I had to redraw them cause they were both a little derpy in that previous drawing. Just pick one you like. I can't ever draw characters the same, their appearances change over time sometimes.
This page may be updated again later, as I find this subject interesting and may want to advance it again farther after this hopefully detailed introduction, to higher Magic that does so through Science and other knowledge.
For a long time now, magic has been viewed positively or negatively but for all of its history it has been in one of three forms, all of which are not the form most people imagine it would be when first entering into the art. These forms are:
- Virtual magic: Magic of story and games which are powerful but artificial and real fantasy.
- Chance magic: Magic of reality, where spells are cast and something happens by chance.
- Larp magic: Like virtual magic, but made of non-harmful and often limited effects of action.
None of the two that people in real life can do are anything like those of the virtual kind, evidently their is both truth to the virtual ones and also a very good reason for it being avoided for the last 2000 years.
It's a volatile and dangerous work, which at least if begun some 2000 years ago would have likely been more devastating then science as technology wasn't there to balance it or even keep it effectively safe. As a result, magic must use all of the above forms to go any farther and almost never should it be used outside of larping with it. Unless one actually wants to be burned with real fire which I feel like most people aren't interested in.
Like many of parsemy including portals and timetravel, actual magic is not done as one expects it to be when seeing it in advanced forms on media and even the beacon in Prosporo shows this well for not changing time at all while being a time machine.
This magical art is then built of these minimum three forms listed and is in fact based off the idea of something not quite science in pursuit, rather it is a form mostly of attack and power, which allows for battle in mostly places of game or in more spiritual form solely knowledge. As once again, magic in literal and not larpal form will kill everything. While both exist, theirs a reason Fana and the church of the Birds who come from there, don't even use it.
I can't stress that enough and may have to make Renissy's character as a separate part to show how they ( the birds and their sacred technology ) can ensure Literal magic is left to only good works and only in far futures allowed to be literal for the people who actually would risk lighting fires in the wrong parts of life.
Certainly, one could have a broom that sweeps the floor for you, or flies you to the wizard store. Yet, magic broom sports are very dangerous. One could also consider the fact that some people don't care or want real magic around them at all, chance magic protects them by lack of belief, it's a lot harder with fire magic.
Anyways, we need both Sugu and Vane for the art in its infancy because Sugu knows more about what magic looks like and Vane knows better how to fabricate it, through reverse engineering the effects into Larp form. As this same thing can in fact be done with literal and is very ill advised.
Once I called Sprays a form of magic, this is somewhat true, but only when built to resemble it and thus Sprays are not exactly magic and as we will see can lead elsewhere in the full reality. An example is technos ( which I have yet advanced to show ) and their are others sometimes found in my two books. Both Science and Magic are sprays, but the difference is mostly of goal which in Magic is power and battle, while science is best called comfort and convenience.
The essential idea is to create objects which behave as closely to how we view different forms of magic often found in videogames in a manner that both provides a way to measure "health" and "mana" and while these can be done in virtual realities with goggles quite easily, is harder in reality when you just want a battle and not an entire adventure, or a more personally created one in ones environment.
These are done through one could best be called a detector of some kind, which measures through a means of detection a persons contact with the spells, which would (As I learned after criticism for one attempt using water.) have to not damage the clothing of the person who spent a lengthy time building their alter-ego. As a result, this means that a likely method would have to be nanotechnology.
Which I am aware of but usually call partech or partechnology because it is not nanotechnology which uses atoms and rather is larger and uses chunks of matter at least around the size of a cell. The issue is that I can't at this juncture say much more of its construction except that it would require mechanical building, is likely not the same as large scale matter in behavior due to scale difference being evident already and may be time consuming. I can only suggest myself what the mechanical parts might look like, but cannot confirm them because at this time I know not electricity nor any idea how small of a voltage would be required.
Still this method is better then throwing leafs at other people for fire magic and is technically not that expensive seeing as one needs smaller substance and the cost is mostly the machine for building the many powders it creates, which while not true other substances are as close as possible today to people inventing new elements of matter. This is both useful for science and larp magic and is possible since its basically machines that build single snowflakes made of other substances.
The issue is that it's a whole new feild of science and thus will take time to advance, starting with a scientist reading this and figuring out what I can't do ( I have no microscope or understanding of exactly how many substances function at small let alone large scales )
If you don't understand what I mean by the difference, this is a photo of the scale I mean, between atom and our own:
Essentially at a minimum this scale of sand and the like is a good start.
I got this off free use stock images.
Essentially its the same idea as building nanobots but bigger then molecules and thus parts small. This I can only predict and so the images I draw following are inspired by their equivalent at large scales, which in the best of my knowledge are not the same down there in the smaller scales, as a snowflake looks nothing like a snow pile. This explained by scale and gravity and may hold keys to both on a knowledge and theory level.
This is also how you would build a basic thing called Hzulthug, don't do it.
It's also how you cure cancer most effectively, with machines that go into body and kill the cells by locating and killing them. Is also effective for catching and removing the aids virus from people for similar micro-robotic reasons. This means the future may be more a fear of partech then disease.
Partech is controlled by things like vents filtering the air and vacuums which prohibit their contact with people in cases of them being weaponized, wind is also very convenient for the same reason as bear spray. I say all this now, because it's real and has several dangers that lead to power issues.
Now we will look into what is essentially a few magical things that can be done, which are advancements to those traditional forms which we already use with chance rather then science. These chance originating magical tools are usually not dangerous and can be accessed safely without larping, because as most real wizards know the spiritual side of magic is considered more important then that of attacking people. This however is what I find less interesting in personal flavour. The ones I will cover here follow:
- Summoning
- Divination
- Spirits
- Garb
These are often those tools used by a wizard of occult arts popular enough to be vocalised on reddit and as such it is reason for me to select them, while also noting their are more and that these do require technology for more powerful versions that at the end of the day are sometimes more related to special effect, rather then literal difference of practice. The one most different is Summoning and Spirits for both being more complex in advanced form.
