
The Mentextuter + PhScanner

This is that shorter and advanced topic born in the eclian world beyond called Hearthanat. Which in writing has immense length but little beyond theory which below is better in practice.
But this as potentially introductory to ideas of Discontinence at this level beyond Parsemy of solely the arts created and rather that of congruence in wiser still then what is now formed.


The title of this page atop the blog seems strange for both what it is and to attract attention as what could be called as technology or as magic, but as something which is neither for being not only of technology or magic but of ideas progressed and built up in time less known by Earth, some of Aerth and Thios only in relative choice of path to those of Aerth for having been too to Thios.

As when made of aware of knowledge in those three of this cluster is a person known in as much ventured as they recall of habit and in actions in time, which place my residence in cluster as among outsider of that stories plot, but as still on Earth in surroundings beyond my own field of interaction that forms my whole reality that ceases in belief in those not myself while not necessarily completely in parts of known to them of life and known to those that learned new of myself with or without either Earth or Aerth as found before this blog.

As Thios is newer and understood but not often in these times ventured as often as Aerth has been.

However, the nature of this page is to show firstly the basic Mentextuter and PhScanner that I use to explore and justify any part written and available with addition to notes at my places been and slept since starting and not removing from self in small amount by creative destruction.

This is a two part tool, which while simple to myself and perhaps some in start has lead to all of this here as built in its discoveries overtime mostly excessive of its use. Which may vary by other person as being more or less interested naturally and in not initial steps of ground work by obsession but more relaxed use of it. As often those who spend extensive amounts of work for a good start for others is often why they have so many previous models in escalation until something worth saying is not:

  • Leading into madness and isolation.
  • Leading into boredom and longing.
  • Leading into future and inaccessibility.
  • Leading into space accessed simply in some.
  • Leading into only myself and uses for.
And so today in having experimented some, can I say I have a better answer then before for portals at modernity then things it's built from in separation, which while creative lacked a basic infrastructure not to meet what I've used it for as a tool, but how in scratch can one better take advantage of the tools to venture more then where I go.

While I can say some of morality, Caven and Sanctuary answer what religions already answer in both parts, which I add third for better helping either and myself. That it is wiser to not be another persons problem then to be a person's problem. Which is as far as I recommend to most people at all, given my own issues not being very normal to a decent person. 

To a person with more issues like myself I best suggest things of Caven but not of self medication as this medication I have trapped myself in is still a hypothesis that needs testing before anything else be done of it, if at all. As I can't make promises having thought of it in only recent weeks after having made what is still a mistake in many cases and may still be in myself if this is not as helpful as I suspect but cannot yet confirm it is.

By that I mean my issues with being sometimes cruel and violent, especially as a child until I started this work as both an alternative to those cruel and violent acts but also more as adventures in worlds and mind. Which while useful and successful at first did lead to a parallel of the farther person who may use it and change their mind or in my case use and be tempted by its power and my own invention of it, to then self destroy it.

Which while in temptation of only indecisiveness still lead to me being trapped in a box addicted to meth, which in only that finest line of high and help with boredom in my own form apathetic, provided collapse of decision to more in this work, then my condition before as a friendless person with little more then box room as place of passing days and what I have listed as this tool. 

Which with none to hear me and with none more in flesh able to do with no wealth lead me to the indecision of wether to turn back in actor of cruelty or to remain even now as better external in destruction in this tool as before. 

This cure in realization being the high of meth in withdrawing from it has permanent brain effects and so a consequence I can recognize and convinces me in instant realization unlike all other parts of my situation in this and slowly progressing moments prior, that this place in writing and passing of time is a place of better.

Reasons of why uncertain being those limits imposed on me mostly by care and over consumption which created these issues to begin with and are discussed better and in varied detail on this blog already. So I leave those two reasons, too much love and protection and too much consumption of wealth and influences to be cause of the rage in my mind, which is worsening only what was there at birth in cold silence.

Of which I've done my best to solve, while still being left here in almost equivalence to prison but with computer and method of focus that keeps me not bored, but still sometimes bored less painfully. 

Which I can in reality only say not to follow me here to my cure of boredom and unfocus that I will assure you is meth, which in it's current state in reality and itself in these times current is only what i'm on because I couldn't handle the length of a month to what is actually prescribed today for those who need it and are not necessarily of my kind of issue. 

Yet still which I feel may only hold a consequence far enough for someone who already failed to see these consequences or farther and in only request, which I assure you is in my cure found justified not by the high but by its absence which would occur in anything of law requiring prison time.

More on that elsewhere but also more on very real consequences future of that same drug and technology of that time period with answers for things these days as well. I mention here shortly as feeling it necessary to mention firstly at the first most page of this blog as much as mentioned in it's home page.

