Before I continue I will add here that while Thios does exist on earth as a part of the planet it is often with results that are far less successful in the area of all things. For being too conflated with the realm of Earth and Aerth which do not function in the manner of Thios, who in simple terms view not acts of conflict and destruction as crimes at all and rather they view them in small as things worth being entertainment when on Earth in debate it is often seen as damage, Aerth not done in reality for being of damage as well.
Thios disagrees entirely but adds their is difference of natural group reactions based off of what the destruction is, which depending may have formed conflicts on others as resolution which as all groups and individuals must adapt and overcome at their liking. Meaning while they allow most will in groups be divided in every way, this they only meet in common of founding and so the result is comparable to partial anarchy, thus having some reaction of some best left alone.
But, the reality of Thios cannot form as is in a place of Earth and Aerth in same part, so as stated Thios must in itself be made different and separate for more then actions of good or friendly prank, as conflated by differences of reaction which in area form as explained prior best left alone.
While in a place of solitude as here it is as is, but in groups met this is divergent to how they react predicted or unpredictable. Often to the degree of what they found fun of the idea and not what was left to tragedy, which as logic would call, causes further tragedy often directed at the source of the first tragedy by those effected anywhere.
So as quick example, what Trixie does is not going to kill anyone directly but will cause conflict that in worst is resolved by leaving the town and not more then this. As certainly Trixie is one person and acts alone while of destruction. This then while some of limit in death allows some actual conflict when permanence of death is mostly non-existent, but I add that permanence of death in Thios is in this story not as the planet today.
Meaning, if a place as the space of Thios were made on the planet, until life can be returned I doubt much less then imprisonment would be fine with anyone dear to the dead, but in my story its able to be returned so is not a conflict as said of all my oddity. Still while this is the case their are still things not of solitude but of groups left outside the world of this time.
Thios as individuals can prank and ruin a week for others, but also cause death which is worked out by the people in the methods similar to Prosporo's own witches well, although here it is not as such but I have yet called or defined it. So the dead are brought back to life, which is most of the consequence beyond pains greater then those not willing to live on Thios at all.
Basically they're a really brave masochist sadist civilisation in a future where they won't die but are also always brought back to life, without real consequence beyond their actions reactions by others in play or anger. Whose basics as immortality are not that distant as the chance of Thios beyond the internet today in 2019. Meaning Thios is longer away in time then death's permanence. But my writing is a time and space portal of non-consequence, videogames are always a door today.
So don't try what the villains does here, cause likely is one to be arrested and likely jailed with quick resolution and not accepted as a solitary conflict of its people who have no true consequence in actions of individuals or small groups. Thios is also designed to be faulty on purpose to make things easier for potential future conflicts.
As better made clear by this first example, which again is at a distance from both Earth and Aerth who do not act in this manner of Real, rather as False and as Debate.
- We know certainly that Thios is built of not the composite but difference as it's basis of interaction with others, forming not as divides in debate or as assimilation in beleifs.
- We know certainly that people in Thios while building works similar to how Earth and Aerth do, do not build them as groups in aver at solitary times where if otherwise is apart in unity or aver.
- We know that they as people can use time in a manner that is unlike the other islands for being solely present and not past or future progressing, while in nature being made of lines of memory and thought as motions in the many times, which can be timewarped.
- We know they seek the moon unlike satillite or luna of the others and they will do so in the divide further of themselves not in hate but in people as workers of different worlds, this shall bring about those planets past the ring when reached again.
These things are as it is in Thios which are it's four parts known, which to Thios is as is for all people as a middleground to form a basis to then build upon in difference and separated group thoughts as parts connecting their difference which is unlike Aerth in being bigger and smaller for not spending its spaces as full lines, but as connections instead.
This is important for them, but what is more important is that Ring of Thios, which is as the Ring of Aerth in name, but not in difference to it which begins with those kingdoms each already mentioned which divide the worlds of the cluster even farther:
- Earth : Faith, Wisdom, Fear, Madness
- Aerth : Bliss, Adventure, Sadism, Pain
- Thios : Creation, Destruction, Discovery, Ignorance
Which in time anew form those places which are while similar to some very different as we shall view in each in coming times of lines other continuing, which here shall form expressively the works of our specific Island as defined simply in the greater concepts of Discontinence, which while of discovery is not the same in the part of Thios and not the part of the outsider.