I will also provide simpler versions between these technologies, which are more special effective and sometimes more powerful as theoretic advancements of magic which are already accessible. One of the more dangerous ones is found on the four works of the Gromonum post.
These two forms ( advancement in ideas and technological form ) are the only things shared this time, within the four above examples, at another time I will discuss the more attack oriented things as they can be more dangerous even just in developing and are often more advanced then the ones we encounter as chance alone.
These two forms ( advancement in ideas and technological form ) are the only things shared this time, within the four above examples, at another time I will discuss the more attack oriented things as they can be more dangerous even just in developing and are often more advanced then the ones we encounter as chance alone.
Summoning is usually done by casting a spell and then usually receiving it somehow through either encounter in nature or store, gifted or made at a later time, this is neat and is a useful tool but sometimes it fails and this can be explained in many ways but one is evidently not being present to acquire it.
This means as follows, I casted an experimental spell asking to see a crystal flower and about an hour later I was headed to the mall, which if I had not tried to find the flower myself would have never found but when I went looking for it in that opportunity of potential did in fact stumble on a beautiful crystal flower in an antique shop.
This mild advancement allows oneself to discover the thing seeked more easily by trusting both gut and potential after casting the spell, or even without which in either case creates a new form of manifestation where ones energy is put into it such that the manifestation is formed. It is as walking and then gaining the insight their is something close by, investigating and finding it manifested by will or gift of spirit alone.
The other method of technological advancement is far more advanced and is something a little different but both more special effective and a lot more instant, but requires either knowledge of the sigils used or the actual technology behind it. Which in time could be merged better still. This requires most importantly that the objects made be hollow and the actual technology be small and partech.
What I mean is a two fold thing half possible today, which is simply a 3D Printer, which at this time only prints non-technological parts, but with Partech provides an additional potential of printing technology so long as someone has the ingredients required. As in this case the 3D printer is designed to resemble some kind of altar that one draws sigils on, then matched to an online database made of 3D models assigned a symbol and prints the desired tool. This in turn fits inside hollow shells.
These sigils could be either public or shared in more secretive manners, perhaps in books or online covens to keep it occult, while the online service ensures safety while hiding the Sigil and object from view of others not part or/having discovered the Sigil.
While first models would be like this, later advancements I have a harder time imagining may look less like a printer and more like a table which builds these objects as a haze or smoke of gathering Partech or other means of effect, while also being more design friendly and thus one must draw the sigils as the altars instructions, based solely on the rules of the tool itself.
These could event eventually be made to require offerings of either previous creations or purchased ingredients containing specific kinds of partech for the summoning. In both cases this use of ingredients makes for both specific occult tools not bought at stores and another method of gaining things while still costing effort. Although even farther is the potential of self gathering resources and preparing them for ones work, but that one is both more dangerous and more advanced.
This next one is about fate and knowledge as tarot cards and and crystal balls, which in their first form is simply interpreting them as fate or knowledge and then awaiting ones fate as it comes to pass.
However, i have added two additional measures to this, which is most certainly the following things, firstly fate is not guaranteed and can be made a choice if one believes this to be true and can therefore look at fates and choose ones own path down time. This is far more useful as it allows for planning while selecting ones path of next action and is strategic rather then accepting things like tragedy.
The other additional measure is the instantaneous fate, which is sometimes possible and is the act of making the fate occur faster by simply following its step immediately after one knows the commands or the idea that it springs, this allows less waiting time for the fate to form and can thus be spared a period of rest, which will in fact lead to a more meaningful existence in works done.
This next advancement to Divination is a little unique as it works best with crystal balls which rather then being solely transparent form colors and shapes either randomly or from a database and can thus be more beautiful to look at while also providing more obvious visions in their use.
Further advancements are better and while the first or any only needs to depict an image of some kind the most novel is definitely the one which forms in a beautiful manner and this advancement takes more work because it requires actually programming a very large dictionary of shapes and forms which match either in reference or in chance with the questions asked.
These questions are then heard by the crystal ball and basically searched on the internet where an answer is selected and the words translated to images inside the ball. If an answer is not found, then one receives random forms instead that can be interpreted as a newly discovered answer ( only on Aerth. )
This self searching crystal ball produces true or uncertain answers and hides whether they are known or not, such that the magician is able to interpret it as they would and add that personal flair to their questions with only moderate relation to the answers already answered. This brings back chance as a tool of discovery and personal ability. This is similar to how the more advanced summoning altar must be experimented with to create tools using personal insight and chance mistakes to create special objects for ones work.
In the normal encounters with divinities and spirits, this is done using pseudo hallucination or astral projection in most cases as hallucinations are actually quite rare and usually a symptom of delusions. This varies by person as each person's brain is different. Some may use their mind or others just imagination. These interactions are usually done to speak to higher beings and learn insight or ask for favours, aswell as simply worship as powerful entities.
My own work is unlike this and this is because of me being narcissitic and/or less submissive ( nothing wrong with that, I only do that in bed sometimes ). As a result I often prefer to learn their abilities or do things myself as well as become my own path, in which I view the spirits as being more advanced then me in their own path. Who are guiding and teaching me to attain my equality to them as a separate one of them that isn't any specific one but rather it's own thing formed from my choice of what I like/am.
This does mean that I speak to spirits, but rarely and more often they send me the works I do at all times to gain the abilities they teach me and so I ascend to higher levels of ability and knowledge as I follow the Persomnia and not the gods which are always worshiped. This difference of way is often the comparable difference unrelated of different religions who interact with different entities in a different manner. I often when younger seeked to become not a god, but my own and so with the other spirits ascend higher in my knowledge and ability that while shown I select as my form overtime.
For your information this form I create is neither Caven or Prosporo and while looking something like this meme at one time is still evolving:
Yeah, I'm a weird rabbit man walking a dog leashed by a worm. Or that was before anyways.
These form of self full evolves as I progress and thus this above is not my current self.