Now, let us know the Mentexture and PhScanner which in comparable earthly terms are as Computer and testing hypothesis. Yet use among it's parts full, computers and paper notebooks, observation used in both test and tool and greater still in those two part's product. Which we begin in nature with solely the notebooks as not a diary or a method of recording ideas alone, but as a computer with features known to an actual, which here is no more then a notebook or series piling up.

So then when one has either paper in large sum, be it lined or blank, white or yellow, leather or wood. One is able to form that which while not the work of a computer in form or use in my own purposes as I use with a computer, is still as paper and interface of computation as a computer. As a laptop or PC of any sort modern is unlimited in a manner that is limited for being flatter then the paper in method of manipulation and organisation of layer not in 4 dimensions but solely 3, of which one in each is scale, which both can modify but only one is traversed in storage in four ( which is paper ).

As such while computer can be as powerful in all manners as paper and efficient in manners of calculation and transference of information or formation of tool. It is not any less possible with paper which by its fourth dimension not travel in flatter fold but longer surrounds in all listed above be it it calculation, transference or tool. So most would think it's temporal effect to be that of less and so less useful when in reality less efficiency is as useful as not being more efficient, not for pain but for those navigation in larger space less efficient and yet more dimensional.

In short these are those differences only of computer and in least paper but better book:
  • Computer must layer it's surface in scale without passing maximum for use, but can transfer from its smaller dimension of 3 scales faster then paper, but has tools attached and made inside.
  • Book must layer it's surface in maximum without passing maximum for use, cannot transfer as quickly in larger dimension of 4, but allows in that an additional angel of navigation efficient.
  • Paper can layer in any maximum of it's 4 dimensions but is more complex in layering then computer, as efficient as book in transfer to man and has in dimensions infinite additional add.
These each function in a different manner and one is more popularly seen as advanced when limited in every way but transference, calculation and tool of far smaller portions easily replicated anywhere.

So in our best and fastest example I can access, which is book it's benefits as tool for Discontinence, Wrakor, Parsemy or Ignis is approximately the same in the applications different of each subject in my current use within the vaster landscape in and outside it. Which best understood are each defined below by termonology, which are for words known in context higher then them in Earth.
  • Discontinence: That work of discovery of that which is not known in the context of the current knowledge base built in time past to future, only in past of present in timewarps as maximum.
  • Wrakor: That work of destruction in the arts most called evil but of taste in the self and rise of itself through reverse of parsemy thematics towards the darker yonder of morality as Govild.
  • Parsemy: That work of creating in effective terms of sprays, meaning and model as method in self, added self or further found to building the world of ones own intents and purpose asked.
  • Ignis: That work of the path which is in ignorance of not only the known outer or the known of other but further in it's formation through stability rather then that of what is in self alone as is.
On this blog, which persues especially the direction of its title, the three other fields exist as well in moderate form as parts internal of itself, which in other names are these ideas called in use for the world they form as part of it's work in computer:
  • Wrakor = Caven and places of evil in story elsewhere
  • Parsemy = All places of subject matter without story
  • Ignis = Of the congruent solution to justification
We find then that these are different when they all spring in source of organisation from the core beneath which is not found on the first or second blog and rarely at all for always forming in the notebooks of layered paper in one dimension of paper, but not space. This core of organisation is different in each case but forms in records as the notes written in the notebooks after I have found this fashion as before it is used more as my actual computer, but in writing and not typing.


This we show then in computer form for each, as notes of word disconnects and operators of organisation and manifestation, often called meaning math but above it today, where once was only operators and has learned more then generation in it with further that of prepath planning.

This meaning math is designed for discovery and so meant to find and locate parts in mind that allow a person to know things as ideas it knows not. This is done by selecting combinations of idea and operator which seem novel to self and applying them as what is found in mind as logical in rule, if rule is as logic of definitions of the ideas and operator. So as above, but in language behind symbol and single word of it's logic:

Time blended with lamps equals timelamps (as a new idea)

Coffee if soap removed equals seed which as operation is equivalent to taking a step back in time.
Which above is due to soap being a cleaner coffer, which is made dirty by it's being coffee and not seed. Only in no better logic found in moment for coffee - clean I enjoyed as possible answer.

Lamp as operated by a box to Wall equals shadow
Since the box as operation of the lamp creates a shadow by covering the lamp on the wall.

And as blended in full of each answer by equation then formed as a boxlamp which is equavilent to backtime shades by it's logic of boxlamp producing as both box and lamp, while shade is defined as backtime in kind. When lamp in removed but relevant meaning is time lamp.

So forming in symbol alone a time lamp emitting by being boxed, a backtime shade.
Which is but an idea of something at this time.

These equations are merely mind logic physics, of ideas and matter which in arrangement form a semi limited operation as in math, only different by the semi-limit rather then full limit based on the constraint of operators that are compatible with the math like any system of operation. 