So here we write most expressively the forms of the four kingdoms as they are on Thios:
- Creation is that work of self which when worked upon is what is ones specific world.
- Destruction is that which is changed by other in a direction not as seen by self alone.
- Discovery is that which springs from the path of destruction or creation in motions going.
- Ignorance is that which is spinning motion of these actions as they change unknown to self.
Destruction is often feared but at times enjoyed for not positive effect, which creates conflict on Thios, which is viewed in less of earth's manners for being those of fear, but here as those of disagreement made into groups to resolve in their manners as heros of themselves.
This is what we observe today, not in the creation or what discovery and ignorance hold but what our four actors of destruction do in the city which is one of many. As our actors of destruction begin a divided work which planned here is to divide as they in total formation and leave no organisation of common grounds met in the middle.
This however would mean knowing all people, too difficult if it were not for their own acquisitions on prosporo of Aerth...
As on Thios cities are all unique and build from the founders who build them and define their difference in a common ground for all people there unlike those of the people for each other there and these are the key to better organizing the greater Thios with too much difference to fully show as one part each:
This we will show as written in this city not too far from those four previously mentioned who use the Gromonum and not as Mazer, Leon, Scarlet and Trixie the four pestis.
Which as we shall write are to divide completely the city of Lrone, who in this city are made common by the works of these things to differ from:
- They build in works the things that are subject to themselves in reference to the idea of mortality such that mortality may be made better spared in avoidance by each person.
- They work in groups as directed by themselves while working towards as a hole the essence of places better then what is found as of this motion, which in the next should be better.
- They wonder as questions what is often found in the place and what in ignorance separate could they make that appear as discovery for those who are in the surroundings here.
- They work to repair destruction as common and as separate in search of its reasons of failure for them such that in this the work of all is heard as best found through their interaction.
So the four who are building the pestis separated and did not build a means for their own middle ground and set out alone into the city to form their four works as defined below, from what they grasped of the spirits of Prosporo and the ones they met in Caven alone:
Trixie and the Memory Domesticated
This is Trixies work which while in Persomnia depicted seems mostly less shocking then Animianis who she took part of the idea from, but still this being shall be her power for the future of this tale which is one of differences. As she has defined this being as the being whom removes domestication as not one forgotten but one remembered.
This she knows will in a city who keeps happy by the consumption of food and drink accessed simply will be made far more in conflict by the sudden vanishing of these methods and the return of days with more requirement of not work but gathering. Which she shall make permanent in the art of what is best called the manners which follow through the works of herself alone.
Essentially all Trixie has to do to cause the city to loose it's access to food and water is firstly know where it's coming from and block it's ability to arrive in a way that isn't easy to resolve ( by disorganized small groups or individuals ) but easy to cause as a way to better entertain the populace in her eyes of care for Thios. So she knows that in Thios they use these things to create the source of food and water on Lrone and thus things are as such:
In Lrone they use machines for gathering both food and water, which are power by electricity, the farms collected by machines are powered by connection to a powergrid run by solar panels, while the water collectors ( air absorbent ) are powered individually by solar energy on the machine itself and pipes lead to different reservoirs which provide drinks at those places from their above ground storage. All Trixie has to do is find a way to cut the power and then burn down the crops.
This however she can't easily do as solar panels are everywhere and not effectively easy to break in total before being caught, so she needs to find a way to do it without getting caught immediately while walking between solar panels.
So she sets fire to crops which the people without storm need not guard at all and then she goes to the largest reservoirs above ground as they need not dig a hole for fear of something and unplugs the pipes so all the water floods thinly the area, on a hot summers day. Soon it evaporates and clouds form eventually.
Lrone doesn't like wind as it encourages clouds, so they built the city in a valley surrounded by mountains, where water comes in by streams but is often filthy and so must first evaporate. All of this means the cloud above is not moving for a while and the city is darkened, has no food new and no water worth drinking. It's only escape is through the tunnel out of town, but who wants to be boring, unless it really gets bad.
