
Phentals: That substance mindmatter

Phentals come in four forms known which only a past page of those texts is defined as and which is written here to given reference to these parts which help bring it clairity:

These circles contain the four kinds of phental which have been recognized thus far and they are listed again below with defined difference:

  • Motion: That still object which when phental is applied appears as motion while being still.
  • Model: That additional aspect object which is found invisible within the phental as stated.
  • Parei: That object made into another by the work of angled observation, which shows itself.
  • Naming: That object given name of other which records what it is in a new context yet seen.
These we write within this part but also do our best to applie them with the part that relates explicitely to the previous part in a manner that is sensible, this we allow the person to read of those energy polarised:
  • That polarity is made to express the motion in its form which we view as its residue of mind.
  • That object is dealt to form the expressed form of that thing inside which is unseen and made.
  • That thing we select is given attribute of the manifestation which is itself twice formed in time.
  • We call this object the thing that it forms and the thing it is to better represent the concept itself.
We then will show an example of this polarised energy, which is given yet full understanding, or use.

This provides the use of these things above in the manner that is best enscribed and as such is the matter which is best written, these written such that they can form the required things we see, these decribed within the context of the box:
  • This box appears as though full of motions and chances of apparition, it creates these things.
  • It seems this box lacks that ability to know what is inside, but it is almost always in a manner
  • This is done through these works which perform on box and within the many things in one.
  • This box provides the measure of anything it contains and shows what is could, called Suprox.
As one sees this box provides what it details always once within the box and shows that thing which is written in the box, of which the first half of the energy is formed, and gained from the box of things ahead.

As we move on to that latter part yet written.

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