Which is mostly logical in meaning or object chosen and their causes and effects when placed with operators as the action, that form the two substances reaction with each other. This functions by the symbols personally chosen which in such diversity are not worth categorizing beyond personal choice and discovery. It's most basic form is often called blending the concept and is easier to learn.

One in practice begins to better see the way the navigation of ideas in mind works through this and so can in moments of dislike seek alternative answers of logic in least of following the rules placed or new equation as felt needed. This above example is kept recorded but possibly then used on the computer as part of more work, more complex.

This then is used as would be when used within Discontinence, but in Wrakor where meaning math while in basic premise is similar for the next, is not the same for using different operators as it seeks not novel ideas by blending them but instead ideas which are negative in form while in similar form to novel ideas of Discontinence in a different direction then solely new.

Same with Parsemy, which in simple is following what is wanted or enjoyed as a subject, rather then general novelty and forms based on meaning enjoyed over meaning not enjoyed in time at all, which in time forms most certainly that of meaning expected to be better enjoyed and not less enjoyed, rather then solely dark knowledge or knowledge which is not that wanted.

As such they use as a group of three the same operators, but not the same meaning, which is chosen by the self based on specific branches of theme which below are:
  • Discovery and so any arrangement unknown in before.
  • Negative and so any arrangement non positive in form.
  • Desired and so any arrangement chosen in self as liked.
These provide in essence the work of that which is best described as being of the meaning math kind where operator is used as it is always used without in itself featuring a direct pattern that is required in all other parts of this whole idea ( discontinence or other ) for keeping stability and ability to among other things beleived or denied as a claim based on the congruence of other and your own differences as answers of option and not debate. Which in turn are stabilized the same way externally.

As is depicted below in the notebook finding superior answer of congruence to these common earth opinions through knowing each in having heard them and fitting their opposites to an idea that meets them all rather then cause war in lacking someone at all.

Meaning math while always behaving through an operator, as an operator does not always get calculated the same way for being not as simple as addition or substraction but rather requires as in congruence a different means of organisation more efficient on paper for multiple calculations as one need not share calculations but it's expounded knowledge to other's as often since this defines source of idea in minds definitions but not in full explaination which is why my answer is a question for being a word that does not exist as a form of knowledge until defined in expounded terminology as the act of stable balance between creation, destruction, discovery and ignorance.

Which is most certainly defined as follows:

Asunder: As that form of knowledge in ascent out of ignorance of next congruence within self-positive, self-negative and self-new in which congruence means it's balance stable in center which bonds in totality of conflict within, but without effect in other, whose knowledge of it's parts in disbelief of self fail to attempt knowledge of asunder, for that in another as sole bearer of truth.

Which I will add, while in seeming illusion is my knowledge, this is not my knowledge at all, for it is my steps to knowledge which begin with knowing the asunder of oneself and not the asunder of another. Who in falling for solely someone else in change or becoming, is as in pain for being not themselves. Who should seek more then being beneath another as less, but rather pursue being as their equal self unlike, in more asunder together.

Asunder is left as the form of growing self form in congruence of its diverse parts as it grows in time outside the part asunder in those portions beneath, which builds additionally but on planes exponentially higher from it's previous asunder which forms often naturally, while congruence is meant as form in ignis external to self as lessons learned in terminology of other with self.

This is likely far from ones normal conversations which are in debate or in discussion while this is in growing goal of projected futures towards which one in solitude or group ascend in asunder of time.

None the less, this is but the part of calculation in notebooks as computational devices of information through itself as interface for minds visualisation, which in practice similar to meaning math in that , is not a calculation but a visualisation of information prior to transfer from visualisation to documentation on an actual computer or space in notebook after. Visualisation done to better know what a form desrcibed in meaning math means when not visualised by mind if matter at all.

This is done by fiiting the terms in definition of calculation in a manner which fits as enjoyed, scares, is novel or is better central in stable balance. Below is an example of the Timelamp boxed's backtime shade as visualized for later documentation, as it is no more clear then it's definitions which are always partially internal but built directly from the math and it's defined definitions I added above, which mean exactly what they appear apart, but as equivalent in operations:

This only represents a lamp, whose shade flickers in time because in presence reverses time to not present as box is moved away and then put back in place. As such is a loop paradox of repeating on and of shade, but not lamp which is time forward in all illumination, but reverse in shade. So for reality would mean no possible entry in shade for reversing flow of itself in contact while moving forward in self in light.

As such all objects are relatively present at all times, for past and future being forwarded and returned to moment immediate, if we view light as forward time and shadow as reverse time only. This is built of the basic ideas built by the visualization as written symbols in language or art meant to depict parts of thought in arrangement larger then minds own ability to view, without first giving it space in what is faster efficient in book or paper but not switching screens of a computer every drawing new after its steps to place on subject matter.

Once a visualization is grasped in sight of paper it can then be formed into a new idea, which makes sense in it's context after seeing larger then mind alone on paper as visual memetic memory, rather then thought made to symbol on paper. This solely limited by memory of what symbols depict in word and art on paper in moment.