Duh duh duh!
Leon and the Consumption Discomfort
Now, Leon at the same time as Trixie had his own plan, which used a different spirit of individual which while not working as one in common agreement beyond creating a divide of people was meant to be used for that. He didn't know what Trixie was planning and so he began swiftly with his own plan to make people hungry while not actually hungry and this he thought was a great idea.
He set out with the most logical of steps required which would include but not exclude the following steps, which only those who did it often enough could withstand and this he knew would be him being nice and helping them in the end. So he set out for his great plan!
He first used his great wealth from being part of a wealthy family and this he used some of to purchase a lot of marijuana but also spices and hired a few bakers to cook pasteries in the undergrounds of the city near vents ( cause Thios is corrupt like that ) then he he handed out all the weed to people for free and he left spices hidden in various parts of the city, so that when all finished and done the city was full of weed smoke, smelt like spiced pastries and plenty of people were while not hungry for real, definitely had the munchies.
Plus this would only worsen the cloud with all it's smoke a few hours later.
The only spare in these days were those who had smoked a lot of weed before, those who worked at the various bakeries and the now wealthier spice sellers who had come only for a time.
All this smoke made the cloud denser, but still with all the heat made it less likely to rain as time would pass on, this done not in planning of communication but simply those works known in prosporo but left to things of Caven new.
Still most would find the answers to these troubles swiftly, while at the moment too baked to realize what had occurred. As they looked at the cloud and wondered why it looked like a flying saucer.
Scarlet and the Dreadful Madness
Scarlet who was not stoned while many were thought it the best time to put her plan in effect and this would be an important step in the cities plotted conflict, which to her was her favorite roll of them all as an attractive women who would usually be honest about gossip but in these days she decided it was best to walk about the various people who were baked.
From place to place she went and she told lies about others she had heard, always asking for their name upon meeting and then used that name in the next one until she swiftly fled the city and left the people most baked but some more able to believe these things to wonder what they had learned of the scandalous people of Lrone.
Now certainly these things were made easier by the people so baked that day from all the free weed that these things could easily come to pass, but this was also art of chances which author has leaned in good luck, as some friends can be in faith of their friends when things are asked and some did.
Most in these days knew not what to think of all these secrets they had heard and set out to gossip more of those things they had heard so scandalous, instead of being kind and simply bothering to ask. This the mistake of groups who think not of people behind their backs.
Often the people here would expect in days of trouble they could solve these things within their group, but Scarlet had done best in spreading lies which would leave those who still spread secrets to be swiftly caught by angered people demanding to know who started rumors of these things when first would come one then two whispers of growing scandals in the city of Lrone.
As in times but not all, things that are seen as demise in great but not small, in destruction as a term are by many forms found, often what comes of actions decided by the ones baring the end of destruction. Thios being place where most tend to lean towards that destruction in end, if they have not learned in desire of those mentioned prior as those four heros of Thios named:
Dredge, Mekala, Irene and Krenj who have studied in Thios the manners of it's best avoidance.
As while these days of modernity are in learned of destruction, here on the planet. We have not given what we can to those who actually wanted it and only spared those who often did not which in history has shown valid for those deceived but not yet answered for those who want to be stoned and hungry, who in least have faith of friends and others when told truths and lies they know as the real one to have lived the name.
Mazer and the Madness Imprisoned
Mazer first wanted to ensure that those who wanted insight on the coming issues knew this in fair but also secretive nature as he had with his friends taken those four spirits of prosporos end, and made adjustments to them, which meant they were as always quite powerful beings in their effects.
So he posted but a note on the post-it board in town where plenty of things were posted and were often of the nature of requests, advice and other. Although at times they were of destruction and of scandal as means of vengeance for the ones who had been wronged in those days which often was seen as just once hearing rumours of what had been done by those of less well intent.
So Mazer had written this on his note, a simple and honest warning:
I have seen a wolf and it is roaming closer to the city I fear someone may be harmed or startled, luckily we have no sheep. Alas this I leave only in pleading to leave the city if one does not want fear or harm and hope greatly to be heard soon rather then later.