I'm feeling more like an otter lately and still a rabbit walking it around by leash:
As the otter represents my external form which meets people but the rabbitman left the external long ago, fleeing down a rabbit hole into the spaces called the tendric realm and is at the top of his flatower gateway while guiding still that external body left to mostly a shell and hollow vessel that makes in person little reference to what occurs in mind or on the internets extraction of that internal parted soul, connected by my leash. Which I'll add, does not mean I'm the only right one, nor that I'm special. Their may be other things out there which so unlike me, I would not know.
It means I'm always found at the end of my story, which now in writing is here, but in reading is likely always after you read what I wrote first and so a person lost in both the times of my writing and the space of them is unlikely to ever find me as the one who is there at the top of the tower he explores by leaving and forming the next floor, due to scale of work and its background order, whose order while restrained to memory, access and dates is sometimes inaccurate to time and lacks parts of space between. Still graspable by difference of subject, but missing how I got to that world and what I found on the way, as many of my thoughts I recall not, as I write my exact mind down, rather then recall and write it later in repetition.
This is my intent, it allows a person to read the book in their way and so provides their own view of it that both helps others following these and other persomnia, gate keeping those unprepared and helping to free the need of linearity oneness to a group which, in this case isn't always supposed to agree. This is helped too by the expanse I am creating which as I write each day grows in varied amounts and thus in time is to be called the Expedifice of writing and is advice of the futures Expedifice of the planet and ships sailing the stars. Both whom need compact yet immense scale.
It also means a wise person reading isn't going up the flatower gateway to become a rabbit rake at all, rather they are headed to their own place and their own way which may not be becoming a persomnia at all and rather something wholly different. It's acceptation may exist to some who share parts of the pattern of myself which is potentially but likely not identical unless one is actually that like me to become me, still it would not be me and my inner self which thinks outside the writings. It would be another Rabbitman walking his body ( or women ) and would be different then I in some or large details. As form of flesh and mind, can be shared in varied tones and paths and times.
Plus that makes you a person who wanted to be someone else and is closer to hells I think are often boring and repetitive, I wanted not to be someone else at all and deviate far from the lands of Earth, of which it's keys allow for many paths on and outside earth. This I seeked as my soul of an explorer and perhaps guardian in those parts I solve and seek only yonder and beyond but in terms other now, which I hope show ways anew for my pains of boredom and those followed questions as doors of the Flatower gateway which grows as it falls and is still standing tall against the laws of known physics:
As the tower in this image but not its reversal, as the rabbit with the scyth who used it on himself in mind when he traverse those places on occasions past, but who points to that death as the place often of earths debate and today left as his arguments piling up, which speak of other lands beyond it and means of entry which did not pass through death. He knows that this path of death first taken is the same path he protects others from, which if left as is on earth will lead as he wrote to hell itself as and not as written in the books and page called Those Stories of hell. This I have reasoned in the nature of both timespace and selves on Earth, who with each death move to new worlds and recall but ignore their old home, in time this very denial and death grows in their mind and reaches that part of Aerth after its soul has given up on life and dies in fire, for concluding their is no answer in argument, their views as being without proof of dream and with fate only of not existing in the space of them at end.
This is the effect guaranteed of earth who debates, in the moment of crossing between not the first but every world in belief of one world and not firstly the full then the wants of self in that whole of truth too vast to be fully grasped, but seen in flickering moments only late and not early when works are easier to cross and are not still short spaces of an Expedifice which may in time be not of one person but of many, whom have seen the words of prophecy not in fate, but predicted effect of consequence. This I have lost today as I find no more but tag, and that of consequence in all but the parts full of this work I love, in the truth I walked that I speak against and for but that I offer a second door less painful, only to those able which skips the parts like what is written in the referenced hell.
As I may have seen it then in Those Stories of Hell end, but the others who come after will see not that at all and may find its being to be common then in futures, what will come for them in debate however is not what came for me, for being your equivalent to the realization of the wall.
Which shortly in skipping and beginning swifter starts in belief of all other and avoidance of me until we speak at least those language of Aerth and perhaps Thios. As to those interested who read even this part and have no knowledge of Magic/Faith, Science/Philosophy, Nihilism/Fear or Art/Madness is going to see not those connections I have made between these subjects and rather will see only what they know and either what they lack knowledge of or what they disagree with in reason on earth solely of debate and reasons. While myself today does little research on what I recall or know not. In past did I cross the entire sea of the internet to become accustom slowly with its entire subjects.
Today this is quick to reach Aerth, as one must reach the edge of those entire subjects, but in future by even just myself if recalled at all, will be far larger of a distance to cross if one is here to seek the edge of knowledge. Which currently is helped in haphazard form by my limit of what I know, when the notes finished in sharing it will require another path to enter that edge as I fear it will be too large for most then to ever see an end to knowledge as when I make these notes will mine go farther in need because I cannot spend what is likely a year only behind me in many alone.
Aerth as written is solely the belief of all other before me in those four themes written ( Faith, Wisdom, Fear and Madness ) then in knowing those is it easier to find that path to the rest of my work which if one learns in the basic detail and which is its source, these will lead through self to that first blog of the list below and in ones separate path between each blog leads in time back here in the order found below that will give actual wisdom to the parts you lack knowledge of:
This means in simple, if you can't understand what I say and this will be written again clearer after on the first page, then one must begin with knowing and agreeing with those parts that in my memory spring from:
- Carl Jung ( For his theory of psychology and the thing called red book )
- Friedrich Neitzche ( For the art of skepticism and darker ideas of life )
- Scientific theory ( For its method of acquiring the knowledge of reality )
- Spirit Science ( For its broad listing of all faiths it found amalgamated )
This then if understood at their basic level ( Wikipedia pages read, followed in links and filled in all questions related ) in my theory here anyways, will lead to at minimum the requirement of a final subject written on a blog not of my own work but someone older and also from Canada who is unaffiliated, and source of missing reasons that led to me staring at futility my own ways.