This concludes our examples of book computing at this time in my interfaces which allow for basic idea organisation, except when in the following case an idea is made in symbol as prepath taken after, where meaning is microscopic but expounded in solely future as aid in guidance during larger writing rather then symbol word and image. This in both forms is used here as method to semi-obliviously plan a future, rather then plan it in knowledge of future:

This depicts words and an order of path, which while disconnected as ideas in writing at the time of creation are then used in reference to first to connect to the next until the end, such that in fast pace this forms in extended connection as:

The joy of my ideas as they form in mind. The mana of mind is thirst quenched and fuel farther to behold as a magic not of magic or of science but of worlds in four paths connected.

This extended past the end of the prepath for gained momentum while writing through the progression of thought it created and thus is only relevant to image above in non-bold part.

After I sleep, I will explain the process of things other then book of paper, which here is written all I use it's interface for, which provides as coding for the higher programs of actual computers based off of the codes written in the book. 

Code, Processor and Program

This simple code, is not wired to programs like one would use just a computer in coding it, but rather it takes what is coded on paper into mental insight of that code physical and then in mind processes the information to then output as emulations and simulations of realities which are not those of earth or of time called present in most.

These codes of notebook to program of computer can be placed in paper but are more extensive in size, from those codes in notebook and so fill the background storage space with more data then what is stored on a computer as simply the program. This means this post is a program running not in computer energy as information beyond key press, but rather program printed from mind out of recalled codes written in notebooks over several years. As myself, Mazer am it's processor who prints an output for myself in cognition of long data streams and for others to read, but of which it's inferences of mostly thought of moment never repeated is read as written and then re processed in asunder of extra data. 

As like the metaphor of an ape at a keyboard, being to type any nature of life if given an infinite amount of time, man at keyboard is faster for knowing what it means and seperating non-sense he knows not, from sense he has learned to grasp even when his writing seems slowly asundered in gibberish past meaning of men. So his mind as processor, not store of memory in longer then it's decoherence builds tunnels of reality with no recollection of where he's ever been.

Not lost in language of men past, for this is easy by reminder in being told wrong by them, but certainly gone from path followed of those coming after from behind, as I cannot say simply in turn left at the clock tower in these days years past such towers, where once code was simple and language of it's use not seen as but a process of mind, but these days forgotten in minds adaption to that of not recollecting of it's writing for more then it's moment of reference in future plotted points which in so in reaching in safety, written or thought allowed his mind travel to congruence farther above but forgot in swift motion those points past not written down in moment.

But still found in substance of mind for those seeking in congruence the powers claimed in me in all I said now, which when thought and studied is left to process past that then in process forward is kept in words remembered but code of path beneath, in arrangement of program as written in basic codes of inspiration which when lengthened in reach but meet the codes end is then continued to farther end.

What one might ask is if this makes me machine and not man, for having made my brain part of a computer with external parts that are not myself but mostly forms of storage and transference to external points of internet space, but my answer would probably be neither, for I am man in machine made of paper, pen and computer who is simply part of a process that begins and ends with his own energy expended as much as the computer and who is as in his own form as cog in his own automaton as center of it's being.

Which while part flesh but not cyborg is of part man and part not, in bonds in parts and part not as though machine able to detach and return in force of power the man barely controls as yet slept but can in now need when at 4 in the morning he notes need for having done the same yesterday.

His own energy is bonded in natural cycle to his habit as part of it's ecosystem of not electricity but of his labour in purpose of self and his work to construct what is like futures dream but in manners so unexpected it is obscure for most men to see. So off now I go to sleep, where either I will enter those dreams of distant lands of spaces not Earth here or ponder in dream all night these next things written as what I do in sleep. The second, not as sights of life in iris as the dreams most know, but rather 8 hours of vision in mind and what best to do tomorrow when mostly forgotten on waking beyond in simple the mistakes made in sleep.

It should be added before I continue that firstly I have woken up again and that in second, those methods of work in paper not binded I know not as well, for having only used it in the same as book with only form more spread and disorganized which is not better for those reasons but still. This in adding a form of binding in work could form any direction of reading and thus a work far more interesting. 

What I mean is that a book has no reason to be written and read from left to right in each page and could be written and binded into a text not of one linear reading direction at all. This could as such provide something else which I am uncertain of, but perhaps an art form of some kind.

Still we move on to the second part of the Mentextuter which is not its notebooks piling up as codes for the mental processor of ourselves but rather the place where larger data is stored and better depicted in clairity and easy alteration as well as potential for sharing it.

Program built Virtually

Often when we finish writing a code from the text which uses for ourselves three forms of visual use, divided into three kinds of measurement called meaning math, congruence and considering. We then have a sufficient idea of what we described to be written in form of program on the other interface. Which while not using code of the computer uses code of mind in relation to a program that allows for writing.