This Mazer posted early for having been first into the city of Lrone, after he would be found in the days after the cloud, many handed out grams of weed and the gossip hidden in the tunnel to leave where he would be in a large vent, with a small Chihuahua. Which he had trained to bark when told with sign of treat in silence.
So first some left hearing in fair cry the note left, knowing that old fable which was often told of the one who cried wolf being a liar and they knowing this guessed demise greater came. Those who did not but knew were of two kinds, some into the gossip and some not who likely were more interested in the event to take place alone.
So when time came for some to flee, likely for having shared too much gossip that was lies, they would hear as they hurried down the tunnel a loud bark common of Chihuahuas and may or may not run back into the city in fear, having read a note but not brave in nervous guilt already, to go farther on wards. Of which those who read not the note found funny as recognizing the sounds tone different for not having biased to what they had heard before hand.
As author, who admits having fallen for the same fad knows after, that hearing a song told to be bad will more likely make it sound bad then being without knowledge of that fad. Which if heard again, a song of the now infamous person unheard as song, but not knowing the singer will shock a person if they realize by friend telling them, that the song listened in beauty was that same singer which once they had hated in hearing only the negative side of music, with both in all songs.
So those who believed gossip as swift and listened not in too much seriousness of validity, were met with fear after, in their same act of having gossiped while stoned and hungry about others who had done nothing of the sort. Of which, for most parts was solved in not too much difficulty.
As after a time, the four villains had departed elsewhere, those who could remain as friends worked together to both help each other with food while less willing to help those who had spread so many of these lies. So while none would perish as cloud rained down more water after and while people had seeded the well fertile earth and placed pipes back in place, the people who once had friends and groups of middle ground were left divided and solitary at least for a time, where if they were welcomes back were as the water collectors in needing time to fill with trust once more, if at all.
I did place warning of Thios's ways because while the nobility in teaching a lesson is good it is better done in questions of safety then solely gossip as people were starved in its process and these acts of destruction are often unpleasant when in first parts should it be avoided by those who in least see the demise it can bring.
For while Thios may not be a place of willing demise in often spaces found today, where issues are as normal and given more fun in solutions, when left in place by actions of will alone in modernity are there to be left as is, for fear of falling into Thios not as guest or denizen but as person who has not helped themselves in the conflicts, but gone as conflict, which in modern times exist almost never where their is not a place as Thios, in it's rules of solitude or small group.
As lines of demise welcomed in Thios were those which were of hunger but those that were in equal were those lines where crossed led to conflict of self in directions not desired but in the end brought on by the actions of ones own choice of action.
These differences are as scarlet would say, long in other lands as pictured here:
Their is a thin line between chocolate and pumpkin pie, which in funland while a choice of self in technical permission of nature but in natural reaction of society always has that conflict it creates for the one who crosses it, which is in growing times less effective but in times prior often brought justice which if crossed from chocolate as sweet to pumpkin pie as scary is where few really want to go and even those who do, often regret it.
Those thinking they will in liking hell regret not or enjoy the regret can so often be surprised in time but even then, I live as that without needing to forever which they as far as they go must even when grown bored of one room changing not.
As in this story, their were those who gossiped and did not and those who gossiped were not as likely to be fed by others while hungry for a time not of death, while those who were not gossiping had more food in what they shared together. If one had wanted to go hungry then, with more ability without more food around, one had not needed to gossip in reality but solely not asked for more food.
Still, in fair of anything it is possible to build an echo chamber of gossip, a place for hearing it or a place for receiving it without harming a person who needed not be effected for real, for solely those who actually want that and are not able to not talk about people in negative ways behind their back without in least it being of your business at all.
Certainly won't wont go hungry as likely in being a gossiper, but will in the very thing of gossip when non will listen for having heard what you told someone else. Which I add may in worse of events leave you hungry with few to ask for help.
Still the four villains are, I agree doing things that should also not be done, except in Thios where this is what they do as part of daily life in a space where people who can't do these things elsewhere gain a little more room in the effects less permanent but still of consequence in demise.
As demise is not evil, it is in fact another term, which while of evil is often evils end.
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