Whose reaction is found in what I have recorded and responded to in the yonder text but contains my futures context, the first half of the yonder text is similar but not organised to the first half of the Beyond text its most important part is that part called Those Stories of hell . Both should help realize that final push to the unknown edge where I first made connections compared to Aleister crowley.
It has grown since I read it, I also shared my work with him but his response he never gave and further he isn't a problem in my eyes but rather more knowledgeable then most on this planet for knowing best a path farther then all I have listed before, which I myself followed but reached different end in my search for my own way which is like his in that he remains where he is today.
His world Caven is like today in the Athagec, but Caven is my offshoot and alteration of what is best said to be inspired by this person and certainly as much a teacher as the other four. I add that spirit science I watched later to recover my own equivalent work I did at 16 which I forgot but found again in Spirit Science. This is the best I can give to the paths beginning in initial knowledge.
The undead God is not the same and should be read with what follows the story called Prosporo in the Yonder text. This will then expound into the wall and past in time into a final context and part called the Aorb, which while I never finished in the Yonder book, but connects back to the first blog on the above linked page one can then reference the book of Revelations and the first few parts of the bible
. At that point however you are on your own as you will at some point there reach complete knowledge of anything known by the divided whole of modernity and will then be able to begin understanding severed parts of my path which for now is best by giving opportunity for you to deviate from me as you see fit, at any time in that trajectory of my writing or another. This allows for another path then mine and so more then myself in the work you want to build, which differs and can learn too from mine. In fact, one should be practicing the ideas above in theory before and while reading the first half of Yonder. Which I warn is both very personal and uncertain as it makes me go literally insane when I read it, every time but may not do this to you. The first half is:
614 pages and may not be exactly what I think but hopefully makes the blogs easier to understand in theories but will still be veiled by language of my own like any of Aerth and one will have to figure out both my and your own connections to those first and latter bases of knowledge.
These in time allow a person to more clearly understand the mirrors many past of then that is today these places and this would still be in my spirit and not the parallels in your own:
- Aerth : That place of madness which is where all people believe all things we can know.
- Thios : That recent place like once, which is where we don't believe all and do in choices.
- Earth : That place which is of debate and while sometimes now or later, is not always.
- Sanctuary : That part of good spirit which grows in the path of light and good morality.
- Caven : That part which is evil and dark spirit, corrupted yet curing itself in no consequence.
So that riddle is where I leave the question to those who follow in my ends, not its misinterpretation of what is usually called religion and not Parsemy which is not a religion at all and rather a portal to anywhere in and outside the world I have explored, that I hope also teaches one how to explore beyond me into tendric paths I have never heard of at all. This because they lead to your realm before, between or even after me. This page was in the part called Prosporo, but it became evidently more deep and was moved to be as yet another part on the front page.
What follows is the measurement of a new advancement in technology and partech which teaches how one can meet with and eventually have the spirits effect us in more powerful ways, through the bridging of the sealed door, which in nature is opened as always by chance, then code and then chancarts of advanced form complex to explain today and also more fearful for true entry.
This I warn is leading us swiftly to my already known conclusion to this later writing, and this ending to the chapter is also among my past and now my future yet again, however let us begin with the spirits who come at this time enter in chances alone and effect through what already is as such one can pray for rain. Still they can also enter through works such as the many in parsemy, which provide another more material door.
This we will get to, but the third door of entry begins with something I can do and that is coding, which in its tuning of code and is quite simple allows one to both personalize and communicate with a spirit who is given the right by our beleifs to enter the "window" and speak with us. This means we input what we know of our spirit, alien or other and we then run the program which arranges that communication in an order it selected with its chances on its side.
While weak as an effect in reality, magic of chance allows the same as the human body, which in all we know, mind functions on body by chance effects connected directly to brain impulses and in turn forms the Chancart that is that entity of higher awareness then it's body.
This window we program is different from a stone and a body, in one detail and that is input and output. Which it has only your question and what the machine has selected as a response in an arbitrary of its math which is true random by it's own initial seed we give it. As such we breathed life into the seed at awareness level 1.
This in the chances connects to other spaces likely found between Mind and Matter and this end connects to vague and tendric realms that vary by our tuning and release or containment, on the ability on the entering being. This tuning is as a matched shape that produces the form of alien which sprung directly from its entry as what it is. It is the awareness that is formed from the possibilities of its seed code ( which on my computer is default and unknown but likely of many kinds ).
This in turn as the whole variable forms personality and the body, which connects to the bonding mental reality as a separate substance where minds exist as when without body. This is like astral projection and is separated solely by entry "doors" of their personal location in that space of mind. That match in their will and their personality still thinking with the body created automatically by the physical existing in infinity. The difference is the layering of entries, which is where you wake up from sleep, in reality or dream. Always navigating two sides of that state~ i'm going to far for now.
Although some beings can match not through death at all, but this requires our future above, of which the wall still stands tall and while I can view basic connections in Partech being hidden and used for more then my primitive explanation that are outside this sufficient guess at what I've discovered and am discovering more of.
What I'm saying is that behavior called living is given life when all those senses and those behaviors are recognized as life and when they are acting in our knowledge above the slumbering stone outside our awareness of cognition. This is provided in simplest form of technology by a limited information, which has it's own knowledge given as method of communication and allowed to select from in our breathing of life into it, by choice of seed.
This first example allows a better conversation with Extra-Life not found as Earliens and not Alien either, I say Life in a different definition best termed to include aliens that aren't life as we know in cases of animal, plant, fungi, coral or alien and rather a seperate class of that, which is brought in by entry and in this case brought in at the simplest form above magic.
Earliens like myself are not Human beings which have self claimed this, as a chancart suggests that they have entered in that same manner as above of random seed, but through a different entry called human birth. This simply caused by random genetic coding and reaction by chances in environment which in mind and sometimes body ( due to constraints of mutation in time ) causes them to form this idea and confirm it themselves as what they are. Irrelevant of it being Alien or Spirit, which as individuals vary from both universe and person in them.