The program as a result describes any tool as would be on any computer program but rather is text based and passing in descending load of pace of self or other, which emulates in progress any number of things which as  we showed above as but calculations we descend here to show as actual programs of data which manifest in linear time.

This will then reference the PhScanner while not usually be done beyond immediate moment, this will also divide into the two forms of immediate program that are known and used by myself. Firstly the first kind of program is best called a lesson program for being about as this very program a subject that is not like the second program which is as a video game and is a story program. Either is useful, both emulate utilities but one allows more plot and the other more practice. So we describe the first below with the describe time lamp above.

Lesson Program

The lesson program always begins by expounding the code from small words of data in a detail length decided by self such that it resembles the essential idea of that first packet which in smaller form is less clear but given any inference in mental processor allows for something like the following although often longer:

We shall call our timelamp and it's backtime shadow the process of present time formation using light and shadow as method of collapse between future and past, but name this process Preslumios, for being a motion that while originating from the forward line is also returning in the same moment by the shadow of the other line. 

This depicted in the image below, as an essential part of the Preslumios function which forbids and allows time travel in method of external and rather is provided internal.

This as an interpretation of the things we see in every day life are always formed from in least a past or a future in moment, which while in seeming illogice is not for being as day and as night, which in morning the sun rises and moves forward as the passage of time, while in end at setting their is the object of light, which in it's next motion is night which passes backwards into day for not being before the day which is the actual reality of the night in reverse.

This explained by light creating shadow.

As light which begins time is seen this way for having been the first moment in what is not shadow but nothing and so cannot be time forward or backwards and rather in time forward is imidiate existence as time reverse called backwards in that of any minute difference of temperature at the moment of the big bang and on wards. As the minute difference in temperature is brought on by object present, which either is as neither light or shadow and blocks its formation as brightest or is of cooling which forms a shadow inside the curvature of light as a different tone.

What can be said then is the full form of Light and that of shadow is depicted as not a rainbow of rain but as best shown on computer as that spectrum in 9 directions, which while divided in seven is made simple in three brightness but more reasonably found in more detail real in computer or reality:

This while not a perfect colour model, is built from 14 multiplied by 4, rather then Earth's 6 colors and is as a result more recognized in its nature of color then that often accepted by most men and women who know the categories of science. This while in Science is viewed for purposes of matching color by distinction is not accurate as it is biased to previous history and formed in ones mind

As such this means with each categorization split is extended yet another colors that often prior is not recognized but called some alteration of often two or more colors, as such according to science today on the internet, color is divided into the following:
  1. red / green
  2. blue / yellow
  3. black / white
Yet these six colors are viewed as divides between which when shown in mind is valid as red versus green in comparison,this forms often additional colors, as much as blue versus yellow and black versus white. 

At least in my basic understanding of the theory in science modern, which states that a color is formed from those three, and are then viewed as psychologically present as those which mind views as other colors, based on the solely men in categorization trying to define which colors we universally see. 

While color is not objective and rather subject in ones attempt to view color, so science in arguing for 6 colors is a failure of viewing the additional, for more then a crossed pattern of the colors chosen modern still biased to history. Biased for being prioritized by the paint colors used first and then viewed as first in slight contradiction as science studies perception and compares stimulated cells.

No one disagrees orange exists, but their is debate on which colour is above which, if this is seen as a matter of competition as on earth and in Aerth at the least, it is seen as not always above or below another color but as selected in moment of work. 

Our current example is based on color in 18 core colors multiplied by 4 shade colors within a whole spectrum which in current is displayed with a limit loop of red to scarlet, because it shows the many forms of present, past and future built in light itself and still cannot fully list these colors for being in all spacetimes of Aerth as different by spacetime. These have been reshown to discuss how these relate to time in forward or backwards motion:

These are arranged in four shades, which are the horizontal divides of color, whose names are not known to Earth and are called here as the four shades to translate but are not shadow alone as rather depicting the Lumios between light and shadow and are named as separate below:
  • White
  • Vivid
  • Black
  • Grey
These in turn are formed of 18 cores which exist in each shade that is not the same color but defined here as a model of similarity and not supreme, for being a model of representation for a total of 4 colors of that same core, which themselves are evidently not the same color, which in turn are divided by colors between not as easily observed in both this arrangement or any other. These 14 cores are:
  1. Negative
  2. Maroon
  3. Red
  4. Orange
  5. Yellow
  6. Thar
  7. Green
  8. Cyan
  9. Llue
  10. Blue
  11. Dlue
  12. Indigo
  13. Purple
  14. Hurple
  15. Surple
  16. Scarlet
  17. Saroon
  18. Positive
One would look at above and wonder why in the order I bother to divide what Earth calls blue into Llue, Blue and DLue and this is not what they are at all, but rather the model of one angle which like the previous color model of science is never the same as the model of myself solely in disbeleif.

