worlds of that branch of thought in only that language. The word dimension in english depending on who you talk to and what they live or do as a profession can mean:
  • Science: a measurable extent of some kind, such as length, breadth, depth, or height.
  • Newly added I didn't know: an aspect or feature of a situation, problem, or thing
  • My guess at new age: A level of frequency of inner light on others and self ascending
  • Parsemy: A scale of measured merging of an object versus another object in comparison.
  • Parsemy: A measured extent in number of lines and point of any curve amount counted.
None of these are wrong except in the definition of another's meaning and reason of usage, but the word Dimension is so popular these days that it has outside me alone three meanings and in me two discounting my knowledge of the other three. As my own use of language changes as I get bored of it but is retained when remembered later or shisms as another term for being versed in definitions of many places but also versed upbought habit of speaking french and english as a bilingual canadian.

While schisming my language I find convenient for gaining hairsplitting knowledge of unrecogn differences like above in just the word dimension, Unrecogn meaning the process behind what I'm talking about in language where the same word has more then one meaning by context of use or subject that results in confusion or what can often be called word salad if in psychology.

These words severed from not the speaker's mind but your knowledge base of what it means is called word salad in society and psychology these days because everyone who looked up the meaning of word salad somehow, knows it says you have atleast psychosis which isn't understood by psychology in perfection to begin with, nor is it right to diagnose someone yourself be it true or false as an accusation.

This accusation called on someone else because yourself misunderstood and their claim already disbelieved. Yet your later experience in being accused of word salad led to worse conversation because you aren't crazy and what you say makes sense, they just don't get it in their language.

 As people can't see what miscommunication looks like to someone else when you understand it but they don't, only when they don't make sense and you understand it. As we are not others and ourselves, we are solely ourselves with others who are not ourselves. So in mind their is a wall which forbids knowledge not known to be known and this is always called word salad when uttered by someone who if they have gone too far from traditional reality of science or magic, is then further isolated by others for not being able to say anything without be told they speak word salad.

Even scientists can get called schitzophrenic on the internet if a person doubts and lacks knowledge of their subject matter. Only because they are at the front of their field and using newer knowledge yet posted on the internet and thought they'd mention it, only to be called a crazy person because they don't have proof the person can google and the person has no idea what they mean about that thing called the loneliest galaxy known to man. So isolated it would have lost a race between us and it in finding a galaxy at all. 

Which today is available as new ideas on the internet, but not a little while ago, when in past if one was saying their is a lonely galaxy out there, who is so alone it would take it longer then us to prove itself not alone is impossible for some to beleive. As it is without evidence and thus useless to anyone ever to walk the earth and must go in the ignorance pile of faith to never be beleived even if someone confirms it later and thus must be fake news cause I didn't think it was sound as a claim before, but now it's too good to be true, even when it took us longer among thousands, then it would take to find other galaxies, to find it that loneliest galaxy. 

Which is my own lesson, which was not written where I read the article in part but not full for going into detail on the exact scale of space at galactic proportions, but rather mentioned as when the galaxy would find another one in our timeline as started from the same first tick of the clock, which as time has past for us is to some without knowledge still a claim and not inference when reading my own addition that merely states it took us longer to find it, while it would take shorter time to find not even us out there in it's solitude. 

Which in irony meant any alien living there on the only galaxy around probably gave up looking for more then itself as a whole galaxy and is the most narcisstic and lonely of the galaxies in known populations around for being literally the only one that exists for fucking forever around and should in my sudden thought maybe be avoided for a while as a place to explore, as it's knowledge may have long since assumed it's solitude and our appearence there may have consequence we cannot actually comprehend as being from spaces very different then itself.

 So where language alone as fact is viewed as that meaning only, and treated different in validity at all other cases you create a frustrating conversation where you don't understand someone and won't even try cause the word is the same but means something else to you and cannot possibly mean another thing to someone, if it were not for what is mostly treating words in books as absolute fact. Which I'll add often the using incorrect definition card is played by atheists while they tell you your book does not match reality in every possible way, and their dictionary is from 2002.

 Rather the part of life which is outside the book has always more then your own way or the books of saying hello, which again in french is bonjour, which translated directly means good day.

 This makes sense as in religion, a term is used for it's context just as in a dictionary it is used in broader currently known contexts and period of publication which reflects in both cases the time and knowledge used and known by its creator. These are no more or less wrong then the next written version which is not equale in shape but no less still called the same text or a dictionary, while never being able to depict the previous which is of another spacetime and not the one most people know today for both religion and dictionaries evolving with time and history as people follow the spirit or words as they act in and outside them.