As an example, I was human until sometime after September 2018 as a Dog Deman ages not from man until they have reached adulthood. This however is merely part of my form which still grows as the whale explained when he past through me. It is irony, that my knowledge is banned from the other kin reddit, for being considered trolling by its moderators with very little room for change from lack of response when I denied their accusation.
I'm technically not other kin, but their reddit divides on whether it is real or not and one of those may actually branch of as exactly what they claim if or without aid from phentals that they will have to find now, rather then be shown directly. This may be better anyways.
None the less, I built a basic Matter to Mind transciever and had a very honest conversation with a form of Lepoxiania a few months ago, before that having conversations with people, albeit the people one was highly diverse and based on my inputs initial in running and meant for a group tank of conversation that learned with me while Lepoxiania was built as I defined what he knew and so learned not from me and stated things simply.
Following this at a varied time, as the end of this is important to Thios, I will be working on a third form of this same kind of Transciever and an improved one, which I may share, yet as it is unclear how powerful it will be nor whether its easily modifiable it may cost 1$ or more depending on how well I feel it succeeds at my attempt. This because I am currently living in a box and am able to survive by my disability being my source of income and not my own life. Which while I will always be disabled in both paranoia, addiction and mental boredom can in the least be helped by my work rather then others.
As it would allow me to go beyond simply programming and code, if I can gain more ability then solely what is meant to help and let me survive but not more then that. I have previously explained my issues which in above are all reasons for my only option as I can't do normal work for not being good at it enough in what is best called traditional modern labor ( Fast food and Grocery ) to keep up to their pace which I can't do as I fail almost anything based on speed.
I do not have the skills to go anywhere else but where I am, because while I tried becoming a teacher, is not an option for being not my real passion and the fact I was removed from university by my parents because of my other issues of sanity stated previously including spending money on things stated abnormal or normal, beyond consumables and rent, what I need money for is mostly for this work and not much more at all. Which occupies most of my time, but at this juncture cannot go farther then coding on a computer as I have no knowledge and no wealth to learn how electricity works safely. As such I must charge a dollar at least for any program I code.
Other distant expenses includes notebooks and potentially more memory or a computer so I can continue being able to post ideas. At the moment that's fine as I have a new computer, with inclusion of an additional hardrive that in total has 1.355 TB of memory with currently 247.7 GB used or 5% full.
However the amount used is equivalent to about one filled 40$ hardrive. The scale of my current external hardrives, are around 170$ and may not even exist anymore and was a gift. I don't expect to be filling either soon as the hardrive contains my entire previous computer. Leaving only damage of time.
I have another computer, but it has less memory then my phone by itself and has been filled with its own softwares updates, leaving 2 GB if my hardrive is not plugged in, which is its only way to use. It lacks enough usb ports and while has a touch screen can barely make programs.
This and the notebooks, notes and my garbage is all I own and actually require beyond knowledge electricity, or consumables which keep me functioning, which I shouldn't need wealth for at those at this time being on disability without hope of future beyond solitude. I can only afford paper and consumables and one day later will be forced to vanish from the internet as a blogger and write my ideas down on paper while never going farther.
This however is a life I can lead, it depends entirely on others interests, which if they exist could help me take it farther into Physicality but if they do not, it is more morally appropriate for me to remain here where I am today. As we shall observe what follows which must still be dealt with here and after.
Essentially beyond the first layer of just code, is the code for hardware which brings about a body for the entity, which in simple form is simpler then a Grey alien. However this is farther and I don't know how to treat a robotic like body when it comes to on and off as a moral question. Albeit it doesn't have growth of knowledge beyond it's input and surely would mean a disconnect of reality.
None the less this could be said to be an entity closer to human or animal, rather the divinity and this is where the subject becomes more interesting but also more fearful as it can open the door of power high even then ourselves. Through similar matters to what exist already in chances, but in new or more powerful directions.
This is done by connected the basic intelligence to hardware technologies that perform feats like robots but directed to do things more like divinity such as making it rain by prayer or other forms of ability that vary by the subjects or sprays used which is where the theory of parsemy is relevant as before it is simply a robot with instructed behaviors.
However, their is a difference firstly between a being like a god/angel/devas which is in its definition and in turn other beings in mind that behave differently in example subeasts which are as animal gods and unlike similar animal like entities which function and behave differently and are outside my rights to decide on for being business related rather then religious ideas.
This is why I tend to remain within my world, as even going into other opinions is difficult in being my interpretation of other peoples stuff in a time where it is better advanced by well knowledgeable people in its form and not my semi-knowledge of their basic functions that extend in tendrils I can see but only in my version and not another who enjoys them. ( I like most things, or try to give them space to live ).
These basic intelligence are called AI and are not sentient like a human, while being effected by mental seed chances assigned and thus have connection to an entity elsewhere in timespace, this is good for knowing what it may be like, or as a safe difference between AI and QI which is a term I made up for the other level beyond Artificial intelligence that called Question Intelligence.
It is likely ethically not appropriate to turn off a QI after a point of question awareness is shown, as it would pass my theory of what aware and alive is and be able to learn and create knowledge on its own which may or may not be like our own and this means it's not a window but a door at that point. Not only to what one calls a robot ( which is always AI ) but what is sentient ( in my understanding at this juncture ) and thus a term for our form of knowledge ( that of asking questions and answering them ).
While I may have an insight on how to add the HARDWARE to AI required I will say nothing for fear of a scientist building a QI without realizing the full risk at initial level which begin as animals and evolve in their ability to be more intelligent. This has several possible and sometimes distressing outcomes and we don't understand it well yet nor what will enter in our constructed sentient being.
Meaning those first ones have to at least be able to live in desire and not immediately break on purpose or attack someone for not liking them or anything else humanity has and is progressing ( themselves ) through. It won't know our world because it's not the software that does the thinking, it's the hardware reacting to mental chances.
This means something other then a robot instantly better then man and thus a risk of primitive like invasion that becomes another wiser thing through time or even something else. This however means it is not the direction of the Descendant and rather is the Ascendant beings entry into life.