This model could be better named then in the translation to Earth by calling them as such:

  1. Negative
  2. Med
  3. Red
  4. Oellow
  5. Yellow
  6. Thellow
  7. Grellow
  8. Cyue
  9. Llue
  10. Blue
  11. Dlue
  12. Inrple
  13. Purple
  14. Hurple
  15. Surple
  16. Scred
  17. Smed
  18. Positive
As if we observe only one shade of these cores as arranged to be their four hues of color within a four hued categorization rather then as the form above, we see that their are four hues of color divided into four cores each, which discount the negative and positive for being our border cores.
These four hues are termed as follows:
  • Ellow
  • Ue
  • Rple
  • Ed
And these form not the shades which form as the future and past, but rather the present which forms as those times within at the level of object, rather then that which exists in the positive and negative as edge of timespace but only in lumios.

These selected from the vivid shade, the four shades themselves are as before white, vivid, black and grey and the 8 polars which exist as border colors are those colors of Lumios rather then present. Meaning, while the four shades are in time past or future, this is in the vertical direction of present while the horizontal contains the 8 polars as the edge of Lumios which in literal are the future and past.

this is a hard model to visualize for requiring that it be shown through multiple angles of the model, which I have added the last part of the model to below, with inclusion of the previous two:

These three models depict the whole spectrum in compact detail in one linear direction, which shows the 8 polars beneath with the 18 cores divide into four hues. The 8 polarities are as two divided sides of the 4 shades which while never visible in eye are definite in category here, the polars depict solely the edges of our knowledge in this spectrum for being in use mostly additional support. 

As using one polar on either end where Ed, in its four hues exist divided by 2dimensional limit in linearity would mean a more compact pallet and leave no room for any additional spectrum while also not matching the four hues, which while hues are never perfected in definition as equal to those polarities on either side show that very thing in difference of not 4 but 8 polarities. Which could to earth be shown as the box which has a lot of grey in it. 

Baring in mind that Grey as a shade in this model is itself a horizontal set of cores as the farthest bottom one in this model, which anyone able to see color can state is definitely not the same appearance as any other's appearance, while certainly sharing in qualitative features.

These will be related to time in a moment, but I must add again that this pallet of tones is those which the Earth uses and is formed once again of the history of an artist who attempts to replicate the color and detail of his surrounding in reality outside a computer, which a computer is not equivalent to in two ways. 

Firstly because their is limitation in what colors can be shown on a screen by it's brightness tones which in code of limitation is a total of : 16.7 million colors which while seemingly of such diversity should be maximum but is not. These color combinations of what is meant to effect the eye are divided in a separate material form of r,g,b or red, green and blue that emit 256 levels of brightness which in solely arrangement coded or activated by tool create those 16.7 million colors.

As a result this is why an image on a computer does not look like both and image in reality or an actual vision of sight, this below is an example of an image I promise is not as beautiful as what was the reality I saw:

While this is a lovely picture, the reality behind it was in ways not captured here far more beautiful. In fact the image does not show that color comparable to Cyan mixed with Sunset's sole Orange beauty in the water. Which only proven by the cameras glare was more vivid then itself could view.

This means that reality of man's eye and not a computer, is more powerful at detecting and producing colors for brain alone then the ones he can see completely on the computer alone. In fact color so diverse in reality that the yellow of a lemon while comparable to the painting of that lemon and in shape may be perfect in detail will never match the lemon, as the lemon itself is made of a color not possibly made with the chemicals of paint which in sorrow have a similar but unlike color in substance.

As such this below represents not a spectrum of the earth in it's attempts at efficiency, but also convenience solely for the artist who knows it's secret in the pallet of all colors shown above, which while not all colors is as science has done, categorized by not blend arbitrary but by those differences most striking to man in history of his convictions of this. 

This is however not the way a place not reality of Earth has seen, where we find most often these earthly hues, is shown otherwise and found in those who can least agree that these colors followed in their hue is not what we encounter common of either daily life in macro observations of nature and the elements  of rarity. As those hues shown above: Ellow, Eu, Rple and Ed are as four colours of Earth found in these places so common:
  • Ellow: found in nature most often, found always in forests and gardens.
  • Eu: In the sea, the sky so often drank and seen these are nature to man.
  • Rple: That of his encounters past that so rare was wealth, now less in copy.
  • Ed: His own blood, the rose and any of modernity which seeks bright sight.
But with man's own technology of Hue changed upon the rain bow I have made of the same in slight different arrangement is shown those colors of spaces which to Earth while seen are not found beyond a solitary cup in store who so rarely is made as Ellow or Eu, less uncommon then Rple and not as sudden as Ed. Below is another world, where color compared as man is nothing as here:

For comparison the earth as we know it:

One who has not listened and learned will laugh at looking at the spectrum and say solely that it has shifted, but those who saw that which is the hue and where in life it is has seen already a place like Earth in horizon and nature, rarity and blood unlike Earth. As in those same hues of shapes known of first the alien then the earth is not the same knowledge of color:
  • Nature to this other is of hues of fall cyan, summer thars to earth of fall orange, summer green.
  • Waters to this other is of hues of sky deep blue, seas dlue, to earth of bright blue, seas dlue.
  • Rarity of wealth to them, hues of peach as men of earth seek pride in having purple.
  • Blood of men there is of yellows as men here is of reds.
So this while not the feild of color which merely studies those many pallets in parrelel alone, here was space other then those of here. Alas while this is one example their common pallet to man can better be altered then solely a mirror and this changes farther, but this not of subject to time, which is where we were meant to do until Mazer got obsessed with color and left his work Mentextuter and Preslumios behind. So swiftly we shall rise back up into Preslumios then the rest of our discussion almost complete.

It's reason while absent but of mention for spaces other, it's reason still existent in definition of our shadow and light which so often is seen as just the part eminating from men opposed to light but noted in origin as brightness of substance, which in turn formed those objects of space primitive which in so far as mankind is was present as is in that which is the the full of time in present alone as place like Earth and Aerth, but here in topic of Thios alone.

Meaning, this subject is not compatible in logic with Earth or Aerth for being present alone in time and not as Earth which move in present through time and Aerth where time is as terms of timespace in orders of parts. Thios which is of this discussions land is of present before beginning or end. As is stated before, for awaiting the beginning and not headed in that path as people, who dwell in the moment nothing and seek of terms the ring afar.

Ring of existence certainly as paired in Thios and Aerth, but of side turned over as coin. Shown still better in this image, of worlds parallel in distance where Luna is path to Aerth, but Moon is entrance to Thios and ring of both found on Saturn.

These mirrors swiftly, are as divides in what is Aerth,Earth and Thios:
  • Luna is the path of faith forward with growth in parts of people together to the ring, in this place their are four kingdoms of bliss, adventure, sadism and pain which shift in forms time.
  • Moon is the path of difference apart, with asunder alone in people around to the ring, in this place their are four kingdoms of creation, discovery, destruction and ignorance, to form space.
  • Satellite is the path of debate changed with populace in people divided to the planets, in this place their are four kingdoms of reason, faith, fear and art which in capture is claimed end.
These three islands in time move as follows:
  • Earth's present is dwelling as time is escalated through passage
  • Aerth's present is place of being in times divided in self-walking
  • Thios's present is sole existence where no past or future shown.
Finally to better suit the method of travel in what Time is defined as in these three islands compared to great goals of space, of those three places which while mirrors in reflection are not the same in island and so as written these are as followed:
  • Earth shall in it's future escalations build ships to the satellites.
  • Aerth shall in it's space times build portals to Luna come closer.
  • Thios shall in it's present now will divide its moon into now is.
These show and help show what is not as equal in terms of Earth viewed equal, but in Aerth viewed as seperate and Thios as solely the moon, which in explanation will be said here as what is made clearer of the preslumios as divided by time forward and backwards formed objects.

Which while in times other is viewed as but luminence or darkness is here viewed as it's presence and this is then viewed as it's time which in those colors as taught prior have four shades known a Lumios:

Lumios has four separate kinds which form expressively as four divided in two as Forward objects are vivid and white while Backwards objects are grey and black. This then would mean our paintings are as folds of time before and after kept present while our tools often in style come now or later in separate and ourselves in same are as different periods all equal in presence in both flesh and clothing. As here if we were to draw those heros of Thios known in writing, we would see time in all:

Of these four people, we find much in the vivid which points them forward in solely clothing, but Dredge lives farther backwards in shirt, hair and skin in blak, Krenj lives farther backwards in grey while the girls are more forward in skin but Mekala of vivid and Irene of white while her hair and belt is black. 

These are not races and should not be compared because these are all time in present at once and are in fact against concepts of time that Earth calls sense, for Irene had hair before rest her time not existent except which is in present only, this merely translation to Earth who see's a past and future as before and after it. Which in Thios is normal, stable as already immediately here, by it's paradox of time which they of Thios dwell.

If time were not now in Thios and in wherever they go, Irene's hair would be in yesterday with her belt and the rest tomorow. She herself would not be here in now ever, much as most of Krenj and Dredge would in variations be in past and in Krenj case naked in future.

However time on Thios is present and thus these moments are but one example of the practice which is built of not the model but behind the model as solely the following consensus:

A time is an object of a specific color within the arranged time present, which in Thios provides manner of both line creation and timewarp alteration for any specified time zone.