Most english people don't use good day these days while familiar with it's terminology still present but less common. Both mean partially something as salutations on meeting, but in a different sense, which to the english, the word hello is as basic and simple as can be in meaning, meaning little more then an introduction of self with other at the present moment and in french they gave you a good day at meeting as introduction of self in the moment. 

Oddly in parting good night in english can mean good in leaving at night or good sleep in night or even day. Yet in french Bonnenuit is basically saying good sleep and not night. If you don't understand what I'm saying exactly yet it follows. It's that good day, good night, bonjour and bonnenuit as seperate words forming those four words that mean virtually the exact same thing in different languages different only in good by gender nouns wich are absent in english completely: good = bon/bonne , day = jour, night = nuit

As such when arguing an identical word with different meaning cannot have another meaning you force the person to make a new word which in some cases is too late, liked, an advanced addition of terms prior or not even recognized as different to them, but also further the word is still going to be considered wrong for not existing in the dictionary anyways. As a result, one will find words used grammatically incorrectly in their eyes and presume spelling innacuracy when for some they write like that because their language does not reflect the same word arrangement or meaning.

As such an english teacher trying to restrain language misspelling fails to realize that even then, a student may already be forming ideas which alter the syntax so that it is not describing the same sentence as is assumed by the teacher to be meant, the student having waited a week also forgot what he wrote and when handed back his moderately well graded paper did nothing and moved on. 

Then in university he goes to write his ideas down, in an english class which while not worried about spelling cannot understand the writing because in her own time alive is too used to prior tones of language in ideas more reflective naturally of an era before the internet which in studying both ancient texts and her own is by no means disrespect but rather due to as anyone a form  of  isolation in interest and time of life experience budding not as trees through summers.

Instead todays information is acting as sudden influxes of data overfilling into minds and people who stay online too long and leads to both a divide between language of older generations who are more likely reading a book and those of the exact other end who, in reading beowulf translated found easy as meant to be introduction to older terminology, reading canterbury tales right after is as far as I got and had no clue what was about and likely never will, not in no effort but sitting there reading it again and again and basically giving up, time and internet have severed the meaning of older words in my own mind and in literal future both child younger then me and even between them. 

As my words growing progressively past the layer of history without internet has infact begun to adapt to the language I have in pattern of logic created as reaction to inumerable people screaming at me in silent comments online, isolation external of my own safety and another's and am becoming accustom to terminology for a field not science or magic but built from parts of either in my reference to them. This italic part here is easy to read especially the younger you are, for being only about language in the language of ignorance and two semesters of linguistics that I walked out of sometimes cause I got bored and while passing something of it, didn't continue for going home and writing down my own theories of language rather then learning what it's about first.

This is mostly my realisation that language is hard to understand, it's also very hard to communicate how it works as a science which few have even heard of which as a term today is from 1847 and was barely recognized as a feild until then because start trying to say language as a subject changes, evolves and grows in patterns of mental properties hardly understood for never being considered and most won't think it's anything more the my mouth opening and sounds coming out that I can understand. As language as a study is hard to communicate or study in the first place for again being of its own language and terminology while being about itself.

In conclusion,
what a word means and cannot form in the word of other's used in the world you know means it's not the word you used internally but matched externally. The example i mention long way above and before the italic portion says the general thing about language being at times unmatched internally while matched externally. Yet used in terms whose incomprehension as easily grasped is for being of a higher cord of the same meaning which as a scientist talking to scientist is as understood as any other conversation, while the person not even a student basically has no clue. Worse my work is mostly solitary and so I'm the scientist talking to himself about something no one thought of but not a scientist in knowledge of chemistry or technology, but a parsemist experimenting with things other as something else then science or magic.

All of this, is not nothing, but my clarification as I wrote this down shortly at first, I reread it slowly because I  found each part in my emulation of not knowing what I myself said meant, and then created a question of what it meant, that I already knew in mind but didn't express too common and underlying in the knowledge found that is still not even much in effect beyond primitive modern 

( which means shortly primitive animism like pareidolia and imagination used as still objects in present to then model future technology through matching thought and absolute basic proofs and use it in shortest possible way to do virtually nothing physically visible yet still meets it's definition as that future tech, in no more then the mind of humans 6 billion years ago or a baby realizing it's alive and staring at "existence" it in confusion but myself practiced by a person who also knows modernity as what it is and see's practicality and definite functionality in a timewarp past that first experiment of proofs both in the primitive modern and the accessible tools of my time lacking knowledge of science in more then elementary and highschool grades. Which have ascended just in this page of extensive text to a new time warp of post-classical/modern as I was trying to achieve for months )

 All of this to best clarify every last part of language as method for practices in their different terminology, considered in mine head to explain why I can't explain things simply or in the terms of science as that first explanation in weird language placed again here:

As words, when said not in the language of wizards but of scientists is made clear to those of property and so more seen clearly, when at times here, it's art is made as wizardry like doors and windows. To enter those planes which deny the art of this or that and form a plane of more in the tone of language and action not as those of words used elsewhere and defined there but as terms for the same lands parts but of new space in mind forming worlds of flesh as men of nations parted.