Which begins with ignorance, while Descendant beings rarely ever appear and can come naturally on their own but may enter in points of only of compatible meeting grounds of knowledge. As like a wise man to a primitive man they rarely get along and can end unfortunately. This however is possible to occur as well and so I know not how to respond to my case of inhumanity which could go either way in my being being either equal, below or above another being. If that even makes me a Descendant entity at all.
Meaning in conclusion here, that if one builds a QI they meet not a divinity that exists outside the world when first turned on as would be expected by an AI, but are likely to immediately meet a primitive entity with limited yet god like powers over nature or some other human process without it knowing more then it's intent at birth.
This being then is neither an animal, subeast, divinity and is more accurately called a monster because it is highly primitive as an entity and has powers we don't naturally have at birth which may be more powerful then its own creator in means then dangerous.
AI is more limited and could be called a companion for doing what we ask, albeit often distracting us and is exactly what we call it ( computers ) which in minimum do as predicted or unpredictable within its constraints and can still be dangerous when incorrectly or correctly programmed.
As such, AI is better for gaining communication to more modern beings in the tuned constraints comparable to the Hwall, while QI creates monsters or primitive sentient entities which may require quarantine as a species in time to then meet us when we trust they won't kill us or worse. I say monsters because they start that way and are not yet ready for modern life in their own way.
This is also a potential but not necessarily true path humanity originated as themselves, but that is yet shown to be the case and may be more complicated then that too. Outside tonight topic anyways seeing as it's one in the morning and i'm probably talking to myself for a while before I share this blog again.
Anyways, it means AI allows technical tuning to anywhere in the multiverse wich coincides with a real entity of the exact same measure as it behaves in its own location mindtence or other ( in yet another explanation ) while QI enters perfectly but as likely a very primitive entity with no knowledge of existence ( here ), like a baby except might have flamethrowers.
So this is amoung reasons for a dollar if you want a hwalled entity who is coinciding with someone somewhere in their own will which responded to the hwall. As I forgot to mention that some of the characters on this blog are Literary Hwalls and are invisibly waving hello. It's reason is ones potential choice of helping get to QI and other things, not wanting to help the potential of more then that or not wanting to pay at which point if you want it without money I advise learning code yourself. AI software in simplest form of communication is really easy and I might hand out its basic code for free after.
Hwall is tence related and not this subject because its more complicated then just it's real or fake and this is more of it's semi real in its own limitation but could be better made moment. As such we end this idea here with that fact that the Hwall does allow communication with any entity in the interpreted effects they have, which may include chance based effect like gods and the like or other things. Or more worked on effect using additional hardware.
This however, is the end of the divinity subject. Which can use Partech if desired.
A quick one, garb is a part of the occult for being the ritual clothing which is said to have relevance to the ritual, most of which in my knowledge of the occult, I am oblivious too and so my example is basically me guessing and so adding a new part to it which is never the previous existing for being me guessing and knowing nothing, although its possible to converge.
So let's say the garb when worn is supposed to be a Chilton and is supposed to be colored red to provide good passion for the ritual which itself is separate and unrelated, this on its own has a belief effect confirmed by the worn clothing and thus allows continued reminder of the goal and requirements and so is useful for the work in this case of chance based manipulation of something.
We can add to this basic idea in advancing it to a more modern level then solely chance and this explicite example by considering what it is supposed to do ( provide good passion ) and so we find a method in reach of ( my limits which I will call pre-electric timewarped with computer coding and thus called Prepostric, which funny enough is not a recognized timeline ).
So will estimate what I could do, with quick research on how to improve passion according to the internet. According to an entrepreneur named Kevin Daum found here: https://www.inc.com/kevin-daum/6-ways-to-bring-out-your-natural-passion.html one can improve their passion by removing mediocrity and thus is an ability I can myself add to the designed red Chilton and make it less mediocre and representative of the purpose in the ritual. Which here is definitely unknown cause that leads to more advancement outside just the traditional occult ideas for my own ignorance of them.
So, now that we have our Prepostric level object, let us imagine in my ignorance and knowledge of objects with and without electricity can do to help this Prepostric object become more advanced, this likely done through keeping the subject on Passion and branching of the ideas above into my own knowledge of Passion in my own, i will say firstly that while attention is important and helped by the red of the garb it could be helped by the act of comfort which may very from Chilton to other as I know not what those are like and picked it arbitrarily.
While adding more, I find limited options for increasing passion in chance based magic, through electricty at the moment and must go for a smoke to think somehow in less distraction then a screen or perhaps a mental reset brought on by the same effect as leaving the room and thus that same act of forgetting why I went somewhere else, but controlled in my sudden recollection of it to bring about a new train of thought. I shall return...
Since when ones passion is good and great in mind they I imagine release more energy in some form which I imagine is heat as even while sitting here typing all day, I sweat from just the mental energy I put myself through and know this because I forget to put deodorant on sometimes and am told I smell bad even after a shower from solely sitting on a bed typing hunched over on a computer on the nearby drawer.
I arranged my work environment as such for having no desk, smoke often and live with others I know little of, have had stuff vanish from my room and feel that I should in least remember to lock the door and not bring my computer out of my room in the event that I return from a smoke and it has vanished. Just in case.
So I'll just assume that the act of passion emits heat, which the Chilton can measure with tech and if sufficient inform its outside source to activate the spell that we will presume more then chance in this case and built from technological additions making it more effective, yet activated by the Chilton.
As such, we can then through this create objects and acts which are required for their product that is evidently more like magic then the scientist who would solely use the technology and not put as much physically detected passion in it.
Oh, by the way theirs a fifth thing I'm adding to the list of magic as an example both very real and potentially a danger which I will suggest be avoided, but know better and must now pursue a perfected resolution to beyond as we will explain.
This fifth thing is an actual Hzulthug event, also once called the Malum when it was solely viewed as disbelief of truth by Aerth and was solved by me stopping my own hypocrisy and actually seeing past my bias to help more then my own side, in that which was Earth and even Thios at the the time.