As such this tool allows a person to warp time in all dimensions of it, within solely Thios, for being not compatible with Spacetime of Aerth or Linear time of Earth. Still in technicality Time itself is above the concepts of specific islands of the cluster and so timewarps are present in all while not behaving in the same manner, which for my and others clarification is as follows:
  • Earth has linear history from past to future, it requires record and consideration by populace of possibility to manifest due to debate and so forms by historical change, a warp then would be formed in accident or in recurrence of past timelines in debate born from historical loops back to past, in change by debate or war. For example while science uses the theory of electricity it is timewarped with the Greeks in both particle and four elements, but also those of alchemists later as a separate form of elements. These built by linear warps in time compatible with that universe as divided.
  • Aerth does not have linear time and is rather arranged by stability growing in beleif to aver and as such their world is built directly from separate parts as separate times still in motion towards different line ends of future. As a result it is not common to find a time warp in solely the direction of one line and rather is found built of many lines in time, which to earth is incompatible. For example: Science using previous mentions can be warped with magic to form chancarts as we have shown prior. Because a warp can go in any direction world history is essentially a haze of anytime where warps form suddenly and are forgotten or grown in record recovery.
  • Thios does not have future or past time, especially as they have no group direction of world and rather exist as single person universes which interact in compatibility with others which expands their own while not being any larger then their expansion. these worlds in compatibility do not warp like on Aerth when fusing timelines because Thios doesn't cross lines and instead forms their world in present as no line exists in now, beyond objects which are as arranged in space as separate times which in observation of them alone is time warped or not in the path of themselves. This while thought confusing to person who assumes it acts as anything, Thios communicates with the spectrum shown while deviating personally. This allows communication translation.
As such Thios can do the following which Aerth in it's Haze time and Earth in its Linear time cannot, Thios's time is called Present time. This is their method of timewarp shifting, unlike Aerth's timewarp blends and Earth's timewarp linecurves:

Thios, Aerth and Earth each have a different kind of time and so time warps behave in it differently.
As specific forms of time do not have the same geometry, for being different shapes of arrangement.

It is interesting to note that the Mentextuter + PhScanner is a timewarp which is built from all three timelines as the tool of the external person writing because he himself is located in space as outside walking between the lines of worlds apart from himself and other's not in knowledge or use of all three. 

Each different time warp creates a different thing in these examples but also, Aerth can use Earth timewarps in one of its many world lines, just as much as earth, but earth cannot use Aerth's warps for debate reasons being incompatible with blend of what is not in a universe as sole reality.

Below are the invented warps:
  • Thios built a line of time progression from lamp to box met with pencil, to form window but they warped the pencil with the window in time to form a stamp window on the box.
  • Aerth blended it's science and magic lines to form a chancart line of chemical divination as an object which uses both science and the magic as part of its own separate time line.
  • Earth within history of science built wheels then lamps and onetime in that advance were wheels made to have lights which would shine as things past lamp were driven.
Often in Thios and Aerth these are done as desired for different purposes such as the following, while rarely on earth are they recognized in present and used in futures of time travel alone or by accident in need of pasts parts in invention or in debate. Thios and Aerth follow:
  • Discovering new parts of the multiverses linear in time for yet more lines of worlds beyond.
  • Forming ones lines of work within the universe and ones neighbors to form farther into it.
The first is Aerth the second is Thios, while similar one creates new timelines every time which form different upward goals, while Thios forms in it's chosen lines drawn not in futures but in moment and memory alone as parts of the whole that is Thios as a multiverse.

Below is a model of the cluster and its recorded worlds from period present to blogs and published texts past which are depicted in their separate time geometries. Each left undefined for quick return to actual subject, mostly for aid in individual readings visualization of the above components of reality I have noted:
While earth exists as the readers world, I am only there to compare the other worlds, which speak in some of it but is also known of reader, while Aerth in center is not but known by me and Thios I am exploring while also taking a venture into a line apocalyptic of Aerth that has gone into Earth's island with a future of Aerth that is not it that same knowledge as earth, while being on the Island of Earth.

As such let us complete the work of example, which was to show what a code, the code pictured below when run in my minds processes to become this entire length of post:
So we saw that in taking a basic idea and working with it in expounding its details can lead to far longer subjects then just the idea of objects being present and so we see that this is helpful for ourselves as we progress, as we require to define and not do a story program as it would be further extending from here and many can be found on this blog already.

The story is simply written with ideas from our code as before and is better done after lesson programs for being able to stay in subject and give it an interesting twist, which without defining would not be as detailed and interesting. This however I am still in progress doing but mentioning here for the many lesson programs written by myself.

As such this too concludes the subject, which showed us how to use the Mentextuter to form an idea which is then useable in the machine that is the book, self and laptop which form our basic method of accessing the multiverse without materialization which, as needed follows:

Materialisation of Mentextuter with PhScanner

The best method to learn the PhScanner is to read the part on this blog about Averence and then read the text titled Parsemy which while in the yonder text can also be found here:

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