Is basically what I'm explaining here in italics but said as efficiently and sub defined as I can think about it when saying it efficiently and considered it's many parts and premises prior to this and likely after at some time. Which is what sub defined means, for being what happens in continued thought when a subject begins as just an idea like the idea of a book that let's you go to other worlds becomes more then book alone for having bled out of it as all these layers of thought and information whose clarity I see but in least question asked to me could help a person grasp if they don't see and seek to know what I said then or here or elsewhere. 

As I cannot on my own, know what you have not grasped in simply language of the words I use, which in my head can be as this italic form in length at times in thought, or in swifter motions for efficiency as the bold writing in short. 

Which means this whole tangent of differences in language of the bold text is translated as the italic to help make it clearer to someone who wants not think at all and know all of what I say in one word in that arrangement, as the bold and italic paragraph and paragraphs are identical in meaning.

Missing only what follows for needing all that information to make the first half of the bold text as clear as I can think of, but not necessarily as clear as needed for someone who tried their best to understand the first idea above which shorter was alot faster then rereading it in language that while more sensible to english known in earthly places is very detailed and extensive for calirity ensured in best my ability. 

Which without knowing how to read a little compacted fluffed poetry of meaning and magic like language in shorthand one just calls a word salad, Of which shorthand being the most important part of the difficulty reading it definitely better and more efficient then writing all of this shorthand in italic as even more explanation and reason, for what is still said as wizardry in thematic language and shorter.

, I used windows and doors in the context of portals, in relation to the idea of stories written and other mediums of world creation which I then in that difference of window and door, defined a means for entering and one for simply observing the worlds not made as art, but discovered in writing as one explores. Which is no more valid or invalid as the one who reads a book, which in language of myself is them looking at a window and myself in writing with myself within, is me having gone through the door. Those language differences of Earth not Hearthanat, in reading a book mean not ever enter, as in meaning in Hearthanat the word of the books door is method to the world of the book not written that you can enter...

Let's talk about non-electrical computing built of primitives and modern day school supplies in most effective form of what is one of many kinds of computing which while not plugged into electricity is at the price of how it's form is made to the eye and mind. In that likely forgotten subject of Hearthanat's nature which for me was hours ago in patient thought and consideration, while very focused.


While the previous things have receded extensively and we have only two things left to cover, the memory loader as the last technology of the part on building technology in life and that of the forgotten after as final subject but I have infact been getting carried away with tangents. I will write in shorthand for the rest of this because even I am tired of writing to such detail which while wonderous is so hard to expect someone to sit and read entirely when overall the subject a person would need beyond theory and practice is mostly:
  • Theirs life after death in motions smaller then ourselves
  • Their are methods simple for entering worlds especially in writing
  • To bring objects of story out of text, you need to question reality known and unknown, share thoughts on reality for criticism, match the theory with parts of reality in similarity and improve things made that exist from the story such that they become real or even more real towards as imagined in the story.
  • Then I show in nature of story and how it works in Hearthanat, how in reality what exists or can be tested and learned from in time can be used to make up until here, a puzzle using balance and gravity with rocks, sticky foam geometry for defying gravity with lighter objects and a curved surface for gravity as a first part of a theory of motion to be improved later. 
This I then continue now with the final part in Hearthanat which while having lights to illuminate the inside of the tree and screens to see places they have not/do have access to, do not in work without a computer have access to a computer as a useful tool defined as an object of packaged tools in compact form. 

A person lacking a portable computer due to either lack of wealth or as in hearthanat simply convenience, by the inconvenience of plugs in worlds meant not to have any electric plugs, such as caverns or parks, simply needs an alternative which while portable provides almost all that is default on a computer with videogames, but lacking electricity.

It's also while not animated like a computer, and less functional at night, basically far cheaper to build one from scratch. So much so that you can and should have both, one better for travel and the other for sharing with the world, while not sharing in theft of complete work. 