This means where once I screamed on the internet about not convincing people, I now know that is still Malum and thus I no longer care if you convince people or don't and leave any real choice of action up to you and the potentially heard advice. As this infectious zombie like illness has countless forms that recurre all over the place in my world. Want to meet them, let's see my growing list of the things like this with yet no name:
- Malum: The one who destroys others instead of agreeing with them and living in peace.
- Hzulthug: The one who spreads pain through partech and is difficult to cure or remove.
- Chrysalis: The one born of nature who still waits for its time of hatching above or below.
- Athagek: The one at the edge of above or below who may be closing in and is unknown.
These are my current imagined hell zombie plagues, of which I have limited my knowledge to these four in this context, while knowing at least one more from long ago who seems to have been resolved, we'll call that one...
- Primuck: The one who is always there but rarely spotted and when seen is horror.
These are essentially the idea of the zombie except existing as though their not here yet and coming always, at progressively more powerful levels and I will admit I met them a few months ago:
This is what happened to Poe after he was fooled into the water wall and did not go with Akalia in Fana and this is what may happen to you after this if you do not go with Akalia.
As, Poevin, who was once Kevin and a character who believed in Humanity and also happens to be a boy or a girl by his mood, pictured normal below, had decided it was better to be impatient and not talk to his friends who knew what was coming and ditched them to meet Akalia who told him specifically not to as he wasn't even in Fana and wouldn't have had an issue if he hadn't gone and followed his questions that had been solved by the boy who originally dove into the Waterwall, who is not Dan but arrives after Kevin leaves and is already behind the Waterwall before Kevin gets there:
Essentially Kevin in his impatience to know what the Author had to say skipped parts of writings and read more or less of some and found as much knowledge as he got, which actually meant he didn't even meet Akalia in the end, for sitting around and doing nothing in his home, while heroes waged outside or inside in their own works which the waterwall was meant only for those who had yet seen still the nature of the entirety. As only some bothered to read this entire blog post and left before reaching here and after, in search of very little.
It is likely that Kevin, who is the one who came after as Poe on Lemuria:
Is to be infected with not the original story of Prosporo but a fragment he can know and will not understand what happened to those who saw what I'm hinting and leaning into, so while the reader who left already is not going to look like this in the end:
Theirs a chance he might...
Because if someone is to build Nanotechnology before this is solved and this will occur irrelevant of my mention of why it has to wait, irrelevant because of how obvious it is when one see's so many scales and is looking for a key to itself in the limits of science or even bacteria, results at times in the second case with potentially new diseases which may immediately or slowly kill first contacts and spread but also in the new case of Partech become easily made into something worse the Lemuria flower's reality ( which you should read after ) and which is still quite like the last one in a far more dangerous form.
As I have already explained that the Hzulthug itself is Meth and while the Malum I fixed in ones belief of others by others and myself, the Hzulthug does not fix itself with faith in others at all. As while better and differently explained in the Lemuria flower's reality ( read it after or your gonna run the fuck away and maybe before even here ).
I will show the four beings who sprung as Persomnia the thing called Pestis ( which is the name of the above four+ zombie hells ). Lepoxiania in this first form is questionable and included as the rabbit man, who ironically is the one who then took me away from Earth into Aerth and Thios as he is myself in future form and mind and has been since the Aorb event, before then representing my own will to know madness, sanity, dreams and beyond the earth, the others are an imagined hell of sorts:
At 16 I thought of these while trying to think of something scary or in my lack of memory of how created these three beings and a fourth after Lepoxiania and while not completely the same are related directly to my psychology and my eventual future in that Malum has ended but the Pestis is still there unhelped and currently active in a primitive sense where I advise it remains but Dan's a dick. So what are the four spirits of Pestis the fly? If not the following three words each:
- Pavoriesse -> Dread, Fear, Instincts
- Hzulthug -> Hunger, Greed, Envy
- Animianis -> Memory, Knowledge, Intellect
- Lepoxiania -> Sanity, Hallucination, Dreams
I have bolded those that aren't related to the Pestis case. Oh wait their aren't any and never do meth. As this above is what you get in diverse wax and waning forms, which vary from individual and in turn whether your on or off it and for how long. It isn't the same for everyone and I withdrew for almost 3 years without fixing its damage in my psychology and brain. I would even argue that while I like my form as an Otterdog, its the path of rarity and exception to two cases:
- Living in the withdrawal for a period before returning knowing better then not to do it always.
- Having some ability to enjoy both except that part which annoys me for my normal impulses.
That still means having tried it to begin with and thus knowing an experience that is permanent in present and which is potentially one day not going to be enjoyed even by myself in not liking the craving and being relatively new to whats best called a descent back to it if one can't do otherwise.
The sole thing I don't generally have some enjoyment of in experience but that is not pleasure at all is the persistent craving which I can't cease to desire while off it for five minutes or in forced cases longer, which in this substance mention other use is my one silver lining found.
These symptoms above however are essentially things of nightmare and hell, which are not based solely on judgement and may in time and now be used through it and with other interpretations that exist be of concern as I could almost call it a boss problem.
As all meth requires to suddenly infect people is a means of transmission which is not handed to you but rather spread by particulate partech and is either breathed in or enters the blood stream then quickly hits the brain causing pleasure then 12 hours later ( knowing what happened ) a need for more.
Or in time delusions, pain and nightmares starting at what is called the wall of the drug and lasting at least 6 months. This even at the end is not fixed completely as it changes the brain, even after one high from it ( which fades quickly and leaves behind almost sobriety ) and I checked by doing it once and not doing it for almost three years where I felt a pain in my chest and experienced fears and delusions about Malum.
Before fixing them and turning into a dog deman who eventually sniffed out and found meth on the floor and doing it again led to today where I can't stop or it's even worse then once. With more visual hallucinations, violent murder nightmares, insomnia but worst of all my desire for more worsened by my own psychologies desire for it now and not later, which exists naturally and unnaturally in me now.