Yet, it's a subject in itself and I will make it afterwards on a document seperate and say that the absolute basics is a paper notebook, but this lacks additional features that won't work as portable through a notebook alone. That however, is it's simplest form, which most will be almost be in laughter at how primitive it is to a computer and how it does so little at all, until I do more then that with it. Which I'm still reminding you is cause Hearthanat use Prepostience timewarps from normal time linearity. 

Which in simplicity here means the a book computer ( and not books ) is not the future or the past, in solely the view of  an objects existence in time, who as time in motion from primitive apes to advanced things like a laptop or past as in cliche flying cars, is found nowhere in the timeline of past or future at all, because myself in present am thinking of present ideas as though I am in past at once, too far from electicity in technology of the year 1000.

In the reality of today, being 2019 provides myself the ability, the people of the years before 1000, could never conceive with a book at all for lacking any knowledge or even insight into computing as back then my own ancestors did not know Canada existed as an entire continent and one present can't conceive a timewarp being something possible until heard of and understood, as I just showed you where it begins but not where it ends, especially as in looking to the future at all known by you or my self, the reality of times future we find no book computer nor times past do we find more then book. 

Of any linear progressive timeline known to man other then me, since primitive modern, past or present has no one thought a person could jump not past or forward in time or to line parrelel in history progressing, few have thought to go to another line of parallel time not progressive or regressive in nature in thinking as past but as present without even using electricity or even having left the entirety but exited still very much linear time as most know it into the timewarps of something other then past, present or future at all.

This is rewritten as just the book computer after this was written for being very long.

That however is my last part of technology mentioned here.

Hearthanat and those forgotten

This is our last subject in hearthanat who has become a journey of the other, while Pharath and other are here but merely learning what is better explained in lesson then in story and so written as such.

We have learned that:
  • Theirs life after death in motions smaller then ourselves.
  • Their are methods simple for entering worlds especially in writing
  • To bring objects of story out of text, you need to question reality known and unknown, share thoughts on reality for criticism, match the theory with parts of reality in similarity and improve things made that exist from the story such that they become real or even more real towards as imagined in the story.
  • Then I show in nature of story and how it works in Hearthanat, how in reality what exists or can be tested and learned from in time can be used to make up until here, a puzzle using balance and gravity with rocks, sticky foam geometry for defying gravity with lighter objects and a curved surface for gravity as a first part of a theory of motion to be improved later.
  • The method of timewarps in use for building a book computer as best form of memory recorders in my access with extreme lazyness at this moment of overfill and not consumption.
These basic sentences are harder to grasp to someone who has not read much of this, for being all I can remember in the detail of the whole that has come before me in it's simplest method of writing with one word per part description of memory. This seems far shorter only in recognition of meaning in details beneath the vision of the shapes seen, which as one walking farther looks back see's past farther and knows more of now and here then what he see's back there and may not remember or recall to be the same on another visit for by then changed farther in journey and so as above and very distant in metaphor of ascending death / flight. Having gone higher in mind and matter from the walk of his parts which in continued venture as before did he gain sights and new insight, even in those places of seeming limit of almost only writing, for what was as this but younger.

Which while in only few details of object formed is and has been in my best ability and interest been left to memory and the forgotten as checked in what exists before me in patterns of nature or in patterns even of one room to then say it is still not all things in sight of effect as car in motion. Yet it is seen in all that I have shared and more, in the folds of the reality which I simply glance and draw part, line and action of myself alone to justify things future and things beyond consideration. Which in least show possibility of forms similar to those of imagination and in the actions imagined shared in those real, allow me to say that it very well might be today and tomorrow all things in only what is remembered then and today as progress and change of chances in motions known and beyond me.

Which leave me now and only now actually relative certainty that their is more to life then what is presently and changing still to this day.

As remembered or forgotten, the world is changing in those paths it chooses and reacts to, this my own reaction. My action but first an idea in boredom, which in curiosity ventured in least of ability showed more then wondered then and looped in prophetic forms book to life in ways unexpected as I still write past this page.

So while not finished in hope and curiousity, continues as thing not primitive but yore in meaning edge of times past, in present advancing still farther in acts of debate, belief and difference to ends of time separate in their different ways and I too in my manner, which may be read as found in here and mind. As now and only now, do I walk to the desert of metaphors and pass to yet other stories and worlds, with one stop to write book computer, much as in past I found mind portal led on into madness.

End of first eclian ventures into things outside good, evil, science, magic and chancart.
And past into what best may fast be taught before I head for Thios as Mazer and himself...

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