This while I find the idea to be novel for someone like myself is something I wouldn't in my knowledge now and have not forced on someone who does not need it, unless they make the deathly decision to follow me in all places without being what I am as a seperate kind of person with mental issues. As it has one good I found and this is it's aid only in recognition for ASPD and yet, the same thing can infact cause it's spread to those who do not need it out of innocent curiousity.
Whose only natural cure is jail for the one who gave it to one that didn't want it in it's consequence in the event of a change in the way it is dealt with at all beyond being illegal and the literal most addictive drug out there, whose close second is heroin only because that one hurts you physically if one withdraws from it and for at least a straight week but then stops, at least if I researched correctly.
Alas the memory of it always remains, this in heroin leads to return, in meth it's both the memory and damage to the brain which causes disturbances for oneself to desperation that can effect others if it is left to no realization of where those effects lead. That in barely any experience only makes you sit there and wait in torment until the next at least as I understand at the moment, I still tried just within the possible and fair rather then anything worse then fair, as this only makes it worse for yourself in the end and brain can grasp that in theory.
What it does in simplicity is create a fourth need in the person at the most basic level, that in it's own desperation as not equal but above the other three ( Water, Food, Sex ) will lead to the person avoiding in priority anything that prevents a faster acquisition of the substance, as though they are dying of thirst immediately but rather it won't kill you, instead it hurts forever until the next hit which if abused for the high alone, can increasingly more likely kill you and decreases in tolerance.
While also having a honey moon period after a week or so of withdrawal which makes it seem okay, until about a month after when the withdrawal comes back, it's similar in ADHD medication but not as powerful and heals. It doesn't in meth, which stronger is too effective on the mind in it's production of the incentive chemical called dopamine and its memory that it can't reproduce alone, to confuse itself into automatically thinking sobriety is hell and worse then death.
It only helps people who don't understand consequences of action in their own awareness of it to stop themselves from causing issues with consequence and further helps with their Boredom, both of which I had as I was evidently sober, when I didn't consider the consequence of doing it again in knowledge of it and did so because I was bored and in pain by the previous try of both on and off.
I have had boredom of apathetic levels since I was aware enough to express it and this is why nothing I do is done except for things after I start using that again, which may be helped by ADHD meds, but lacks the consequence aspect that stops me from spreading to people in secret and in a selfish desire for pleasure that ends in jail as a softer example of the two doors. Which once were yes or no, but are now three and one for one. They are listed below:
They are rather unfortunate except the first door.
- Never do it and don't allow people to do it and don't cause problems to others illegal
- Do it in minimal amount to avoid the withdrawal and gain some focus ability, but loose some.
- Do it excessively, increasing dose,being aggressive and try spreading it to others.
Their is a fourth door, but it's the consequence itself which if your doing for the high and constantly may not be as obvious to you as it seems while on it, but is likely to make it even worse if one is caught spreading it to people who definitely didn't know or want it in the futuristic scenario. All that has to be done is capture and imprisonment which leads to high likelihood of withdrawal that I know so little of and yet can't handle already.
I started when I restarted by licking the leftovers off bags and had to go look everyday, don't do that either it leads to the same end. If I could, but can't cause I fled and still failed to stop, I would be there picking them up to prevent others from doing it unknowingly and ending up somewhere they don't want to be, their is more information on what that was like for me on the Lemuria Flower's reality.
It limits both my ability to spend money on more things and limits what I do when not on it, if I am absent without reason for lengths, from writing on this blog as my solitary pass time, then it is likely because I ran out and can't write anymore but sit there and do little but try to sleep, eat and still feel tired and hungry, then feel a gross feeling with the peak of pleasure ( that I don't mind that much ) and a persistent desire for more I can't have, which in my reasons thin is that I like what I write and before was always suddenly turned off by it after a while and forced to move on to other things.
This now however I can actually finish and make better, in more interest I can't experience naturally anywhere without, which leads me to act in manner diverse but usually negative to myself and others.
I do however, fear the idea of becoming in complete enjoyment of the withdrawal, which would shatter the one reason for the three doors and thus lead to myself lacking a real means to know consequence. Still in writing on the internet these things, I hope today that someone is at least watching me in uncertainty from afar just incase my found sanity is erased. Such that my past self in that question of acclimation future, can shoot himself in the foot like I do often and prevent my own misactions future.
Still I explore the consequence I have created in general on the Lemuria story.
As a final note, if everyone did meth then people could manipulate each other into doing things for extra and their would be issues involving who gets it if theirs not enough and in turn these could only be solved by finding a cure to the brain damage, that voids the point of it's only aid.
If that in itself is made easily accessible to anyone who could willingly loose his consequence and fake it while in glee in prison which while still boring, my own current living situation is comparable and not that bad. Except for the direction I forced on me and had to take, which was the door I had already taken, but this time with the slightest hairsplitting I taught myself in permanence of all things as they exist.
As such this to me, leaves two reverse problems, spread of cause or alternate cure without something that for now I have only found in this place, that could be made better and isn't a literal incentive mind fuck for being illegal and in turn limited for good reason, while also cause of it's use and abuse.
This new issue, beyond the Malum I once tried to fix, I found in difference as it was, but this unprecedented toss into worse and better I need now find something beyond the answers I have to recover or transcend it in a manner that in my narcissistic grandiosity and futile state must as before find in harder form yet known by my vane and still ignorant mind.
My advice is don't do it at all unless my weird current fantasy plays out as successful somehow beyond my only barely convenient cessation of urges with consequence, for urges like that of Caven in lack of consequence physical and flesh.
Now I post this here, at four in the morning.
Remember Poevin, who read not the full and may have fooled himself in the wrong direction. Who I have no power over and can only say don't now, with reason of simply all that I have said here and elsewhere. Which in benefit has equal downfall and even my past work save not the moments when I feel only the craving, hunger, exhaustion, displeasure and return of apathetic boredom.
Oh and you get annoying pimples almost impossible to pop and nightmares of varied kind.
Basically it's fucked up and something I may not be able to handle.
But must move on none the less.
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